Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay Essay

About 70% of the couples who get married take the decision of getting divorce. Divorce is one of the most serious social problems in the modern world. It has become very common recently, and it affects all levels of society. In the past, divorce was quite rare. Today, however, a majority of marriages break up in the first few years. When involved in a divorce lack of communication, infidelity, and financial problems are the causes to provoke a couple to split apart and take their lives into different path. To begin with one significant cause that leads to a divorce is lack of communication. Many couples stop communicating with each other because each one is busy doing their own things in life whether it is work, hobbies, raising children, activities, among other things. A lot of couples have different job schedules not allowing them to see each other most of the day. When they finally get to see each other is at night and unfortunately they are both tired and they just go to sleep. Since the time that they live together is not enough, the couples find it hard to find time to communicate with each other due to having a busy life and for lack of energy. Also, many married people have poor communication because they do not know how to express their feelings to their partner. Marriage cannot be a successful relationship if either one does not discuss about his/her emotions or issues, and expects their partner to guess what the whole problem is about. Finally, most couples just do actions i nstead of using words. Married couples think that they do not need to express their love for each other verbally and that only providing for the house is sufficient to know that they care and love each other. Many people think that because they provide things from the home like food, pay bills, take care of the house, etc. they do not have any other problems and they live with happiness. Unfortunately, it just makes the couple weaker ending in a divorce. Its quite clear that the less communication that is used in a marriage, the more higher divorce rates. Furthermore, infidelity in a marriage can be devastating, and most of the time leads to divorce. Boredom in a relationship is not a good idea if couples want a successful marriage. Partners who do not challenge each other with enough excitement to keep the relationship interesting cheat. The desire for self-expansion can lead a husband or wife to be aware of opportunities outside of the marriage, opening the door to infidelity. Spouses do not communicate their desires for growth, and they feel the need to cheat. In addition, many couples can cheat using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc. Social network is one of the most common causes of infidelity in married couples. Today, everyone can have a computer or phone that they can access to internet making it way easier to meet new people. Many couples have many jealously problems when they found out that their spouse has being talking or going out on dates with different women/men. Most married couples cannot forgive their spouse of infidelity, leading to an unfortunate divorce. Lastly, multiple sex partners before marriage can lead to infidelity. Many people when they get married think that they will change and stay with just one sex partner, but the truth is that they find it really hard to keep their promise. This can lead to a sense of loss, betrayal, unwelcome memories and other problems. These can affect a marriage later on. After a couple of months they feel satisfied with their spouse, but when the time keep passing they cannot be with just one person, and there is when infidelity takes place in a relationship. After infidelity most or all the trust is lost; not having any other option then the divorce in marriages. Finally, a cause of divorce are financial issues. Money or aspects related to it are of course a possible cause of disagreement between couples. For example, couples that live paycheck to paycheck deal with stress from the pressure of making enough money to survive and provide the family with necessities. If the bills get behind it could start an argument between the two and that on top of being behind with bills can be overwhelming causing more stress, which leads to an unhealthy relationship. For instance, many married couples go into debt. Many couples when they do not have money to pay something tend to use credit cards, but many people end abusing them. They say I will buy it now and I will pay it later. Unfortunately, bills do not stop from coming and when people less expect it they cannot get out of debt. This situation builds up stress between the couples not knowing how to get out of it, and just blaming each other without finding a solution. Finally, gender differences of how they see their financial problems can cause a divorce. For most males when it comes to money is to provide for their family. They like to carry this burden. For most females, their need is to make sure the family is provided for. Problems starts to show when the husband might work longer to provide, but the wife thinks his work is his top priority over family. The husband sees it just the opposite. For some husbands, just because they are working hard, it doesn’t mean they love their jobs more than their families. Obviously, too much work can cause the relationship to suffer. Economic problems can cause a disaster in a marriage, not having other option for the couples then the divorce. Clearly, divorce is a serious issue that can happen to anyone due to cheating, economic problems, and poor communication. Before taking the big step of marriage every couple has to think about all the things that imply being married. Couples should consider living in free union for a short time before getting married, by doing this, you can meet your partner well before making an important decision that can have a huge impact on every couple’s life. The cause of divorce are lamentable and all couples should try to consider them if they want to have a healthy and successful relationship and avoid falling during marriage.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Far the Press Should Be Free to Report

