Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Diversity of the world’s population The WritePass Journal
Assorted variety of the world’s populace Presentation Assorted variety of the world’s populace IntroductionTranscultural NursingThe Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory by Madeleine LeiningerThe Sunrise EnablerThe Ethno-nursing MethodHolistic Nursing PracticeThe Theory of Environmental Adaptation by Florence NightingaleTranscultural Nursing versus All encompassing Nursing PracticeConclusionRelated Presentation Assorted variety of the world’s populace has arrived at a point where it is crucial to deliver and all the more significantly to comprehend, the regularly developing test that transcultural nursing stances to the nursing calling. Tending to this issue maintains a strategic distance from segregation and advances balance inside comprehensive nursing practice so as to address patients’ issues. Medicinal services experts ought to be able to convey, every day, capable consideration and delicate talented correspondence to socially various people (Maier-Lorentz, 2008). To practice proficient nursing in a reasonable manner all encompassing nursing care centers around physical, enthusiastic, social, ecological and profound viewpoints just as on the possibility that any individual associated with treatment care ought to be treated all in all and with nobility (Dossey Guzzetta, 2005). One of the zones to be talked about is Transcultural Nursing and Leininger’s Transcultural Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality and its examination empowering agents: the Sunrise Enabler and the Ethnonursing Method. Another territory will be Holistic Nursing Practice and Nightingale’s Nursing Theory of Environmental Adaptation just as the contact between Transcultural Nursing and Holistic Nursing Practice. Nightingale’s hypothesis has been picked over others since she was the first to recognize nurses’ work in a hypothetical system and furthermore on the grounds that she was viewed as the mother of nursing rehearses (Ellis, 2008). The advancement of culture care hypothesis brought medicinal services experts into another nursing measurement shaped by issues, for example, culture foundation, otherworldliness, condition and others that exhibited how culture and social insurance are connected (Leininger, 2002a). All encompassing Nursing Practice energizes dynamic correspondence and proportional comprehension, underlines the activity of physiological and psychosocial mindfulness, it depends on sensible reasoning and supports esteems, for example, self-sufficiency and patient wishes and inclinations (MacKinnon, 2010). Transcultural Nursing Transcultural nursing might be characterized as a technique to differentiate and see how people see human services, one-sided by their way of life foundation. The standards of rehearsing transcultural nursing are to give total nursing care to people or gatherings by approaching them with deference and considering their social components. It is tied in with nursing practice applied to social qualities and confinements (Leininger, 1991). Meanings of transcultural nursing join numerous elements that shape the individual’s social direction. These incorporate are age, sexual direction and money related angles. It has been proposed that by overlooking these culture foundation factors, medicinal services experts don't accomplish enough social experience to be joined in all encompassing nursing practice (Barnes et al. 2000). This nonattendance may prompt hazardous nursing care and both disappointed patients and experts (Curren, 2006 refered to in Leininger McFarland, 2006, pp.159-160). To advance transcultural nursing care, Narayan (2001) felt that there are four significant mentalities to accept mindful, compassion, receptiveness and adaptability. This shows the patients a social getting, gratefulness, thought and ability from human services experts that depend on singular consideration. Social instruction and the formation of socially able consideration experts are probably the greatest test yet to handle around the world. For example, in America, as the vagrant populace increments outstandingly so it does the requirement for decreasing disparities and boundaries, for example, language. Maier-Lorentz (2008) immovably comprehended that such a need could be met by the focusing of bilingual social insurance experts originating from various foundations. In addition, she proposed that so as to give socially capable nursing care, some information on non-vocal correspondence signs could be of extraordinary worth, for what it's worth in eye to eye connection, contact, quietness, space and separation, and human services propensities. Green-Hernandez (2004) suggested that as a stage towards multicultural competency, experts that need to manage ranchers ought to acclimate themselves with their particular traditions, for example, utilizing animal medicine for their own conditions as an outcome of living far away from the consideration organizations. To get culture, Andrews Boyle (1997) gave out various outlines. For instance, they proposed that by understanding a people’s axioms, experts may get a handle on information on the social qualities shared by that populace. The creators likewise focused on the significance of culture information when running over two unique approaches to see taking. For one culture it may not be worthy though for another, for example wanderer individuals, it might be alright, as long as it is originating from a superior off individual. Besides, they additionally found, through specialists, that various societies may feel that by being a requesting quiet, the treatment they get may improve. Riley (2004) revealed that a preeminent test for medical attendants in an ethnically extraordinary society is correspondence. Words as well as tone and volume structure spoken correspondence which in assorted societies varies significantly. For instance, Thai individuals are viewed as not going on and on as they trust it is an indication of foolishness though Cuban individuals are content with talking vociferously. He likewise called attention to that Europeans are not terrified of discussing feelings though Asians are reluctant to do as such. Concerning correspondence without words Riley (2004) clarified that eye to eye connection isn't constantly anticipated. For examples, in Native America and Asian societies it is hostile and among Muslim Arab ladies it is permitted uniquely to their spouses. In this manner, he recognized the significance for human services experts to be socially mindful. Phillimore (2011) investigated the test of arrangement of assorted variety needs in the UK dependent on considers done on human services administration arrangement to new vagrants, during 2007/08 in Birmingham. She expressed that with political powers needing to diminish government assistance support for new transients, such arrangement turns out to be a significant test. She likewise accepted that, over the long haul, this dismissing of social insurance needs will prompt further issues for the medicinal services framework that in any case could be kept away from by simply giving what is required now: social and language administrations and wellbeing support. It was additionally proposed that in today’s political atmosphere offering of ethnically explicit arrangement by the network and for the network, brings about the nearby needs not being met, as the current GP frameworks are as of now overstretched. She inferred that various transients are sentenced to an unwelcoming future since UK appears to grasp an inclination of hostile to vagrant assessment and a transition to network foundation rather than multicultural arrangement (Phillimore, 2011). The Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory by Madeleine Leininger In the 1950’s Madeleine Leininger, a medical attendant anthropologist, understood that nursing practice was requiring a hypothesis to permit individuals to change nursing into a further developed and useful order that provokes medical attendants to open up to social assortment and all inclusiveness (Leininger, 2006). This was created as a reaction to the interest for multicultural consideration which was monstrous but then inadequate the same number of social insurance frameworks didn't think about the requirement for uniting society and nursing care (Giger Davidhizar, 2008). The way of life care assorted variety and all inclusiveness hypothesis created by Leininger in 1991 (Leininger, 2002a) is one of a kind in that it centers around equipped consideration, can be utilized upon any culture and is put together with respect to people as well as gatherings and families as well. The hypothesis tends to the significance of a reliable social capability instrument to get social mindfulness through a steady learning demeanor and endorsement towards human contrasts and rights by medicinal services experts (Burford, 2001, refered to in Baxter, 2001, pp. 202-203). Leininger (2002a) demanded the significance of transcultural information as a device to maintain a strategic distance from human acts, for example, the occasion of September 11, 2001. She at that point proposed the way of life care hypothesis as the most comprehensive way to deal with slowly change the wellbeing framework. This truly necessary change requires comprehension of people in manners that distinguish and regard their social foundation and will lead us to see such transcultural consternation. The hypothesis was utilized in an examination among Hispanic home consideration patients in the US, 2007, so as to distinguish social needs. Accordingly, care conveyance improved in certain territories and there was a recommendation portraying the utilization of the model as a device to decrease costs in the social insurance framework (Woerner et al. 2009). Leininger’s hypothesis applies not exclusively to races from various foundations yet additionally to today’s disputable gatherings, for example, transgendered individuals, crippled individuals , the adolescent, destitution and the destitute that may represent a specific level of trouble of comprehension to human services experts. There is likewise an understanding that, on account of Leininger’s culture care hypothesis, the nursing calling today realizes how to take into consideration culture when taking care of people and has a generally spreadâ caring way of thinking in medical clinics (Clarke et al. 2009). For this model to help the social insurance expert to comprehend factors as significant as the executives and strategies, just as having the option to think about their choices and activities, Leininger planned two
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Riordan Manufacturing
Riordan Manufacturing Riordan PAGE * MERGEFORMAT 1Riordan ManufacturingJ.Enriquez, R.Graves, and G.SweattMGT/3603/15/11Vicki BauerAbstractThis paper will sum up destinations, targets, and projects distinguished as significant for Riordan Manufacturing to improve its supportability rehearses. Applicable innovations, techniques, items, and practices will be distinguished. At that point, a money saving advantage examination will be performed on the proposed arrangements. At last, the three accepted procedures that Riordan Manufacturing should execute will be identified.Riordan ManufacturingRiordan Manufacturing might want to utilize supportability activities. Since funds are critical to the accomplishment of the organization, however the toughness of every activity, it is imperative to think about the expense of the execution against the potential prizes. There are a few procedures that will permit Riordan to decrease vitality reliance, all the more appropriately discard squander, and reduce their general un favorable effect on the earth while setting aside cash in the process.Objectives and ProgramsRiordan Manufacturing would profit vigorously from executing manageability initiatives.Riordan Mansion, FlagstaffThis was made to answer the administration demand logged by Hugh McCauley, COO of Riordan. The orders of this administration demand were additionally point by point by Maria Trinh, CIO of Riordan. In a notice dated September 10, 2004, she stated:The essential objectives of the venture are:* Document current environment* Forecast of business innovation needs in next five years* Recommendations on frameworks incorporation, acquisitions and consolidationsBased on these objectives, the Operations office has distinguished territories of Riordan's business that will yield a noteworthy cost advantage whenever modified and improved:* insufficient data being shared between clients, deals, money, fabricating, and management.* Customers can't put arranges direct without human association at Riordan's workplaces. Clients can't organization during non-business hours at this time.* No constant stock framework. Zero ability to see into completed item and crude material stock...
