Wednesday, December 18, 2019
What Is Milk - 1670 Words
What is milk? Milk is the first food we taste. It is therefore associated with comfort and strength. We live in a milk consuming society where infants, adolescents, and adults drink milk. Milk sales reach eleven billion dollars annually in the United States alone (McDougall). Incredible advertising campaigns, such as â€Å"got milk?†portray celebrities and beautiful, healthy people who ensure us that milk is essentially good for us. In 1999 alone, this campaign cost one hundred and thirty million dollars and raised sales by 0.7 percent (Nestle 79). Other forms of advertising for milk and its imperative importance in our daily lives, include page long ads constructed as articles on accredited magazines, such as The New York Times, claiming†¦show more content†¦First of all, none of the authors spoke of cows milk as an excellent food, free of side effects and the perfect food as we have been led to believe by the industry. The main focus of the published reports seems to be on intestinal colic, intestinal irritation, intestinal bleeding, anemia, allergic reactions in infants and children as well as infections such as salmonella. More ominous is the fear of viral infection with bovine leukemia virus or an AIDS-like virus as well as concern for childhood diabetes. Contamination of milk by blood and white (pus) cells as well as a variety of chemicals and insecticides was also discussed†¦ Many of these diseases can be accredited to the drugs that are found in milk. Today’s cows produce twenty five times more pounds of milk a year than twenty five years ago (Kradjian). This was achieved by giving the cows drugs, hormones, antibiotics, and forced feeding plans. When the FDA tested milk using very lenient standards, their data showed that fifty one percent of the samples had drug traces. This is why dairy products have been among the most recalled foods by the FDA due to contamination (McDougall). Unfortunately, today, this has even affecte d mothers’ milk, which can now be infected with pesticides (Kradjian). Pesticide residues are an important subject because they are directly linked to cancer and chronic fatigue. Also, hormone residues areShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Plastic Out Of Milk?1988 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Can you make plastic out of milk? Is it even possible? It’s true! Milk can be made into plastic. How? Well, all it takes is hot milk and a little bit of vinegar. The main protein found in milk is casein. First this student needs to find out how both plastics are formed, whom was their inventor, what are both plastics used for. There is a lot of background information of casein plastic and regular plastic that needs to be found. So lets get started. Casein Casein is a dairyRead MoreWhat Milk Really Do Our Body908 Words  | 4 PagesWhat Milk really do to our body We lived in myths for centuries long, but what milk really do to our body? 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When children are taught about the food pyramid, and what makes up a healthy diet, they are consistently told that th ey should drink milk, at least a glass a day, to make sure they grow up healthy and strong. Why are children told that milk is beneficial to them? If a random person on the street were asked, they would probably say â€Å"It’s because of the calcium. It makes bones stronger†. What most people do not knowRead MoreWhy You Should Stop Drinking Milk Now938 Words  | 4 PagesWhy You Should Stop Drinking Milk NOW Category: Health Wellness Tags: dairy milk, cows milk, synthetic hormones Teaser: If you new what was really in your milk, you may never want to drink it again. *Photo #1* (Photo courtesy Shutterstock) Article: A glass of milk contains some alarming ingredients including hormones, pus and antibiotics. Even if your milk is raw, unpasteurized and organic, with less contamination and processing than regular store-bought milk, it still contains hormones â€â€Read More Got Milk? Advertisement Analysis Essay1113 Words  | 5 PagesThis advertisement was found in the October issue of Cosmopolitan. â€Å"Got Milk†advertisements are seen in all types of magazines from sports to beauty, featuring many different kinds of celebrities selling their product. The product being sold in â€Å"Got Milk†advertisements is, of course, milk. They are trying to reinforce that the calcium in milk keeps bones strong and helps prevent osteoporosis. In this advertisement for milk irony is it’s secret weapon to get the point across. There is a green eyedRead MoreWhy Do People Make Me Drink Milk?984 Words  | 4 Pagesin the bus to make me drink milk. Since early day I have know n something was funny on drinking milk, maybe was my mother pushing it or maybe was my born instinct advising me that was not necessary for me to drink that. I grew up investigating my rejection of something is given to you from early states since you born to your finals days everybody is pushing something that seems abnormal to drink. Why I say abnormal? Because humans are the only living thing that drink milk from other species, whereRead MoreIs Milk Harmful Or Helpful For Humans?904 Words  | 4 Pages Milk: Not Only is it Good for your Bones, it may be Deadly Many believe that ingesting a certain amount of minerals and vitamins are an essential factor to living a long healthy life. It’s true, they are, without vitamins and minerals being a part of our daily intake people would eventually develop health conditions. That’s why as a young child you always heard your guardians hollar to drink your glass of milk so you can grow big and strong. 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