Discuss how far the press should be free to report what they want There are obvious reasons for restrictions on the freedom of the press. Many of these are to do with the fact that clearly there are many stories which are damaging to individuals and will have a negative effect on the life of a person or group of people. The argument that is often put forward that it is in the public interest to know what is going on and that secrets should not be kept from the public is a valid one, but there has to be a line drawn between the public interest and what the public are interested in.That line was not necessarily crossed in the publication of the photos of prince William, as it is not inconceivable that he might be the future king of England and therefore it can almost be seen as a warning of how it is and isn’t acceptable to behave for somebody in the public eye. Although there are occasions when the press report stories that they shouldn’t, it must be taken into account t hat newspapers organisations have to make money, and therefore they have to be able to write stories which will sell copies and, if they are not given that right, the general public could become bored by newspapers.The Sun’s dominance in the journalism world of Britain is all the evidence needed to prove that the public are not looking to be informed, but to be entertained, and the most entertaining stories are usually the sensational ones. Another reason why the press should not be restricted is that Britain is a democracy and so the people at the top of society should not have omnipotent powers over what can and cannot be reported to the public.If you look at the fascist dictatorships of the past, one of the greatest crimes has been the lack of freedom of speech and this is what oppresses people more than anything. I am not saying that this is a position which Britain is nearing, but we must bear in mind that one of the fundamental components of a democracy is the freedom o f speech, and as such you cannot justify taking this right away from anybody, whether they are talking to a friend or writing it in a newspaper.

Women of Different Eras

Shops was a woman of Ancient Greece that history sees as a mystery. Her life is a mystery because not much is known about her or her poems that she wrote because only bits and pieces are left of her works. During this period, women were not known to be well educated individuals like Shops, only men. Women were to be caretakers of the house and bear the man's children. Shops went â€Å"against the grain† and made a name for herself as a well-known lyric poetess, which means her poetry was made Into songs and played with a musical Instrument called a lyre.Furthermore, Shops poems were connected to emotions and feelings from her heart when she wrote. It did not matter If she wrote her poems to a woman or a man. Society took this and ran with her emotions and labeled Shops as a lesbian. Society is still the same then as it is now, speculating that a person is gay or lesbian because they only have â€Å"girlfriends†. It is still called stereotyping. It was not taken into con sideration that Shops was married and had a daughter. Also no evidence was presented to prove this allegation.On the other hand, Muralist did not have such a time being stereotyped because he was not labeled like Shops. Like Shops, Muralist was a mystery because her real name was not known. During the Hein Period, â€Å"real names of noblewomen were not usually known; Muralist Skibob was actually the author's nickname in court circles In The Tale of Genii† (Anta, 2008, Para. 7). Women of the Hein period also had a social position to uphold for the sake of family, something In Ancient Greece would not even been heard. A woman would not be seen outside the house or for that matter even give her point of view on a situation.Noblewomen from Japan and women from Ancient Greece had another difference in their time periods. Ancient Greece women did not have law that required them to have their face covered if they were not in the presence of their own family. The noblewomen were to be a mystery to the men they were to marry, even if it was an arranged marriage between the fathers of the families. In Ancient Greece the fathers also arranged their daughter's weddings to an ideal suitor. Another similarity that both eras have is polygamy for the men in their marriages. The men of Japan had many wives and their wives would live with her parents.In Ancient Greece the men also had many wives, but would ravel from house to house to be with the different wives. Mural was considered the first famous novelist In Japan. Like Shops she wrote with her heart her stories In her novel â€Å"The Tale of Cancel†. It took Mural several years to finish her masterpiece. An educated woman in Japan was believed to be studied and knew Japan prose which is a form of writing they were also more popular with the women of the courts than the men. Even though Shops and Muralist were from different time periods, both ladies were successful authors of poems and novels.