Thursday, August 20, 2020
I waited waaaay too long to get a new computer
I waited waaaay too long to get a new computer My old computer and I had a complicated relationship. We spent three years together, and they were three of the most formative years of my life. I bought my computer off eBay in 2015, right before going off to college. A secondhand Lenovo ThinkPad T420. 4.78 pounds, supposedly indestructible, and according to the Internet a solid development machine. It had been retrofitted with an i7 processor, 256 GB of SSD storage, and 16GB of RAM (those are solid specs, in case youre not a computer person) and I paid around $450 for it, which is like way less than what I would have paid for a new computer with comparable specs. Also it ran Windows 7 which was cool because I was not about to use Windows 8. We had some really good moments, my old computer and I. That laptop submitted my first coding pset at MIT and every pset afterwards for three years. It ran my first programs in Python, Java, and C++. It delivered my first internship offer. It was with me the first time I went abroad and has been to as many countries as I have. I trained neural networks, wrote a dynamic language compiler, and designed a poster for my first conference on that laptop. I even composed my first blog post on its screen. It also screened a lot of the Great British Bake Off. There it is while I was working on my costume design homework from a few semesters ago. We definitely had some dicey moments as well. There was the time I dropped it down the back of my bed onto the tile floorand it survived with nary a banged-up battery. Or that time in 6.01 lab (thats the introductory class in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) when someone picked up my computer and walked away with it because it was basically the same model as the ones in the lab. Or the time I tried to install Ubuntu and instead deleted the boot drive (the software that turns on the computer) because I followed stupid advice on the Internet and ended up bricking it, and then had to go to MITs tech support desk who told me that they couldnt fix it and I was out of luck, and then they took it into a back room and came back with it working like new anywayand then I did not attempt to install Ubuntu on it ever again. But recently, the bad moments started to outnumber the good ones. There was the realization that the amazing new Bluetooth noise-cancelling headphones that Id gotten from a summer internship would not connect to my much older laptop. Or the time I went to a company info session and was trying to submit the attendance form on my last few percentage points of battery and it look five minutes to boot up and connect to WiFi and then five minutes for the form to load fully and then I hit submit and the computer died. Or the time it took multiple hours to get a simple piece of software (the Heroku CLI, if youre curious) working on Windows for a research projector the time I spent literally ten hours trying to get a piece of hardware to play nice with it for a class projector the time I tried to do some machine learning on it and it took soooooo loooooong to run that I spent the rest of the evening setting up a computer in the cloud instead and I was behind on the rest of the mountain of wo rk I had to door the time I told someone I was an MIT Computer Science student and they shot an incredulous look at my laptop. Finally, last summer, I reached a breaking point. Id spent the summer working with a brand-new itty-bitty laptop for my internship. It was so light that sometimes I had to take off my backpack and check that it was still in there. I went weeks without touching my ThinkPad. And then one day I had to open it to, I dont even remember, buy some plane tickets or send an email or something, and in between picking up the computer, all ~5 pounds of it, and connecting to Gmail (which was a longer period than you might think), I decided that it was time for us to part ways. And sohellooooooooooooooo from my new laptop! Its NEW and it weighs 2.62 POUNDS and it TURNS ON INSTANTLY and it has UBUNTU!!! This is what Ubuntu looks like God its such a relief I cant even tell you. This week, I installed the Heroku CLI (which took like 2 hours with the last laptop) and it took all of two minutes. I almost cried tears of joy. My new machine is a Lenovo Yoga 730 (the newest model :O). Its got an i5 processor with 256GB SSD and 8GB of RAM. I bought it new with Best Buys student discount because I didnt want to deal with a refurb. Its also got a touch screen and it folds into a quasi-tablet (hence the name Yoga) but honestly I dont use the feature that much, except for sometimes pretending Im reading papers on an iPad. I went for another Lenovo because people generally seem to like them, and also my Dad and brother recently got new Yoga 720s and seemed to really like them. Also it was way cheaper than a comparable Mac. I think I paid $730 + tax. But getting the new computer was only half the battle in the war for a pain-free development environment. The computer came with Windows 10 as the operating system. Windows is pretty decent for web browsing and making presentations and word editing and stuff, but its not ok for coding. The Windows command line (that little black and green window that you see in 80s movies, which is the primary and most powerful way that software developers interface with the computer) is totally different from the command line of a Mac or Ubuntu computer, which is what most developers use. To the point that on my old ThinkPad, I had installed two different command line programs whose only job was to mimic Ubuntu. To further illustrate, one time for a class I went to a tutorial where the TA was doing an introduction for how to code in C++, and he asked the students what operating system we were using, and I was the only one who had Windows, and he literally just looked at me and said Im sorry. This is what the Windows command line looks like So Step 2 was to dual-boot. Thats where you install two different operating systems on your computerin my case, Windows and Ubuntu. I attempted dual-booting shortly after buying the computer, so that just in case I messed up again I could just do a clean reinstall of Windows without losing anything. But this time, I managed to install Ubuntu without ruining anything!!! There was a lot of trouble-shooting involved, and I made sure I understood what I was doing while I was doing it, but it worked! In fact, Im writing this post from inside my Ubuntu command line. :) (I actually wrote up sort of a guide on how I dual-booted, so I wouldnt forget and so that my brother could use it as a reference. This comes with a STRONG DISCLAIMER that this is quite specific to MY LAPTOP and you should NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS without understanding what you are doing, but in case its helpful and at your own risk heres the guide :D) Also, ironically, Im taking a class on Operating Systems this semester in which I learned intimately why deleting the boot drive last time was such a bad idea. My setup is so much better now. When I need to make a PowerPoint for my communication class or Skype someone (why do people still use Skype?) I open up the Windows part of my laptop. When I want to work on research or technical homework, I open Ubuntu. I often go all day without having to charge. Also, did I mention how fast and light my computer is? Its so thinnnnnn I feel like I should end this post by giving some advice for selecting a good laptop, especially for freshmen who are looking for a good machine to bring with them to college. But honestly, reflecting on my experience with my ThinkPad and my new Yoga, Im not sure what the ideal strategy is for buying a college laptop. On one hand, purchasing an old refurbished computer was maybe not the best idea. Keeping it for so long was definitely not a good idea. I let my old, slow computer, which wasnt really equipped for the work I wanted to do on it, become a daily annoyance almost without realizing it. Even worse, it became an obstacle to doing research and homework efficiently. If youre going to do something hardlike being a Computer Science student at MITyou should give yourself the benefit of having the tools you need to get the job done. On the other hand, dropping a ton of money on a fancy machine before showing up to college, before you really know what youre going to need it for, before youre even sure what youre going to major in, does not seem smart either. Laptops are not cheap. Even my refurb was not cheap, and new machines with good specs can be exorbitant. And there does not seem to be common wisdom as to what kind of computer is ideal for an MIT student. I see a lot of Macs among Computer Science students, whereas I have heard from my friends studying Mechanical Engineering that they really need a Windows computer because design software like SolidWorks only runs on Windows. So I guess my advice would be to defer judgment, if possible. If you have a serviceable computer already, bring that for the first year or so. Or buy a moderately priced machine that you would be ok replacing in 2-3 years if you need to, once you have a better sense of your requirements. You may have noticed that the specs on my new computer are actually worse than those on my old laptop. Im ok with that because after three years of being a CS major, I have a much better sense of what my laptop needs to handle. I actually dont do a ton of intensive computation on my computer. If I need to do something intensive, like training a machine learning model or running a lot of data analysis, I will use my labs high-powered server or I will set up a computer in the cloud using Amazon Web Services. For my daily life, it was more important to me that my computer be light and hold a decent charge and boot up/connect to the Internet in a reasonable time frame and not do weird things like shut do wn randomly in the middle of my homework. Basically, I chose newness over specs. So if youre looking for a new computer, I wish you all the happiness that Im experiencing with mine :) Post Tagged #new computer
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Audrey Flack, Pioneer of Photorealism
Audrey Flack, born May 30, 1931, is an American artist. Her work, primarily painting and sculpture, has placed her at the forefront of pop art and photorealism. Fast Facts: Audrey Flack Full Name: Audrey L. FlackOccupation: ArtistKnown For: Pioneering the photorealist genre of art, particularly with portrayals of women, everyday objects, and moments in relatively recent history.Born: May 30, 1931 in New York CityNotable Works: Kennedy Motorcade (1964), Marilyn (Vanitas) (1977), World War II (Vanitas) (1978) Early Life and Education Flack was born in New York City in 1931, in the northern Manhattan neighborhood of Washington Heights. As a teenager, she attended a specialized arts public institution, the High School of Music and Art. Her formal art education began in 1948, when she began her studies at New York’s Cooper Union. Flack remained there until 1951 and was then recruited to Yale, largely thanks to the influence of German-American artist Josef Albers (who was then in charge of Yale’s art department). While at Yale, Flack continued developing her own style while being influenced by her teachers and mentors. In particular, her early work demonstrated an Abstract Expressionist style in the vein of Albers’ work. Flack graduated with her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1952. The following year, she returned to New York and studied art history for a year at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts. Abstract to Realism At first, Flack’s work in the 1950s was a clear offshoot of her training with abstract expressionists. She also embraced â€Å"kitschiness†in a self-aware, ironic way. However, as time went on, she began to feel that the abstract expressionist style she was utilizing was not achieving what she felt was an important goal: communicating with audiences. Because of this desire to create art that was clearer to viewers, Flack began moving towards realism. Portrait of artist Audrey Flack sits next to a painting of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy riding in the back of a limousine on the day he was assassinated.  Nancy R. Schiff / Getty Images She enrolled in the Art Students League (ASL), where she studied anatomy under the tutelage of Robert Beverly Hale, and began finding inspiration in artists from past eras rather than more recent movements. Her work began to be categorized in the â€Å"New Realism†movement, and, eventually, shifted all the way into photorealism, in which an artist attempts to reproduce a photographed image as realistically as possible in a different medium. Flack was one of the first students at the ASL to fully embrace photorealism and use photographs as reference for her work. Photorealism, in many ways, is a sister genre to pop art: depicting ordinary, mundane items, often as still-lifes that imitate the realism of photography as closely as possible. In 1966, Flack became the first photorealist painter to have work in the collection at the Museum of Modern Art. Increased Influence In some cases, Flack’s work moved past the typical still life paintings and depicted historical events. One of her most famous works is Kennedy Motorcade, November 22, 1963, which, as its title suggests, depicts a scene from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Her historical paintings, including her Vanitas works, often featured some kind of socio-political commentary. Her still life paintings often did as well; for instance, her paintings of female-coded items such as makeup and perfume bottles tended to involve some commentary on gender roles and constructs. Portrait of gallery owner Louis Meisel and artist Audrey Flack and her hyper-realist painting of Marilyn Monroe, New York, New York, March 10, 1978. Allan Tannenbaum / Getty Images In the early 1970s, Flack developed a new technique for her paintings. Instead of just using a photograph as a reference, she actually projected it as a slide onto the canvas, then developed an airbrushing technique to create the layers of paint. The 1970s also saw Flack paint her Vanitas series, which depicted everything from jewelry to scenes of WWII concentration camps. By the 1980s, however, Flack had switched her primary medium from painting to sculpture. She is entirely self-taught in sculpture, as opposed to her significant formal training in painting. There are also other significant differences in her sculptural works versus her paintings. For instance, where her paintings focused on ordinary objects or historical scenes, her sculptures tend to depict religious and mythological subjects. For the most part, women are depicted in her sculptures, representing somewhat idealized but imperfect and diverse variations on the female form and femininity itself. Contemporary Work In the 1990s and 2000s, Flack had a fair amount of work commissioned. At one point, she was commissioned to create a statue of Catherine of Braganza, the British queen after whom the New York City borough of Queens was named; the project met with several objections and was never completed. More recently, her statues Recording Angel and Colossal Head of Daphne (both completed between 2006 and 2008) were commissioned by and installed in Nashville, Tennessee. Audrey Flacks Recording Angel statue stands outside the Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville, Tennessee.  Raymond Boyd / Getty Images In more recent years, Flack has returned to her roots. Finding the photorealist movement rather â€Å"restricting,†she shifted back to Baroque influences. She wrote a book in 1986, collecting her thoughts on art and being an artist. Flack has also taught and lectured both in America and abroad. Currently, she is an honorary professor at George Washington University and a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She is based out of New York, where she splits her time between New York City and Long Island. Sources Blumberg, Naomi and Ida Yalzadeh. â€Å"Audrey Flack: American Painter and Sculptor.†Encyclopaedia Britannica,, Audrey. Art Soul: Notes on Creating, New York, Dutton, 1986.Morgan, Robert C. â€Å"Audrey Flack and the Revolution of Still Life Painting.†The Brooklyn Rail, 5 Nov. 2010,
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Misrepresentation Of Minorities For The Mainstream...