Monday, July 29, 2019

HUMANITIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HUMANITIES - Essay Example There was no discernable beginning, middle or end. I never knew if the piece was building towards a climax or if the end was seconds away. I think the lack of structure was a real factor in my lack of enthusiasm for this first piece. The second piece, with its repetitive rhythms was more enjoyable to listen to. It felt as though the music was going somewhere. While it did not follow a classical design, it was driven onward they the rhythm. I can see that a clear connection between ancient music and the music I enjoy today is the element of rhythm. I like music that makes me want to move or music that evokes a positive feeling. A driving rhythm is exciting because it evokes feelings of excitement and action. I guess I am a rhythm junkie whether I’m listening to modern or ancient music. The thing that strikes me first as I compare the sculptures of different periods of time is the weight and the heaviness of the figures. The earliest examples are heavily muscled and very bulky appearing (Classical Greek Sculpture, 1998). They have pleasing proportions, but they somehow look rigid and mechanical. There is little or no suggestion of movement. Even when movement is suggested, it appears as though the figure is awkwardly posed. As the ages advance, it is clear that the forms become more lifelike. They are less bulky and less muscular. There is also a feeling of movement about them. They appear to be real people caught in a moment in time. You can almost visualize the next motion they will make were they to somehow be brought to life. All of these figures are idealized versions of the human form. Muscles are emphasized and proportions are exacted to godlike specifications. The fact that some people actually do look like these sculptures (perhaps after a great workout at the gymnasium) just confirms the fact that most of us do not and cannot ever look this way. That

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critically compare and contrast the major cultural and institutional Essay