The misrepresentation of minorities for the sake of the mainstream film industry has existed since the foundation of the Hollywood industry. While the industry favors the white male as the ideal for audiences to cheer towards victory, those who once played both racist and stereotypical characters are now taking the opportunity to speak out against the mainstream ideal. Out of the several minority groups working to change the definition of mainstream media to favor minorities, â€Å"†¦ the recent expansion of Asian-American roles on television has paradoxically ushered in a new generation of actors with just enough star power and job security to speak more freely about Hollywood’s larger failures†(Hess). Unfortunately, the mainstream film industry seems to continually work against the sense of positioning minorities into leading roles, or much of any role in the big blockbusters Hollywood, and other mainstream productions, bank upon each year. The Asian male has lon g been the victim of racism, misrepresentation, and emasculation by the mainstream, and it continues to exist. Although, films are coming out, mostly from independent filmmakers, that counteract the racist Hollywood foundation, even if it’s in a very small degree. One film to have been held up as an opposition to this victimization of the mainstream film industry, Better Luck Tomorrow, directed by Justin Lin. By using an all Asian cast of young men to tell a coming of age story, Better Luck Tomorrow is praised forShow MoreRelatedLatino Gender And Gender Diversity1560 Words  | 7 Pagesfor only 4.9% of the roles in the top 100 films of the year. From the beginning, Hollywood had always been dominated by white men and women. However, as time progressed there was a very slight change in cultural and ethnic diversity. Though it is more likely now than ever to find a Latino or Latina in a Hollywood film, their roles are often small, stereotypical, and almost entirely unimport ant. As if it wasn’t hard enough to get any role in any Hollywood film regardless of ethnicity, Latinos have toRead MoreMedia s Influence On Gender Relations And Sexuality1230 Words  | 5 Pages(Bonvillain, 1995, 210). Mass media, in their turn, portrayed gender relations and sexuality according to the dominant cultural view on gender relations and sexuality. This is why it is possible to trace the evolution of those views through the analysis of films, for example, created in different time. At the same time, media have always had a considerable impact on the society, its cultural norms and values, including the development of gender-related biases and stereotypes which were accepted and promotedRead MoreFilm, Art And Literature Essay1338 Words  | 6 Pagessociety, many of us are able to retrace historical patterns through television, film, art and literature. The development of cinematic film and moving images in the nineteenth and twentieth century has proven to be a very influential tool to engage mass amounts of people. Motion picture serve as a gateway to fantasies, allowing audiences to enter a world filled with various types of characters and vivid scenes. Films have also been utilized to transmit truths about humanity in a way that is easierRead MoreGendered Medi The Influence Of Media On Views Of Gender, By Julia T. Wood1405 Words  | 6 PagesThey believe the industry is in need of â€Å"leaders†meaning â€Å"heroes†who are willing to take a step forward to increase the percentage of women on and off screen. To put it another way, women are highly needed in television to represent an environment of equal opportunity for both sex. However, the majority of women that are currently represented on television are Caucasian female. Additionally, there’s still an absence of diversity and inclusion as there’s not a lot of minority group being portrayedRead MoreComic Books And Their Influence On Society1626 Words  | 7 Pagesalthough comics and their adaptations have a history of contradicting this reality. Comic books and their related renditions have often overlooked minority characters, like influential media has a tendency to, without regard to their audience (Aucoin, 2014). Superheroes have become an integral part of popular (pop) culture: the cultural preference of the mainstream populace, which holds considerable command on cultural and moral values of a society (Crossman, 2014). Because superheroes have such a powerfulRead MoreAsian Americans And Asian American Actors311 2 Words  | 13 Pagesthe media industry when the original â€Å"Siamese Twins†Chang and Eng Bunker became naturalized citizens of America. Roles in television and other media were scarce for Asian Americans, only available roles were very stereotypical. Early Asian American actors such as Bruce Lee and Sessue Hayakawa could only land stereotypical supporting roles in prime time television. While minority actors have progress through the years, Asian Americans in the media remains an issue. The misrepresentation of AsiansRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Blaxploitation Films And Chappelle s Show 1633 Words  | 7 Pagesexploited the cultures and stereotypes of Native American’s and African Americans for the sole purpose of profit and increased entertainment value. In American society, there has been the era of â€Å"Blaxploitation films†in which African American’s society was shown through raunchy and low budget films. Sports teams, colleges, and p ublic schools have turned Native Americans into an irresponsible excuse of a mascot the can offend and can be considered disrespectful by those in their society while being calledRead More Latinos, Politics, and American Cinema Essay3885 Words  | 16 PagesLatinos, Politics, and American Cinema Feature films in the United States influence American viewers attitudes on a wide variety of topics. Americans attitudes toward politics are shaped by films, and specifically the politics of racial interaction. The history of modern feature films begins with Birth of a Nation (1915), a film that misrepresents the Black race by justifying the existence and role of the Ku Klux Klan in American society. From this racist precedent, producers and directorsRead More Discrimination and Misrepresentation of Minority Races in Film2457 Words  | 10 PagesDiscrimination and Misrepresentation of Minority Races in Film Racists often believe that alternative races are inferior. Stuart Hall, an expert in the field of cultural studies who is also interested in media studies, believes that it is difficult to completely eliminate race as a floating signifier because it is impossible to remove the obvious physical differences of distinct races. These distinctions are made increasingly aware by filmmakers to their audiences in such films as West Side StoryRead MoreEssay about Multiculturalism in America3204 Words  | 13 Pagesmulticulturalists. Unfortunately, the advertising industry and intellectual print journalism reflect these attitudes. Print advertisements often reinforce ethnic stereotyping, use provocative racial imagery, or exploit those with â€Å"exotic†appearances. Perceptions about culture in America held by those in intellectual print journalism, like the widely disseminated New York Times, Atlantic Monthly and The Nation follow and are often derived from those of mainstream America. Rarely do these entities attempt
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The teaching assistants role in developing childrens learning Free Essays
The function of the Teaching Assistant has changed significantly in recent old ages ( Cheminais, 2008 ) and has, due to the authoritiess 2003 enterprise to alter the staffing construction within schools ( OfSTED. , 2004 ) , led to legion publications and surveies refering the effectivity of these alterations. Historically, learning helpers, or aides as they were sometimes once known, ( Clayton, 1993 ) were non learning grownups who helped qualified instructors by transporting out twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours administrative undertakings, and provided pastoral attention to kids. We will write a custom essay sample on The teaching assistants role in developing childrens learning or any similar topic only for you Order Now Several old ages subsequently the Government ( LGC. , 1998 ) outlined proposals for using a greater figure of support staff in order to supply even more support for students and instructors. They besides announced suggestions for a â€Å" more effectual usage of, and better preparation for, learning helpers and other school support staff †which, along with a subsequent OfSTED reappraisal, ( 2002a, p6 ) declared the demand for preparation that would, â€Å" fit any proposed construction of makings and to ease calling patterned advance. †The execution of national occupational criterions for learning helpers, approved in 2001, and the HLTA position introduced in 2003, ( TDA. , 2008 ) , offered committed support staff the chance to get the accomplishments to go more complete pedagogues. In other words, working as a instruction helper had become a calling, and so began the existent argument about the function of the instruction helper. In my experience, the rubric of ‘teaching helper ‘ is interpreted in a assortment of ways. Nevertheless, a common subject that I have encountered is that most learning helpers have the possible to be effectual pedagogues and are hence of import elements in the development of independent larning. How good this potency is utilized, nevertheless, is less clear and depends on the employer ‘s reading of the function along with appropriate preparation and development chances ( Department for Education and Skills, 2000, pp15-16 ) . In order to develop acquisition, learning helpers ought to hold a good apprehension of how kids learn. Piaget ( Slavin, 1994a ) , described the procedure as the creative activity of new thoughts by accommodating those already known. This was followed by Vygotsky ‘s claims ( Slavin, 1994b, p49 ) that kids move between zones when larning. He describes this as them traveling out of their comfort zone and towards their possible via their â€Å" zone of proximal development †through the usage of societal interaction. In order to incite this patterned advance, grownups need to supply chances for treatment and geographic expedition between kids and themselves. This besides has the possible to enable kids to detect and research linguistic communication, besides critical to a kid ‘s advancement ( Bruner, 1983, pp 64-66 ) . A instruction helper must be cognizant of the student ‘s current degree of apprehension and so cognize how to â€Å" scaffold †new larning . They must besides cognize when to retreat support to enable the kid to construct on, win and be responsible for their ain advancement. Furthermore, with current category sizes in the part of up to 30 students, a category instructor may be unable to offer such an single attack to turn toing the theories of the philosophers, and so it could be considered the function of the skilled instruction helper to make this. During my recent study of loath readers, carried out as a preliminary to the debut of an enterprise to advance reading, I discovered that the students had formulated an sentiment that reading was a job to be undertaken with animus and merely when instructed to make so. It became evident that these kids had encountered a assortment of barriers that had influenced their attitude and ability to read [ See Appendix A ] . Many of these barriers are authoritative illustrations of Erikson ‘s â€Å" Industry versus Inferiority Crisis †( Slavin, 1994c, p56 ) , whereby outside influences have contributed towards a student organizing a negative ego image of themselves as readers. In order to get the better of this, the students needed the support of an â€Å" enabling grownup †as described by Chambers ( 1991 ) . This provided them with a function theoretical account, a positive attitude towards reading and an chance to portion and discourse reading experiences. This inspir ed in them a new willingness and enjoyment of reading, the result of which became evident in their apprehension of written text. The kids besides began composing with enthusiasm, utilizing their ain cognition and experiences ; as a consequence, they had taken control of their ain acquisition. The kids ‘s responses to the inaugural [ See Appendix B ] , demonstrated that they felt empowered by the fact that they were detecting new linguistic communication for themselves ( Gross, 1992a ) and were straight responsible for the advancement that they were doing. These rules apply to all kids, although some kids with SEN necessitate a higher degree of support traditionally provided by learning helpers ( Alborz et al, 2009 ) . This has antecedently been an country for argument with The Daily Telegraph ( 2009 ) printing an article claiming that research shows that, â€Å" Students make less advancement in schoolrooms where schools employ more teaching helpers †. The article states that learning helpers frequently support lower attaining students, ensuing in them being less supported by a qualified instructor and to them doing limited advancement, although it does non look to take into history the preparation of the instruction helpers. While reexamining the impact of work force remodeling, a study by OfSTED ( 2004 ) stated that when a instruction helper is appointed to work with carefully chosen students and is provided with the appropriate preparation to make so efficaciously, the students make important advancement. This is every bit good as the obvious benefits of supplying the instructor with more clip to concentrate on other students. In a recent observation of a twelvemonth 5 category, it was obvious that the usage of a instruction helper to supply kids with linguistic communication troubles with individualized, single aid benefited the targeted students and the category as a whole. The support enabled the kids to entree the course of study in a mainstream schoolroom while leting the category instructor to concentrate on the bulk of the students. The instruction helper ‘s intercession involved the re-enforcing of the whole category instruction, simplification of vocabulary and offering congratulations, encouragement and feedback on the undertaking. The support gave the students the assurance to take part in category treatments and enabled them to see new linguistic communication in context ; a critical facet of developing new constructs ( Gross, 1992b ) . Following the lesson, the instruction helper besides provided the instructor with appraisal and monitoring feedback to enable appraisal of and for larning . This appraisal has become a important portion of the function of the instruction helper and supports the instructor and student by enabling distinction and personalised larning to go every twenty-four hours pattern ( Kay, 2005 ) . Guidance published by the NFER ( 2002, cited in Department for Education and Skills, 2005, p.22 ) found that when instructors and learning helpers work in partnership, the consequences are a more effectual degree of learning and larning. An illustration of this is a scenario I have experienced late where a skilled instruction helper supported the acquisition of the bulk of the category while the category instructor focused on the kids with SEN. As a consequence of the instructor and instruction helper holding spent clip working together to be after the lesson, the instruction helper was able to help students in their accomplishment of the acquisition aims. By implementing a combination of all of these attacks and with effectual preparation and counsel, learning helpers can supply priceless support for all kids within any lesson. Supporting behaviour direction and supplying an alternate degree of perceptual experience within the schoolroom are besides cardinal facets of being an effectual instruction helper. In day-to-day Literacy lessons, I have observed a instruction helper back uping a student with ADHD and have no uncertainty that without her presence, the category instructor would hold to pass a big proportion of the lesson settling the kid and turn toing low degree distractions. Personal experience has shown me that kids with emotional or behavioral troubles respond positively to the support of a instruction helper with whom they can hammer a good grownup / kid relationship. This can lend towards the societal and emotional well-being of the kid as outlined in a reappraisal by Alborz et Al. ( 2009 ) ; nevertheless he besides found that this type of intercession does hold the possible to make a barrier between the supported kids, their equals and instructors. The instruction helper ‘s must, hence, h ave a good apprehension of the students demands in order to forestall this. Besides the chance to back up kids ‘s larning during lesson clip, learning helpers continue to transport out administrative undertakings in order to back up the category instructor and the school as a whole. The National Agreement ( ATL et al. 2003, p.2 ) , implemented as portion of the authoritiess workforce remodelling enterprise, states that instructors should non pass their clip transporting out administrative duties that do non do full usage of their accomplishments and expertness, but that these undertakings should be completed by support staff. The defined undertakings include the readying of schoolroom resources and puting up of shows. These responsibilities must besides, hence, be considered the duty of the instruction helper. Many of the administrative duties have an impact on the physical milieus, and hence contribute towards ( Primary National Strategy, 2004 ) making a positive ethos and the creative activity of a successful acquisition environment. In pattern, neve rtheless, the demand for learning helpers to be more involved in the bringing of lessons agencies that they have less clip for transporting out administrative responsibilities which relays these responsibilities back into the custodies of the instructors ( OfSTED, 2002b, p8 ) . In my experience, learning helpers offer unconditioned support for the school in which they are employed. Many carry out responsibilities beyond their on the job hours, supplying curriculum enrichment activities and on a regular basis being at the head of fund raising events. They often are able to supply a connexion between parents, local communities and their schools as they frequently live in close propinquity to their workplace. This is a valuable portion of their function as it enables learning staff to be cognizant of local issues and provides a nexus between parents and schools ( Logan, E. A ; Feiler, A. 2006 ) . In decision, a instruction helper ‘s function is to offer individualized acquisition, pastoral attention and administrative aid. They encourage good acquisition by supplying priceless differentiated larning support to persons and groups of students. Skilled teaching helpers promote enjoyment and accomplishment in a safe, nurturing environment while lending to the academic and emotional well-being of all kids. They set up positive relationships with parents and assist students to go successful members of the school and wider community. ( 1639 words ) How to cite The teaching assistants role in developing childrens learning, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Research Analysis Challenges In Oversees Management
Question: Discuss about the Business Research Analysis Challenges In Oversees Management. Answer: Introduction The quality of learning, prosperity, productivity,management and operation of the organization depends on the knowledge and experience of the entrepreneurs (Bandura, 1977, p. 100). The level of experience and knowledge among entrepreneurs depend on their learning process and the learning process depends on reflection (Bass, 2012, p. 166). Despite having, more benefits of entrepreneurs carrying businesses overseas there are challenges of the managing this business at different regions that may hinder prosperity if not addressed. Therefore, reflecting on what we have learned will help us determine the usefulness and effectiveness of managing business activities overseas, draw judgments on observations and opinions made in the process of learning, ways in which it will be useful in the course, career, general life and program and application of reflection learning in future. This research will help us bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and knowledge application through practice to help in growth and productivity. The major objective this research is to determine challenges of managing overseas businesses and a solution to problems. This research will help to bridge the gap between the past and current experiences through theoretical knowledge and knowledge application in practice to help in growth and productivity. For any business to succeed, the following objectives will serve the purpose in our research: To determine the challenges managers are facing in the process of growing their markets overseas. To determine the importance of learningmanagement course in terms of program, career and general life. To determine solutions necessary to manage issues overseas. To determine how and where to apply the knowledge acquired in future activities. Literature Review ManagementLearning Learning is the process of gaining knowledge, skills, and ability to do something. Learning occurs naturally and knowledge comes from experimental and personal experience (Bolton, 2010, p. 64). Learning starts in early childhood life. Some people learn theoretically and others through practice. It involves engaging and transforming mind (Bound, 1983, p. 176). There is a relationship between communication and learning process. Learning involves the exchange of experiences and knowledge. Learning develops and builds from reflection. Learners always use new experience, observe others, conceptualize and experiment decisions. It involves emotional and cognitive information from tactile, auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. Reflection happened when we link current situation with the previous situation. Reflection uses learning and insights from the past.Management provides knowledge on business, economics, finance and marketing (Chickering, 1977, p. 45). Management learning offers an opportunity for further projects. Management begins with setting goals, career assessments and coordination of employees efforts. Management also refers to people in leadership. The aim of the topic is organization leadership and social development. In most organizations, there are different levels including senior managers, who make strategic plans and decision making, middle managers who communicate strategies and supervisors oversee workers tasks and giving direction to the factors of production, management is one of them. Management is the basis of innovation and marketing. It relates more on the learner and learning environment. From Aristotle, we learn by doing things. Teaching is very important since it motivates peo ple to work. When the learner has an interest in developing new ideas it makes learning effect fully. Kolb model of learning is based on the individual where one has to observe and interact with the environment as opposed to reading from books (Felicia, 2011, p. 300). Therefore, one gets knowledge through experiments and discoveries instead of just hearing. It requires the learner to initiate the process. Challenges managing overseas businesses Lack of managerial knowledge and skills managers lack necessary knowledge and skills to manage employees overseas. People from different countries differ in terms of language and therefore managers need to apply necessary skills to curb this problem. They need to initiate a platform through which people communicate freely by having interpreters and video conferences to assist convey the same information to different people. Availability is difficult for manager and staff to share knowledge and skills among people from different regions. Distance and time are the factors affecting communication managers should organize teleconferences to reduce time wastage as well as allow sharing of knowledge. Culture conflicts differences in culture make it difficult to interpret the likes and dislikes of different people this hinders growth. Therefore managers should hold cross-cultural meetings to train and address these cultural differences. This will help people understand each one's culture. Slow decision-making decision making is slow due to different geographical areas. A lot of time is wasted organizing meetings to discuss issues in order to make decisions. Having teleconferences and representatives from each country in formulating policies will help make quick decisions. Management skills and knowledge in Course/program Management is theoretical as well as practical in day to day activities. One is able to build good relationships globally by gaining business skills and techniques as well as how to apply them in real life. We are confident that whatever we learn will have a positive impact when it comes to application. One can be able to combine all related courses to achieve their learning goals. Career Managers learn with the assurance that they are going to put in practice immediately after completion of course. One is able to specialize in a selected area and have necessary skills to do a particular job involving expertise. General life Managers are equipped with practical knowledge and skills as well as knowledge in areas of technicality. One is able to apply skills globally since businesses are everywhere in the world today. Importance of learning management Experience is the first process of learning and observation makes managers identify what is succeeding and falling. This will assist managers to improve a new attempt to solve a problem or make a decision. Provide a solution for making judgments to problems relating to the businesses It increases productivity due to learning from experience and build managers confidence Managers are able to develop more skills when they do practice. It deepens the knowledge of the managers in the business Forms the basis of new ideas