Critically compare and contrast the major cultural and institutional features and predominant HR policies and practices in UK an - Essay Example Both the two countries managed a score of 35 points on power distance. Germany is seen to be highly decentralized while at the same time it is also strongly supported by a large middle class. The Key management in various institutions have to carefully take into consideration any co-determination rights that may exist, in addition to its leadership being continually challenged to display appropriate levels of expertise. Extensive control is also one of the factors that is strongly disliked in Germany (Hofstede Centre 2013). In comparison to this, the British society has been noted to be strongly advocating for and believing that any inequalities that may happen to exist between people should be greatly minimized. Hofstede also shows that there are some inherent tensions in British culture as pertaining to one not being limited to how far they can be able to progress in life irrespective of where they were born on one hand, and the relative importance of birth rank on the other hand ( Hofstede Centre 2013). ... In comparison to the British society, the German society attains a score of 67 on the Individualism score (Hofstede Centre 2013). German society tends to focus on parent-children relationships with little emphasis on uncles and aunts. German communication is ranked as being one of the highest scores globally in line with the accepted ideal of one being honest even if it hurts (Mooij 2007). With a high score of 66 points, the German society is highly regarded as being a mainly masculine society. Good performance is highly valued and the German school system is keen to spate children into several different types of schools when they reach the age of ten. The general sense is that people in Germany â€Å"live to work† and their tasks provide them with self esteem. In Comparison, the British society also attains a score of 66 in masculinity (Hofstede Centre 2013). The British society is also highly driven and success oriented. People in Britain also live to work and well defined a nd clear performance ambitions (Strangleman and Warren 2008). On the uncertainty avoidance score, the UK with a score of 35 is seen to be quite a happy nation (Gibson 2002). With the low score in UAI, the British as seen to be relatively comfortable in any ambiguous situations that they may happen to encounter. (Hofstede Centre 2013). The German score on the UAI index is also set at 35. The society tends to place a lot of importance on details so as to ascertain that a project has been well thought-out. Germans are seen to compensate for any high uncertainty on their part by strongly relying on their individual expertise (Mead and Andrews 2009). The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Applied thermodynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Applied thermodynamics - Essay Example The agency is doing a very good job in conserving the environment. It is agreeable that global warming is an impending danger to the world. However, it is not quite sensible to consider dictating to countries on how to manage the environment, especially if major economic resources are concerned. By this, countries that depend on coal as the main source of energy may require to take a lot of time so that they can establish infrastructures for alternative energy. The ambition by America and other supporters of the demands to slash carbon pollution from coal industries contravenes other international rules. According to the rule, economic activities of a large group of people should not be interrupted without a remedy, (James 2013). This means that America should help the affected these countries to establish alternatives sources of energy. Alternatively, it is important for all stakeholders to build political consensus so that the transition can be articulated without causing acrimony. All nations that are concerned should discuss and reach a conclusion that is friendly to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Outsourcing - Essay Example Subsequently, organizations attempting to compete globally in the 1970s and 1980s were handicapped by a lack of agility that resulted from bloated management structures (Corbett, 1996). However, most organisations were not totally self sufficient; they outsourced those functions for which they had no competency internally. Publishers, for example, have often purchased composition, printing, and fulfillment services. The use of external suppliers for these essential but ancillary services might be termed the baseline stage in the evolution of outsourcing. The main business purpose for outsourcing is to enhance the value of an organization's offerings to its customers (Earl, 1996). In the electronics industry, increased market competition identifies continuous adjustment and improvement in the production lines, outsourcing and supply chain management of companies. Interdependence and participation of suppliers and manufacturers in product design, innovation, as well as research and development characterize the current international business environment resulting to market volatility (Sobrero & Roberts, 2001; Appleyard, 2003). These organizations usually share proprietary corporate data with external suppliers and partners while ensuring maximum security to enhance efficiency across the product lifecycle by streamlining procurement, production, fulfilment, and distribution processes (Katsikeas, Schlegelmilch & Skarmeas, 2002) which requires integration of applications and data across multiple geographically dispersed supply chain partners, as well as internal integration with legacy systems (Katsikeas, Schlegelmilch & Skarmeas, 2002; Appleyard, 2003). Benefits Outsourcing manufacturing is one of vital business and supply chain strategies which are one way companies are revolutionising business operations to deliver better products faster at lowest cost possible (Domberger, 1998). It is a kind of supply chain collaboration model and strategic alliance approach, which allows the OEMs to concentrate on product development, sales and marketing (Bounfour, 2003). It eventually helps business organisations to gain competitive advantage of increased product availability, reduced inventory; minimized total logistics cost and rapidly introduce their product to market without a significant investment in plans for capital equipment (Arnold, 2000). Normally, there are two types of outsourced services, technology and business process. Each can be inert partial to the subsequent areas. The first type of outsourcing is the technology services. This type covers the electronic commerce (e-commerce), infrastructure (networks), software (applications), telecommunications and website development and hosting. The second type of outsourcing is the business process outsourcing. Under this type of outsourcing are customer contacts (customer relations management), equipment, finance/accounting, human resources, logistics, procurement/supply chain management and security. Lee et al (2002) stated that there have three major outsourcing drivers: (a) economic - expense reductions, cost control and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Outline chapter(4) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Outline chapter(4) - Assignment Example This is explained through the relationship of various effects that may accrue, from the innumerable studies that have been conducted. This means that sophisticated approaches have been bore during the past several decades that help in understanding effects. Next, Hattie sub-groups these consequences into various sub categories in order to understand the specification criterion that best explains the entire effect. For instance, he disintegrates the schooling process into components like students, the process of teaching and learning, other co-curriculum activities, the teachers in charge, the curriculum being used, stakeholders partaking the schooling process, just to mention but a few. With such sub divisions, they can be well understood in this individualized content. This just explains what begets the dynamic perspective of the schooling process. Hattie then establishes a measurement criterion for the varied observations made from the individualized sub groups. This enables them to be categorized in order of effect such that others are ranked as extreme, while others as mild. In general, the chapter outlines the individualized as well as the generalized perspective research methodologies encompassed in the learning process. A myriad of methodologies are explained and recommended as pertaining to any education process which, as a matter of fact, is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Case of the West Memphis 3 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The of the West Memphis 3 - Case Study Example Such questions as to how they were able to feel confident in theory that they would have put together from those assumptions and have that become the case they would ultimately be able to form. For criminal prosecution, evidence based on factual findings is fear greater than that which would have been obtained through assuming something to be true or incorrect. In that not only were there assumptions made very soon after the crime was discovered to have been committed, but the police would have been approaching potential suspects based on such information with questionable validity and relevance. In the offset, the case against the resulting suspects would appear to be tenuous at best. As it stands, the events leading up to the arrest and prosecution of the three men in question for the heinous crimes committed against the three young boys, would lack the necessary means of just and righteous prosecution. To the citizens of West Memphis, it would have been a great relief to see the apprehension and subsequent prosecution occur. Based on the question of assumptions being made, the linkage of the three accused to the murders, in part by their alleged connection to a Satanica l group and also the behaviors of the groups themselves, would lead to further questions involving whether or not the young men did in fact belong to such a group and if those groups partook and sought to encourage such behavior on the part of its membership. The citizens of West Memphis were relieved that the monsters that had committed these heinous crimes had been apprehended and justice would be served. There was a great deal of anger in the community directed towards these three adolescents, supposedly involved in Satanic cults, who were accused of killing three innocent boys as part of a Satanic ritual. Rumors of Satanic groups had abounded in this dominantly Baptist community for decades. Details of their exploits were well known although there was never any proof of any murders actually having been performed in the past. (Steel, Ch. 1). With everything thus far, the case against the three youths appeared to lack strength. While the details were to have been known throughout the community at large, there would have been no proof whatsoever as to whether or not these groups would have taken part in ritualistic murders as part

Genetics((Drosophila)) Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genetics((Drosophila)) - Lab Report Example Drosophila which is the common fruit fly has been used extensively in carrying out genetic research. This is due to the fact that the species is relatively stable. There are many factors that make Drosophila suitable for carrying out genetic research. They have mutations that can easily be differentiated from one another. They are able to produce large number of offspring which can be easily calculated into ratios. Furthermore, they are small and have four pairs of chromosomes which make it easy to discern them. They are convenient to work with as far as study period is concerned by the fact that they have a life cycle of 12 days. In this practical Drosophila is used to study Mendel’s Law in organisms. I would accept the hypothesis as the results are logical with it. The results, of course, make sense as they are consistent with theories of Mendel’s Law. They have occurred as expected. The subsequent generations inherit the traits of their parents. The inheritance takes place according to the predictions of Mendel’s law. Combination of alleles is useful in producing variability of offspring. It is assumed that the alleles occur in spate chromosomes. Otherwise, the combination would not be effective if the factors come from the same

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Writing about pic-18 in computer desing subject Essay

Writing about pic-18 in computer desing subject - Essay Example The most popular set of microcontrollers are those in the 8051 family. These 8051 family is a preferred choice for professionals specializing in embedded systems because they are cheap, readily available, have a larger user base and also the ability of being reprogrammed with flash memory. Figure 1: The 8051 Microcontroller Invention of the Intel 8051 led to a revolutionary role of microcontrollers in the embedded systems industry. Intensive research in this field led to design of efficient, high performance and low power consumption family of microcontrollers. These included AVR, PIC and ARM. These modern microcontrollers are every day being made smarter to include latest communication protocols like USB, I2C, SPI, Ethernet and CAN. History The name PIC refers to the Peripheral Interface Controller. The first PIC was developed in 1975 by the Microelectronics Division of a company known as General Instruments. It was developed when the Microelectronics Division was testing its 16-bit CPU i.e. CP 1600. ... 1. Base Line PIC They are the least complex family of the 8-bit PIC microcontroller since they are based on 12-bit instruction architecture. They are the smallest and the cheapest of all the PICs and are available 6 to 40 pin packaging. 2. Mid-Range PIC These are based on 14-bit instruction architecture with a 20 MHz clock speed. They are mostly used for industry and even hobbyists because of their availability in many peripherals like Op-Amps, ADC, PWM and other communication protocols like SPI, I2C and SPI. 3. Enhanced Mid-Range PIC These are an enhanced version of Mid-Range core. They provide a greater performance in terms of flash memory, clock speed and power consumption. They also include multiples peripherals and protocols like SPI, I2C and USART. 4. PIC 18 It is the highest performing among the 8-bit PIC families and is based on a 16-bit instruction architecture that incorporates an advanced RISC architecture. It is integrated with current communication protocols like TCP/IP protocol, LIN, CAN and USB for communication with internet based networks. Figure 3: PIC 18 Pin Out Memory Variation for PIC 18 PIC 18 is available with many memory options such as mask ROM, EPROM and flash memory. These different types of memories are denoted as follows; Symbol Memory Type Example C EPROM PIC16Cxxx CR Mask ROM PIC16CRxxx F Flash Memory PIC16Fxxx The operating voltage of the PIC 18 ranges from 2.0-5.5 volts. The letter ‘L’ is included in the controllers name to denote their voltage range i.e. PIC16LFxxx (operating at 2.0-5.5 range) PIC18 Architecture PIC18 microcontrollers are based the Reduced Instruction Set Computing architecture (RISC). This is the kind of architecture where the hardware gets reduced with an