in real situations. Ways in which reflective learning process will be useful It will provide an opportunity for learners to interact well with the diverse group. One is able to gain knowledge that is more creative when they interact with other groups. Reflective learning will offer conditions necessary for supporting learning and therefore entrepreneurs are motivated especially when they know the importance of what they are doing. Provide an opportunity to business people to have experience of managers position (Larrivee, 2000, p. 266). Application of Skills and Knowledge in Future Course and program It will benefit managers to build good relationships with employees of different communities from different countries. It increases thinking and reduces emotional changes. Career Reflective learning will provide an opportunity for managers to be competent in achieving prepares them for career purposes and responsibility. It will produce self-directed managers who are able to identify what they already know, what they do not to know and how do they should learn. They transfer previous knowledge to the current situation. General life It will be helpful in improving happiness and personal fulfillment since we can understand our personality better. Suggestions to Management There should be a link between learning by experience and learning by practice to ensure performance. Organise training and meetings to help attain goals Dedicate a lot of time on thinking about work and life. Justification of Research In the current world growth and diversity in experience is the key factor. Through reflection, entrepreneurs are able to gain more knowledge and skills to best manage their organizations (Baumgartner, 2007, pp. 230-245). For them to operate effectively they need previous learning to link with current learning. Due to the rapid expansion of businesses, managers will be able to gain necessary skills and ability to use those skills in order to effectively perform their duties. Conclusion Case studies and surveys were conducted among 500 entrepreneurs to analyse the usefulness involved in the reflective learning process of managing overseas businesses (Lawrence, 2014, p. 435). The data will be analysed using MS Excel and statistical (SPSS). The research will help know the challenges of the reflective learning process and thereby providing a solution through critical analysis of benefits of reflection in the management. The knowledge and skills obtained will benefit other entrepreneurs by provides an opportunity to interact well with people from the diverse environment. It will offer conditions necessary for supporting and sharing information among different entrepreneurs. They will be motivated especially when they know the importance of managing business overseas. Lastly, provide an opportunity to business people to have experience of managers position. There are several benefits of reflection in learning management as well as challenges involved. Possible solutions have been provided (Moon, 2004, p. 322). One of the challenges of reflective learning in management is a lack of knowledge, availability, slow decision making and culture conflicts. Where managers with Low intelligent do not effectively manage others, they cannot apply what they learned before. With reflection learning, many companies are expanding towards the global world and ensuring prosperity in businesses. Change in business structures influence the relationships and how people work at different levels of the organisations. There has to be a link between learning through practice and theoretical knowledge and therefore they require the conducive environment to learn and apply those skills. It is crucial for the business to think logically and identify plans and justification n ecessary for operation (Bound, 1983, p. 55). References Bandura, A., 1977. Social Learning Theory. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall: Englewood CLIFFS. Bass, R., 2012. The Problem of Learning in Higher Education. Disrupting Ourselves. Baumgartner, L., 2007. Learning in Adulthood:a Comprehensive Guide. inc ed. San Fransisco: John Wiley and Sons. Bolton, 2010. Reflective Practice, Writing and Professional Development. 3rd ed. California: SAGE. Bound, D. W., 1983. Using Experience for Learning. 3rd ed. Bristol: Open University Press. Brookfield, S., 1995. Becoming a Critical Reflective Teacher. 3r ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Chickering, A., 1977. Experience and Learning. Change Magazine Press, p. 63. Felicia, P., 2011. Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation. new ed. London: ISBN. Kolb, D., 1984. Experimental Learning as the Science of Learning and Development. 1st ed. Prentice Hall: Englewood. Larrivee, B., 2000. Transforming Teaching Practice: Becoming the Critically Reflective Teacher, Reflective Practice. 3 ed. San Fransisco: Sage. Lawrence, W. L. A., 2014. The Reflective Practioner in Professional Education. Macmillan ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Moon, J., 2004. A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning:Theory and Practice. new ed. London: Routledge Falmer.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Sex Pressure Essays - Fertility, Sexual Acts, Sexual Health
Sex Pressure sexual pressures The media is just one of the factors responsible for the increase in teen sexuality. Throughout a humans adolescents years they are subject to a number of sexual pressures. Through research I have found that peers are among the most influential. An adolescent is not limited to peer pressure though. They face pressures from the media as well. I believe that media pressure is just a influential as peer pressure. There is also other pressure, from people such as older friends, parents, and just adults in general. Peers is a term that can be defined as friends. I have found that many teens have friends that are athletes. In high schools, boy athletes outscore all of the other boys with the girls(Elias 1). On the other hand , girls on sports teams are much less sexually active than other females who do not play sports(Elias 1). This shows that male athletes are far more pressuring each other on the issue of sexuality. So for males who are into sports they are subjected to a host of pressu res and can as a result do things they would not normally do. On the contrary, I found that females who do sports are far less pressured and influenced about sex. In fact they are far less likely to be sexually active than teen females who do not participate in sports. I believe that all teens in general should know the results of being a sexually active teen. There are many consequences of being sexually active, one of the major one being sexually transmitted diseases. A sexually transmitted disease might not sound so bad but, some can cause sterility and even worse , death. Even when condoms are used, a STD can still be transmitted. Depending on the type of std they can or can not be cured. A few diseases that can not be cured include herpes, HPV, And HIV, which later turns into the virus AIDS. The disease HPV can cause cervical cancer and HIV results in a long, painful death. Almost a third of sexually active teens contracted a new STD within a mere six months, reported one study , even among condom users(Terilliger 2). Once a teen has become sexually active he or she must assume new roles. Males must think about the issue of perhaps becoming a father by accident of intentionally. Moreover, females must think about all the consequences of having sex. No sex happens to be the safest form of sexual activity. It is not hard for a condom to break of for birth control pills to be forgotten once or twice during a cycle to cause a pregnancy. In addition, once a female becomes pregnant there are few options she can explore. In a like manner, adults are an impact on a teens sexuality. Most teens look up to an adult and admire them. Likewise, they want to try to be like there idol. This is why an adult can have a profound impact on a teen trying to cope with the pressures of sexuality. That is why all adults in all classes of society should watch what they do or say in relation to teens. For example, The President of the United States was adulterous and lied about it. We as society say so what? when the accusations surfaced at first(Kavanagh 13). In the same fashion, the media plays a huge part of sexual pressures exerted on a teen. One way being television. Television at the present time is full of vulgarness and sex. As far as prime time television is concerned is safer to watch old re runs of the Lucy Show and the Cosby Show. they ere from an era where sex was not such a prime time staple(Riley 186). This show how much society has changed concerning sex. In the old times sex was not a way to get better ratings like it is today. Similarly, music has an impact on an adolescents sexuality. Rap lyrics at the current time are full of obscenities and words concerning sex. In the rapper Eminem's song Role Model , he says, Im going to rape her and leave her, once I get near her(mathers
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on “Teenage Use And Abuse Of Drugs And Alcohol“
â€Å"Teenage use and abuse of Drugs and Alcohol†I have learned a few things in my experience with drugs and alcohol, one of which the difference between experimentation, use, and abuse of drugs and alcohol. I see the differences as follows; three tries are experimentation, more than that is use. Abuse is characterized by the need to have the drug (whether it is marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, or tobacco) and the preoccupation with getting it. I have also learned that some of my peers are more likely to be attracted to and hooked on drugs, nicotine, and alcohol. I have concluded that the risk increases with these following factors and that more than one of these can â€Å"tip the scales.†1. A family history of drug use or alcoholism 2. A family in turmoil 3. Learning difficulties 4. Behavioral problems before adolescence 5. Early school failure 6. Hyperactivity 7. Poor impulse control 8. Rebelliousness 9. Low self-esteem 10. The belief that â€Å"it can’t happen to me†11. Thinking that marijuana (or cocaine, or heroin if it is not injected) is not addictive Although I do not believe that these are the reasons why I have used drugs and alcohol, I do believe that these have not helped me to â€Å"just say no.†In my years of use I have often seen warning signs in friends, that could have helped their parents notice what was going on. Instead of noticing the warning signs, listed below, they found out the hard way, through the law. The warning signs I personally have noticed in teens using drugs (including myself) are as follows. 1. A change of friends from those you know and a new friend who seem to avoid you. But don't pin all of teens troubles on "bad friends." Often the child who is already troubled is the one who is drawn to a group that is taking dangerous risks and is heavily committed to using drugs and alcohol. 2. Friendship with older teenagers and young adults. ... Free Essays on â€Å"Teenage Use And Abuse Of Drugs And Alcoholâ€Å" Free Essays on â€Å"Teenage Use And Abuse Of Drugs And Alcoholâ€Å" â€Å"Teenage use and abuse of Drugs and Alcohol†I have learned a few things in my experience with drugs and alcohol, one of which the difference between experimentation, use, and abuse of drugs and alcohol. I see the differences as follows; three tries are experimentation, more than that is use. Abuse is characterized by the need to have the drug (whether it is marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, or tobacco) and the preoccupation with getting it. I have also learned that some of my peers are more likely to be attracted to and hooked on drugs, nicotine, and alcohol. I have concluded that the risk increases with these following factors and that more than one of these can â€Å"tip the scales.†1. A family history of drug use or alcoholism 2. A family in turmoil 3. Learning difficulties 4. Behavioral problems before adolescence 5. Early school failure 6. Hyperactivity 7. Poor impulse control 8. Rebelliousness 9. Low self-esteem 10. The belief that â€Å"it can’t happen to me†11. Thinking that marijuana (or cocaine, or heroin if it is not injected) is not addictive Although I do not believe that these are the reasons why I have used drugs and alcohol, I do believe that these have not helped me to â€Å"just say no.†In my years of use I have often seen warning signs in friends, that could have helped their parents notice what was going on. Instead of noticing the warning signs, listed below, they found out the hard way, through the law. The warning signs I personally have noticed in teens using drugs (including myself) are as follows. 1. A change of friends from those you know and a new friend who seem to avoid you. But don't pin all of teens troubles on "bad friends." Often the child who is already troubled is the one who is drawn to a group that is taking dangerous risks and is heavily committed to using drugs and alcohol. 2. Friendship with older teenagers and young adults. ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