Monday, July 22, 2019

Validity, Credibility, & Reliability Essay Example for Free

Validity, Credibility, Reliability Essay When seeking out the validity, credibility, and reliability of a source there can be a vast array of sources to compare when seeking this answer. For example, when validating a source we can research the author and his or her background pertaining to the data in question. Data within a claim can be meant to sway the reader one way or the other, with this in mind, I look at who and what there is to gain from this claim. I can use the gun ban debate stewing in Washington for a great example. President Obama has been pushing for tougher regulations and bans on specific fire arms and related accessories based upon the elementary school shooting in Connecticut implying that this will contest the amount of damage and casualties occurred in mass shootings when statistically more people are killed by drunk drivers in society compared to mass shootings, but yet anyone over the age of 21 can purchase any amount of alcohol. However, even statistics can be swayed depending on the pool of interested parties involved. Some methods I use to determine the reliability of data is to first seek the source from which the data is from. Typically I then seek out other sources in which I can compare that specific data against to validate the data is solid and not transparent. I then will analyze the different sources to be sure there is somewhat of a streamline when these sources are compared.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Globalisation Effect On Unemployment And Economy Economics Essay

Globalisation Effect On Unemployment And Economy Economics Essay The ever growing impact of Globalization highly supported by the technological innovations on the global market, created new approach and understanding in the labour market. The restructuring of economic and corporate systems resulted of dismantling the traditional institutions, organizations and social protection, paving the way to further insecurity in jobs i.e. incomes for the exerted human power, not only in poor the countries, but in the rich and developed countries as well. The global competition among the corporations, the raise of the number of world inhabitants, technological contribution on production and services, moreover; the global economic issues, led to immense pressure on employers to adopt more flexible, non-standard labour policies with more and growing unwarranted work arrangements. To sustain in these turbulent waters, is the game of adaptation to the ever evolving social and economic uncontrollable macro environment. Since the old and new theory Survival of the fittest is still the most accurate, the only way for both employers and the employees to reach a win-win situation is through finding the perfect common denominator, through which an employee will secure his life and the employer his business. The right balance between the opportunities and threats will be by captivating advantages of opportunities and trying to avoid the threats. As an employer or employee, to survive this never-ending game, the opportunities are there to be seized. Through rapid changes and adaptations, common denominators can be innovated. The emergence and the impact of Globalization Technologys contribution The 21st century is guided by a new era in enterprises ongoing quest for increasing profit through a significant competitive advantage over the rivals. For the first time in history, we can now claim to live in One World. Globalization has removed many of the gaps that have existed between and among nations. While the physical divide is still present, the impact of the Information Highway on how we communicate and live in the present day is simply staggering. Through globalization, cultural exchange is now open and dynamic. Economies have also been merged, with the economic life of an Asian country affecting other nations in other parts of the world, and vice versa. Rapid improvements in information technology have allowed us to exchange information and communicate almost everywhere, anywhere, and anytime. The nature of business and how it is done had also improved by leaps and bounds all because of globalization. MNCs as tools for globalization Since technology is the main driving force of globalization, MNCs struggled heard to monopolize it. From the invention of the machines, then the aviation industry to the invention of the internet they all served as means for dominance. Just the nature of the tool varied from the hard to the soft power. The symbols of the modern soft means i.e. IMF, WB, internet, language, International business laws and regulations, WTO etc. are the humble servants of the Economic and Financial might of MNCs. These facts led the Big Brands to be the synonym of globalization. The global markets and the labour force These breakthroughs in communication have revolutionized business, commerce, and even the personal lives and relationships of millions of people. Indeed, globalization has produced a new age of connectivity in culture, society, economy, social life, technology, and politics. Globalization, as a general term, is best understood as the spread of ideas about the environment, democracy, human rights, and less complicated issues like fashion and fads. The mass marketing of computers and the wide availability of Internet services have brought many parts of the world together, as if we are all rush on a single pattern or web of daily life. Countries today do not just export raw materials or the usual projects. Global exchange is now taking place as the market of ideas, manpower recruiting through the use of technology. Because of the electronic media, vast amounts of important personal information can reach any parts of the globe in no time. Business establishments, whether big or small, are using the Internet in many ways to build or expand their companys