RFID Tracking Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
RFID Tracking - Dissertation Example Originally developed in 1969, it was patented in 1973 (Granneman 2003). It is a system utilising microchips embedded in a product or item, which can be read by a non-contact reader. It is predicted that RFID will take over from the present-day Universal Product Code (UPC) bar codes in the near future. The problem with present-day bar codes is they are not able to fulfil every function well, they can be slow at the checkout and stocktaking as every item must be scanned and they do not always cover today’s security issues well, whereas RFID systems cover much more from tracking stock to instantly contacting a customers bank for funds at the point of purchase in a retail store by using a system embedded in a mobile phone (Bonsor, et al n.d) how will this develop? What are the good points and what are the negative problems with RFID tracking, there is a lot to be investigated yet with these systems. RFID Tracking Advantages The problems faced by many companies today is how to spee d up their processes, there are many retail stores where the customer still waits in line at a queue for their basket of goods to be read through at the checkout. Stocktaking is done item-by-item using the present bar coding system. With RFID tagging it is possible to have a zone set up whereby everything passing through is logged by the RFID radio reader, and not item-by-item as the tag can be read at a distance and through some materials. (RFIDAA 2006) saving time and effort with better accuracy. Another area covered now is where it has been difficult to have a decent system of tracking passports speedily and confirming the person carrying them. The American and Australian governments have decided to do just this; issuing e-passports where there is a microchip embedded into the passport, because of this there is an increasing amount of information held on the chip. The chip is read/write capable so it is possible to delete or add information on the person or product. A step up fro m the passports issued even by the Australian government. Embedded RFID tags are used for chipping pets and animals, placed just under the skin they can be read easily. Originally used for cattle, now helping with lost animals or with stock control in farms. (Granneman 2003) â€Å"On a smaller level, but one that will instantly resonate with security pros, Star City Casino in Sydney, Australia placed RFID tags in 80,000 employee uniforms to put a stop to theft. The same idea would work well in corporate PCs, networking equipment, and handhelds.†Assett tracking, security and biometric controls are all covered by RFID tagging, it has now got to the stage where it is possible for an indivdual to set up their own RFID tagging system by purchasing the tags and radio readers. There are some great examples such as a handbag designed by MIT students, it can tell if up to five items with RFID tags are placed in the bag. If one is missing then it starts a blinking LED on the outside o f the handbag (Varias 2011). Clothing is a great area for using tags, they can be used by retail stores to prevent loss, they are placed in the product label and are read as they leave the store. Used in this way by Gerry Weber International, a German-based women's clothing designer and retailer. From (Zaino 2011). Problems with RFID Tracking There are many people complaining that RFID and its associated systems are too much. Although this kind of complaint has been around since the first wheel was made
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Presidential Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Presidential Perspectives - Essay Example The difference between Democrats and Republics is apparent in American politics. Democrats and Republicans differ mainly in terms of philosophy, worldview, ideologies, and politics. Democrats are more of socialists and hold that the duty of the government is welfare of the people regardless of individual interests. They support government sponsored programs such as healthcare as well as subsides. Republicans, on the other hand, elevate economic equity and free market; they believe that solutions lay with the people rather than the federal government. Hence, they are more of capitalists, promoting property rights over welfare rights. They also decry active government interference in the economy. Obama’s policies and Mitt Romney’s are contrasting and apparent due to their political divides, which shapes their philosophy, worldview, ideologies, and politics. Alperovitz (2011) asserts that power structure in the United States can be analyzed in four rival approaches, namely: pluralism, State autonomy, elite theory, and Marxism. Pluralism theory holds that groups such as unions and professional associations, civil rights activists, business and financial lobbies govern America. Liberalists assert that there are multiple centers of power, which yield a colossal bearing in the making of laws and policies. According to Alperovitz (2011), state autonomy stresses that the government is always an autonomous force due to its control of military. Hence, they conclude that the government in the United States is the central source of power. Elite theory stipulates that leaders of large organizations inevitably dominate key sectors of the society and that America is no different. Finally, Marxism argues that property owners dominate the society. Those who hold power are predominantly those who own means of production. Policy issues such as taxes, trade agreements, and labor standoffs are a manifestation of this fact. Obama’s ideologies
Presidential Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Presidential Perspectives - Essay Example The difference between Democrats and Republics is apparent in American politics. Democrats and Republicans differ mainly in terms of philosophy, worldview, ideologies, and politics. Democrats are more of socialists and hold that the duty of the government is welfare of the people regardless of individual interests. They support government sponsored programs such as healthcare as well as subsides. Republicans, on the other hand, elevate economic equity and free market; they believe that solutions lay with the people rather than the federal government. Hence, they are more of capitalists, promoting property rights over welfare rights. They also decry active government interference in the economy. Obama’s policies and Mitt Romney’s are contrasting and apparent due to their political divides, which shapes their philosophy, worldview, ideologies, and politics. Alperovitz (2011) asserts that power structure in the United States can be analyzed in four rival approaches, namely: pluralism, State autonomy, elite theory, and Marxism. Pluralism theory holds that groups such as unions and professional associations, civil rights activists, business and financial lobbies govern America. Liberalists assert that there are multiple centers of power, which yield a colossal bearing in the making of laws and policies. According to Alperovitz (2011), state autonomy stresses that the government is always an autonomous force due to its control of military. Hence, they conclude that the government in the United States is the central source of power. Elite theory stipulates that leaders of large organizations inevitably dominate key sectors of the society and that America is no different. Finally, Marxism argues that property owners dominate the society. Those who hold power are predominantly those who own means of production. Policy issues such as taxes, trade agreements, and labor standoffs are a manifestation of this fact. Obama’s ideologies
Presidential Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Presidential Perspectives - Essay Example The difference between Democrats and Republics is apparent in American politics. Democrats and Republicans differ mainly in terms of philosophy, worldview, ideologies, and politics. Democrats are more of socialists and hold that the duty of the government is welfare of the people regardless of individual interests. They support government sponsored programs such as healthcare as well as subsides. Republicans, on the other hand, elevate economic equity and free market; they believe that solutions lay with the people rather than the federal government. Hence, they are more of capitalists, promoting property rights over welfare rights. They also decry active government interference in the economy. Obama’s policies and Mitt Romney’s are contrasting and apparent due to their political divides, which shapes their philosophy, worldview, ideologies, and politics. Alperovitz (2011) asserts that power structure in the United States can be analyzed in four rival approaches, namely: pluralism, State autonomy, elite theory, and Marxism. Pluralism theory holds that groups such as unions and professional associations, civil rights activists, business and financial lobbies govern America. Liberalists assert that there are multiple centers of power, which yield a colossal bearing in the making of laws and policies. According to Alperovitz (2011), state autonomy stresses that the government is always an autonomous force due to its control of military. Hence, they conclude that the government in the United States is the central source of power. Elite theory stipulates that leaders of large organizations inevitably dominate key sectors of the society and that America is no different. Finally, Marxism argues that property owners dominate the society. Those who hold power are predominantly those who own means of production. Policy issues such as taxes, trade agreements, and labor standoffs are a manifestation of this fact. Obama’s ideologies
Monday, January 27, 2020
Strategic Marketing at Coca Cola
Strategic Marketing at Coca Cola 1.0 Introduction Background: Coca Cola Company is one of the leading manufacturers of sort drink in the whole World. Coca Cola was launched in May 1986 by Dr. John S. Pemberton in Atlanta Georgia. The name Coca Cola was suggested by Dr. Pembertons bookkeeper, frank Robinson. He reserved the name Coca Cola in the flowing script that is well-known today. The Coca Cola is most important manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, company in the World, which are used to produce nearly 500 beverage brands that make up for its wide portfolio. The market which I shall be investigating is the soft drink market in the UK, although I think its important that I consider the whole market including soft drinks and energy drinks. This is because soft drinks and Energy drinks are competing with other alcoholic mixer, (2008). This report will focus on a product part of this market and I have chosen the market leader for stimulant drinks, Coca Cola. I shall be examining marketing planning process, and its activities and justifications. Also, marketing environment is included, Internal audit, External audit, macro environment, and looking at the product with PESTLE, SWOT Analysis (Internal strengths and weaknesses). Furthermore, It Includes Porters five forces and Ansoffs Matrix, BCG Matrix and other tools and techniques. At the end, I have given three marketing options and recommended approach after these bibliography. 2.0 Strategic Marketing Planning Process: Strategic marketing is a process in which to develop a strategy to cope with competitors, identify market opportunities, develop and commercialize new products and services, allocate resources among marketing activities and design an appropriate organisational structure to ensure the performance desired is achieved. Corporate strategy is a process in which approach to future that involves examination of the current and anticipated factors associated with customers and competitors and the firm itself, aligning policies, practices, and resources to realize that vision, (2010). Planning and plans are two very different concepts. Planning refers to the process of developing a coherent plan, while the plan is the output from the process. A successful marketing campaign must incorporate strategic marketing planning. Strategic marketing planning is the process of researching a market and its environment to determine the target market. It involves determining what the target market wants and the types of messages that resonate with that audience. Marketing is one of the key elements in addition to other functions without which the company cannot get success. Therefore, marketing planning is a set of document in which details of action is given to achieve the objects set by the management for a period of one or up to five year. It could be based on selling of any kind of product. Its very important to have a very aggressive plan if you are not an introducer of new product and still you want to grab the market, (2010). 