recruitment system through their website or through mediators. With the ever improving technology, new labour markets blossom, high demand for cheap labour, and also greater competition. Making investments in information and communication technology is now a must for any business enterprise. Globalization and the Internet have created many advantages for organizations around the world. This advantage can be utilized while avoiding many business or geographical obstacles by using Internet properly. Employment and globalization For many, globalization is equated with economic interdependence. At the dawn of the 21st century, the scale and magnitude of global economic interaction appears to be unprecedented. The volume of capital flows far exceeds that of the past. The developing world, too, have increasingly become a part of global trade and capital flows. Contemporary patterns of economic globalization suggest the emergence of a new international division of labour. In short, the world has reached a stage in which one can meaningfully refer to one global economy. The question is whether globalization processes have reduced or exacerbated wealth inequalities  within developed countries and developing  ones. While markets will produce winners and losers, liberals argue that the openness accompanying globalization will benefit all. Others see the potential to produce widening disparities. The short answer is that the effect of globalization has been both positive and negative and is dependent on a range of domestic and international factors. Extensive evidence also exists to support the claim that economic interdependence is related to more peaceful relations. States, for example, that trade more with each other are less likely to go to war. The direction of the cause is less clear, however. In other words, does greater trade lead to peace or does peace lead to greater trade? The greater ties from interdependence have been argued to lead to both greater cooperation and conflict. The relationship is, in fact, most likely nonlinear. Variations of the working methods and the Human Recourses Competitive advantage and the competitors Competitive advantage can come in one or combination of the following factors where labour force has very significant role in almost every one of them: Price, Experience, service, Quality, Location, Customer service oriented. The better your business performs against one of these factors, the more likely you are to succeed. Being the low cost provider of a good or service can be a quick path to gaining more business or market share than your competitors. The more efficient firms labour force is the more are the chances to compete in this category. Certainly a firm will need a lower labour, materials or overhead cost, because an organization may find that their competitors are willing to cut prices in response. After all no one can expect that a competitor will let the rival take their customers away without a fight. So if an organization is willing to go down this path it would be better to be certain that they truly do have lower costs, supported mainly by low paid employers or specially arranged non-standard forms of employment. Service can also be serious differentiator and competitive advantage. If a firm can respond quicker, get it done quicker, or get there sooner, customers may prefer it over the competitors even though it costs them more. Yet; these maneuvers heavily rely on well experienced dynamic workforce who will create the much needed differentiation alongside the existing processes and the procedures. Quality is important in almost every industry. Customers do not like to pay good money for work that has to soon be redone or have to purchase a new unit that fails prematurely. Most products are somewhere in between the super and bad quality and the astute business person will seek to produce the highest quality within his means. This detail is also highly related to the workforce and its ability to create quality business with the least cost possible. Over the long term producing higher quality is almost always less expensive as organizations dont have to deal with as many returns, or as much scrap, or rework. Location can also be a competitive differentiator. If a firm best suitable location in town, then people will have buy from you unless they are willing to drive longer distances to get it. Getting the goods or the services to the customers by certain delivery employees is a kind of location based selling. Prices might be higher than normal but not so high that people refuse to buy. If firms distant service competitors charge for travel time, other things being equal, organizations can charge more money but not so much more that it pays the customer to use competitors products or services. Customer Service base can also be a competitive advantage. Something is highly related to the employees and their attitudes towards the customers, even if this will cost the firms the cost of training and developing such employees. So what if you are a little more costly, or even a little slower? Most people hate change. The prospect of needing to invest the time and energy to build the necessary trust with one of firms competitors can be a real deterrent. We live in a changing world. New competitors with better products or service arrive on the scene almost daily. When demand for firms product or service slacks or increases, it is highly related to the workforce. It is true that the overhead cost, product quality and the price has their significant role, yet the core of these will remain the workforce who are the most significant determines of organizations competitiveness. Standard employment and Nonstandard form of employment. Nonstandard form of employment is usually defined in negative terms in contrast to so-called standard employment. It is, a category that includes relatively varied forms of employment, and these need