2.1 Marketing Planning Benefits: Marketing plan comes through a long process, it starts from a single department and ends up to management decision, plan must be always like easy to understand for management to approved it and realize the facts of market strategies for what they want from customer. Coca Cola always makes a attractive marketing plan which always looks different from others, for now this marketing plan which is very supportive for the organisation is just because it meets the need of customer in a very smart way like they introduced a new Cherry Coke flavour which is they want to be market the product by new style which a customer attract and also get some benefited for an organisation. If the plan is according to organisation and customer then it is easy to take decision for management. Plan should be compressed and productive for organization. Plan should be not so long time process and not to be very costly. Plan should be as per new techniques and 3D type as per new generation like Plan should be process after research Plan should be shows new market prices, long life and skill full. If the plan is according to companies favour so there is no any chance that it could be rejected. Always approach will be positive to make the plan competitive and advance. Coca Cola always looks in those matter which are highly skilled, attractive and sincere with the organisation, to gain the agreement for strategic plan for organization is a very important role for marketing department to extent their plans which are still are in favour of organisation and as before management like the approach to get always new marketing styles, the best approach for management is that to produced their best efforts to capture the market because now a days there are so many competitors in the market if they lack in the advertisement or promotion or introducing in new products then it could be easy for other competitors to overcome, (2010). Marketing Planning Process: There are ten stages of the Strategic Marketing Planning Process which are given bellow in tables. Table 1: The Marketing Planning Process Stages Description Stage 1 Mission Statement At this stage the board establish a long-term vision for the company. This entails communicating a memorable statement easily understood by employees and other key stakeholders. Stage 2 Corporate Objectives At Corporate Objectives the organisation setup the desired level of profitability, business boundaries, such as products/markets, facilities and size of labour force and other corporate objectives, such as social responsibility, corporate image, stock market image, employer image, etc. Stage 3 Marketing Audit Marketing Audit is a structured review of your current marketing activities. It is a systematic review of all the external and internal factors that have affected a companys commercial performance over a defined period. Stage 4 SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organisation and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Stage 5 Assumptions At this stage assumptions are made on the basis of marketing audit and swot analysis. Marketing manager must keep in mind it should not too broad. Stage 6 Marketing Objectives and Strategies In this stage the objectives and strategies relate to the companies products/services and brands and to the markets you currently/ propose to operate in. Objectives are about deciding what you are offering (selling) and to whom. Strategies are about how you are going to achieve these things. Stage 7 Estimate Expected Results At this stage to employ judgement, analogous experience, field tests and so on. Also, to test out the feasibility of the objectives and strategies in terms of market share, costs, profits and so on. Stage 8 Identify Alternative Plans and Mixes In a strategic marketing plan, It is normally at this stage board identifies alternative plans and mixes are considered. Stage 9 Budget The budget is the process of documenting the expected costs of the proposed marketing plan. To justify all marketing expenditures from a zero base each year against the task that you wish to accomplish. In reality budgets are often incremental, that is, they are based on what was spent in the previous year. Stage 10 First Year Detailed Implementation Programme This may involve spending money on advertising, launching new products, interacting with potential new customers, opening new retail outlets etc. Its major function is to determine where the company is, where its wanted to go and how it can get there. It should be used as an aid to effective management, (McDonald 2006, p. 379-393). I have described all activities and justification in the Marketing Planning Process which are given bellow in table. Table 2: Activities and Justification in the Marketing Planning Process: Stage Activities Justification Stage 1 Mission Statement Board meetings Objectives discussion Target of the company Motivate employees and customers Lack of motivation and output It gives the direction to the company Stage 2 Corporate Objectives Financial forecast Provide long-term stability Profitability of the products Predict financial forecasting Overall company operations It gives review policies and desired level of profitability Stage 3 Marketing Audit Marketing environment objectives Perform STEEPLE Analysis Competition and Market share Competitive advantages Examine internal and external information and procedures Life cycles for major products and for market segments Policies and competitive advantages of other organisation Stage 4 SWOT Analysis Trend in the market Knowledge of the business Value added by competitors Setting objectives and strategies Data Collection Focusing internal and external key factors such as, internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. A summary of reasons for good and bad performance Stage 5 Assumptions Government policies Economic data Major competitors Price competition It is made on planning environment Pick the right market and sell the right products It emphasises on success factors Stage 6 Marketing Objectives and Strategies Sales promotion objectives Marketing objectives Pricing objectives Advertising objectives Social responsibility Marketing objectives and Strategies are made on marketing plan Advertising, pricing and promotion service levels Highlight sales value, sales volume, percentage penetration of outlets Stage 7 Estimate Expected Results Employ judgment Analogous experience Field test Gap analysis on actual and desired results To test out the viability of market share At this level managers set the expected results Stage 8 Identify Alternative Plans and Mixes Motivate alternative strategies Promote mixes Manage the business Choose the best tactics Understand what market works and what doesnt work From alternative plans managers select best suitable plan Stage 9 Budget Advertising cost and expensive Zero base Emphasis on yearly marketing budget Spend their budget more efficiently and effectively Get smart about market every year they are in business Budget prepare by board of director and marketing managers. Stage 10 First Year Detailed Implementation Programme Customer plans Sales promotion plans Goals are divided into sub goals. Market plans (McDonald 2006, p. 379-393) Target their primary customer Focus on achieving specific objectives In sub goals include pricing plans product plans, promotional plans and market plans with objectives The External Market Audit and External Environment (Macro) Analysis: In this section of the report, I have used some data, of tools and techniques that are relevant to Coca Colas current situation relevant examples. External environment is important to marketing decision making. Initially, I have shown data on market share and growth of UKs soft drink markets. 3.1 External Audit: For scanning external audit and external (macro) environment of Coca Cola I have used Porters five forces. In this part of report to scanning soft drink position in the UKs soft drink market two tables are given. Table 1: Market share in UK soft drink market in 2010 Name of Brand % of market share Coca Cola 44 Pepsi 23 Cadbury 16 Fruit Juice 9.4 Other Drinks 8 From the above table of UK soft drink market share in 2010, it is clear that Coca Cola is the market leader among competitors. Coca Cola hold 44% of soft drink market share whereas Pepsi is in the second position by holding only 23% (2010). Table 2: market growth in UK soft drink market between 2009 to 2010: Name of Brand 2009 (% of market share) 2010 (% of market share) % of growth Coca Cola 43 44 1 Pepsi 24 23 -1 Cadbury 15 16 1 Fruit Juice 9 9.4 0.04 Other Drinks 9 8 -1 From the above table we can see Coca Cola and Cadbury have the most significant growth rate by 1% in the last year and Pepsi and other drinks lose their share by -1%. Fruit Juice has only 0.04% growth in last year. For analysing external market in this part, I have given Porters (1985) five forces model which is given below: Barriers to Entry: It involves; Importance of economy of scale, for example, a new Coca Cola drinks. Challenging with established brands, for example, Coca Cola, Diet Coke. High upfront capital costs or legal requirements, for example, intellectual property protection, factories etc. UKs soft drink market is established by some well known brands, such as, Pepsi, Cadbury, Fruit juice etc. It is very difficult to enter in this market by other competitors. Coca Cola has a long history of heavy advertising and this has made it enormous amount of brand equity and loyal customers entire over the world. Substitutes: It contains; Large numbers of substitutes, for example, coffee, beer, juices, water etc are available in the market for customers but it is countered by brand equity, huge advertising, and making their product easily available for customers. Coca Cola expand its business in the UK by offering substitutes it selves to protect Coca Cola from competition. Its products and services can be easily substituted with another type of product and service such as public transport being used instead of private transport. Buyer Power: It consists of; Large amount of buyers, for example, Wal-Mart or Tesco. Undifferentiated brands and low switching costs. As there are many soft drinks in the UK, so the bargaining power of buyer is extremely very high. Buyers ability to walk away or get an alternative, if buyer does not satisfied with our products or services he can get an alternative products or services. Supplier Power: It includes; Supplier does not depend on one or a small amount of buyers. Supplier product is necessary to buyer. In the UK, soft drinks bargaining power of supplier is low, as the market size is large so suppliers always want to keep contracts by providing low price. A large number of buyers but a small number of suppliers. Most of the times raw materials needed to create concentrate are basic commodities, for example, colour, flavour, additives, sugar etc. Basically, these are the main commodities. Existing Competitors: It computes the degree of competition between existing competitors. Rivalry will be higher if; In the UK, there are a huge amount of similar sized companies, for example, Pepsi, Robina, Red bull etc. Competitors can lead to a dynamic periods of aggressive pricing and promotion in war for customers. Products and services are supposed as a commodity by consumers and resulting in low switching cost for consumers. 3.2 External (macro) Environment Analysis: PESTEL Analysis for external (macro) environment of Coca Cola. PESTEL Analysis undertaken to understand local, global factors influencing business and potential opportunity and threats. Here PESTEL analysis given bellow in a table: Table 1: PESTEL Analysis: Political Economical National Government Regulatory bodies Trade Associates Government Stability Newly Industrialised Employment Law Critical Global Market Important Political Events Market Structure Government Policy Taxation Interest Rates Personal Saving Rates Money Supply Inflation Disposal Income Social-Cultural Technological Population Demographics Culture Attitudes to Work and Leisure Current Issues Income Distribution Social Mobility Lifestyle Changes Level of Education Products Materials / Components Processes Distribution / Spending on Research Marketing/Administration Rates of Obsolescence New Discoveries / Developments / Product Innovations Legal Environmental Competition Law Health and Safety Employment Law National and World Legislation Trading Policies Regulatory Bodies Global Warming Environmental Issues Local and National Issues Current and Future Environmental Legislative Changes Recycling Considerations Source: Political Factors: Coca Cola operates globally and their performance is influenced by the political stability and instability of these countries. There is currently political stability in the UK and Coca Cola business is flourishing, (2010). Economical Factors: High inflation in any of the counties will cause the price of Coca Cola to rise and consumption of Coca Cola may fall. The UK economy is recovering from recession and employment level is rising people will consume more Coca Cola products, (2010). Social Factors: Consumers in the different counties will have different taste and perception about Coca Cola. In the UK the brand is known for quality products and marketing it will be easier, (2010). Technological Factors: The present environment is technological driven and the need for dynamic development. Coca Cola has got experienced research and development (RD) team who find out new technologies to improve productivity, (2010). Legal Factors: The Coca Cola Company gets all the rights applicable in the nature of their business and every invention and product developments are always going into the copyright process, (2010). Environmental Factors: According to the data of the Coca Cola Company, all the services are strictly approved according to the environmental laws inflicted by the government, (2010). 3.3 Changes in the External (Macro) Environment: The Coca Cola Company has faced many changes in the external environment that have changed the management of the company. During the World War II, the Coca Cola was able to continue the position of the company, at the same time. The Coca Cola was able to enter fresh markets despite of the environment. The company turned out to be more aggressive through supplying free drinks for the GIs in the World War II. During this the corporation was able to hit two birds at one stone. First, because the carbonated drinks sent by the company, it became a loyal symbol by the United States soldiers in which guided to consumer loyalty. Second, the Coca Cola was able to get benefit of the situation and determined the product in newly occupied countries by the Helper forces and due to the company created plants in different locations in the whole World paving the method for its post war expansion. Another thing is that, the external environment is the change of flavour and believes of the consumers. In the mid-1980s where the Americans favoured the sweet flavour of the competitor product, the company made its complement but it turned into a commercial failure. Coca Cola changed its management strategy and restored the old formula, and just changed its name, such as, Coca Cola Classic. After that Coca Cola got its position again and it released latest versions of Coke that address the needs of these kinds of customers, These products are included by Diet Coke and Coca Cola Zero. According to Bool, (2008) companies, for example, Coca Cola is necessary to change due to trends that have a huge impact on its business; another trend is health and fitness. Many people are spending extra money on their health; In addition, Coca Cola launched its new products which are a calorie burning soft drinks, such as, Enviga, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, and Coke. Furthermore, Coca Cola is working together with the Swiss company Nestle. Coca Cola is contracting with innovation and change. For the duration of the Asian Financial Crisis, Coca Cola was also prompted to change its courses of management in that specific region. The responses and reactions of Coca Cola with the external environment are its internal changes. Organisational Change Management: This theory presents a general process for managing the change in the side of the people at an organisational level (Kotter, 1996). According to Hiatt and Creasey, the organisational change management is contains three stages, which are, preparing for change, managing change and reinforcing change. The theory of organisational change management was efficiently used by Coca Cola. Various managers in different branches of the World have operated organisational change management in order to address the matters that the Coca Cola faced. According to the current stage, the main emphasis of the Coca-Cola is to get the needs of their consumers with outstanding product developing and product distribution. Coca Colas change management is very weak since Coca Cola forecasted that there are a number of marketing challenges in the near future that they have to face. 3.4 Internal Audit (SWOT Analysis: Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis of Coca Cola): This part of report provides information about current and previous years profit and loss account data, market share data, performance graph which have indicated internal or operational strengths and weaknesses of current marketing strategy and BCG Matrix. Table 1 Profit and Loss Account: Year ended 31, December 2010(Â £millions) 2009(Â £millions) 2008(Â £millions) Net operating revenues 21,959 ($35,119) 19,377 ($30,990) 19,974 ($31,944) Gross profit 14,022 ($22,426) 12,011 ($19,209) 12,862 ($20,570) Operating income 5,283 ($8,449) 5,146 ($8,231) 5,281 ($8,446) Income before taxes 8,906 ($14,243) 5,593 ($8,946) 4,693 ($7,506) Profit after tax 7,415 ($11,859) 4,318 ($6,906) 3,673 ($5,874) Source: Profit and loss account indicates operational excellence of current marketing strengths. We see a consistent growth in the profit margin. In 2009 profit after tax was 4,318 and in 2010 it became 7,415. It is increased by 3,097 million pounds in a year. Market share of UKs soft drinks: Analysing market share of UK soft drinks, it is clear that Coca Cola is the market leader by getting 44% of total market.ÂÂ The comparative positioning of Coca Colas market share with respect to other leading players in the market has been illustrated as follows, (2010). Figure 1: Coca Cola and other competitors Market Share Performance Graph: Performance graph of Coca Cola and Pepsi over the last five years can be summarised with the help of growth in following key indicators, (2010). Figure 2: Coca Cola Last Five Years Market Growth This graph clearly shows that Coca Cola in 2006, it was slight increase in profit margin but in 2007 it was slightly decrease. From 2008 to 2010 market growth of Coca Cola was increase year by year. Internal Strengths of Current Marketing Strategy: Coca-Cola has been an intricate part of American culture for over a century. The products image is laden with sentimentality, and this is an image many people have taken deeply to heart. Coca Cola is a very recognizable firm. Its products/brands are available everywhere in the World. Its popularity is one of greater strength is virtuallyÂÂ incomparable. Coca Cola deals with huge amounts of money every year. Similarly, whole businesses they have had their ups and downs monetarily, but Coca Cola has done very well in this section and Coca Cola will go on to do well and make better than its competitors (Pepsi). The money they are earning, it is significantly better than most beverage companies (competitors), they use into their own company so that they can get well, (2010). Everybody is knownÂÂ very well Coca Cola in the World. Its image is displayed on hats, collectible memorabilia and t-shirts. There is no doubt,ÂÂ no beverage firm (competitor) compares to Coca Colas social popularity status. And this extremely recognizable branding is one of Coca-Colas greatest strengths, (2010). Even though, Coca Cola controls almost 44% of the whole drinks market, the changing health-consciousness attitude of the market could have a serious effect on Coca Cola. In addition, according to Bettman (1998), Coca-Colas bottling system is one of their greatest strengths. It allows them to conduct business on a global scale while at the same time maintain a local approach. The bottling companies are locally owned and managed by independent business people who are authorized to sell products of the Coca-Cola Company. Because, Coke does not have outright ownership of its bottling network, its main source of revenue is the sale of concentrate to its bottlers, (2010). Internal Weaknesses of Current Marketing Strategy: Coca Cola has many weaknesses; they need to be finished these weaknesses, if they want to increase the next level. Now a days, constant shift to health products, some products could probably lose customers. This fresh focus on weight and health might be a problem for the item that is labelled detrimental to your health, (2010). Coca-Cola has recently reported some declines in unit case volumes in Indonesia and Thailand due to reduced consumer purchasing power. According to an article in (Fortune magazine), in Japan, unit case sales fell 3% in the second quarter scary because of Japan produces around 5% of worldwide volume, it contributes three times as much to profits. Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Japan account for about 35% of Cokes volume and none of these markets are performing to expectation (Mclean, 1998). Word of mouth unluckily is something that is very difficult to control. Although, people would have their views, Coca Cola has to try to control their negative views. If bad views are extinguish to people who have yet to try Coca Cola products, after that could create lost of customers which shows why word of mouth is a weakness, (2010). Coca Cola produces many drinks, some are very popular such as, Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite but Coca Cola has approximately made 500 different types of brands, such as, carbonates, energy drinks, sports drinks, fruit juices, water etc. Most of them unknown and rarely seen for available purchase. These drinks do not mostly taste bad, but are rather a result of low profile or nonexistent advertising, (2010). As we know, health is a significant matter in 21st century. Coke have high level of sugar and caffeine content. Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix): The BCG matrix method is the theory to determine list of priorities that should be given in the product portfolio of a business unit. There are two dimensions should be analyzed in the implementation of this method; market share and market growth. There are four characters in this diagram represent four categories of products in companys portfolio, which are given bellow. Stars: It represents the products that have a high market growth and high market share. Products in this class usually need a fairly high cost in the process of development. For example, Coca Colas bottled water (Dasani). Question Marks: It represents the products that have a high market growth and low market share. In this category, products have the worst cash characteristics because they have high level of the demand but low returns because of their low market share. For example, Coca Colas energy drink brand (Full Throttle). Cash Cows: Cash cows represent the products that have low market growth and high market share. In this class products should have huge level of profits and cash generation. In order to achieve that result, company should keep their level of investment low because the market growth for these products also low. Such as, namesakes soft drink (Coca-Cola). Dogs: Dogs represent the products that have low market growth as well as market share. Products in this category will absorb a lot of cash but low level of returns because low provided market share and weak market growth. For example, sweetened juice drinks (Hi-C), (2010). Coca Cola would use income from Coke to invest their primarily in Dasani and Full Throttle, whereas, looking to sell off Hi-C to some private equity fund with huge amount of cash on its hands. It is able to standard product life cycle tends to have five stages which are given bellow. Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline As a result, Coca-Cola is presently in the maturity stage, which is evidenced mainly by the fact that they have a large, loyal group of stable consumers. In addition, cost management, product differentiation and marketing contain more important as growth slows and market share becomes the key determinant of profitability. In international markets the product life cycle is in more of a growth trend Cokes advantage in this section is primarily due to its establishment strong branding and it is now able to use this part of stable profitability to support financially the domestic Cola Wars, (2010). 4.0 Ansoffs Matrix: This Matrix was developed by Igor Ansoff; it is one of the most well known frameworks for deciding upon strategies for growth. It is a tool that helps the company to decide their product and market growth strategy. It is determined by two scopes of option which are products and markets. It consists of market penetration, product development, market development and diversification. Market Penetration: Selling more of an existing product to an existing market. It is going deeper into a market, such as, coke and diet coke. Coca Cola in UK is doing market penetration through the selling its products to the business buyers and retailers who are huge multinational organizations like Tesco, Asda, McDonalds, Subway, KFC and many more. Market Development: Selling an existing product in a new market, for example, taking out various bottle sizes to attract different buyers. It is called market development. Many flavours of Coca Cola are not being sold in every shop, retailer market and other business buyers. Coca Cola can develop a new market if they introduce those flavours in their market. Product Development: Selling a new product to an existing mark
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