to be explicitly differentiated in a detailed analysis. The standard employment terms are more or less the same in different countries, moreover they are identical in most common markets like the GCC, organizations do not utilize any part time employees as per the GCC labour law, an employee can only work and operate in companies that sponsor work permitresidency. However companies extend the service of special consultants that work on projects basis. The standard employment is mainly characterized by the following features: Full-time employment with an income sufficient for survival, Permanent employment contract, Integration into the social security system (particularly health and pension plan), Work relationship and employment relationship clarified, Employees subject to direction by the employer. For the functioning of the labour market it is significant that compared with typical forms of employment, whatever their differences, increases the potential flexibility of businesses and, to some extent also of the employees concerned. Nonstandard form of employment deviates from in terms of at least one of the standard criteria: Part-time work, with regular weekly working hours less than under regular contractual level and pay reduced accordingly. Marginal employment, which represents a specific variety of part-time work defined in terms of payment below a certain level. Mini jobs, employees are paid according to hours of service theyve exerted. Limitation of weekly working hours to a maximum amount has been abolished. Fee basis/freelancers, based on experience, internships. Agency work, which is different from all other forms because of the tripartite relationship between the employee, the agency and the company hiring the worker. This peculiarity results in a differentiation between the employment relationship (between the agency and the employee) and the work relationship (between the company and the employee). Self-employment is intended to replace the traditional freelancer category (for example lawyers or doctors even merchandisers), It is not always easy to differentiate between employment and self-employment as the lines between the two can be rather fluid. The workforce and the employment market Individual features can appear in combination form thus, for example, agency workers or part-time workers can at the same time have a fixed-term employment contract. The constant and the obvious are the ever growing bargaining power of the employers due to vast amount of labour supplied and the scarcity of jobs offered. The fearful part is the gap that is steadily and constantly growing between the two. Among many reasons these points could shed the light upon the most significant: Population growth. Production industry is shrinking worldwide except for China and Germany. World economic crisis. Technology Urbanism These major macro aspects are among the most significant factors that are widening the gap among the employers and the employees resulting in high unemployment rates. Moreover; they are creating new unconventional means of employment which usually benefit the employer. Future of Non-standard forms of employment The profiles of a typical forms of employment not only generate the above problems during an individuals working life (above all in terms of income, employability and employment stability), but also creates significant long-term problems in terms of social security. The consequences go beyond the labour market and affect individuals post-work lives, with a considerable impact on social security, especially pensions. In welfare states, such systems are very much focused on working life and strictly linked to the criteria of standard employment (financed through contributions of employers and employees and based on the principle of equivalence). Analysis of the resulting social problems renders the traditionally strict demarcation between labour market and social policy obsolete. Any approach to reform requires integrated solutions. The accumulation of social risks means that, compared to people in standard employment, those in a non-standard employment are more likely to be only on low wages (due to advanced age) and are therefore more often in receipt of governmental or social organizations welfare. The analysis of macro environment as for the organization The macro environment of the organization is the uncontrollable part of external forces that might affect the vision and the strategy of any organization. The macro environmental elements which mainly consist of Political, Economic, and Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal (PESTEL) aspects and forces might affect the organization either positively or negatively in the growth era of non-standard forms of employment. The positive effects will be considered as opportunities and the negative ones as threats. Opportunities: The non-standard form of employment will open the doors for the new blood from the same or totally new workforce market to pour in the organization; this will bring in the new knowledge, new ideas and innovations a new and dynamic approach to the conducted business. The result of flexible working hours will add efficiency to the production and the outcome since the old boring 9 to 5 system does not exist in the non-standard form of employment. The twenty-first centurys organizations are shifting from communality to diversity to increase dynamism and innovative thinking system among the employees. The high level of shifting hours where lot of employees will leave the job at certain hours and come back later on wouldnt be achieved if advanced IT systems and software didnt exist, since its almost impossible to calculate the total working hours of each employee and calculate the payments accordingly. This whole flexible workforce structure will reduce the labour cost of the organization. For example, instead of paying overtime for working during the night, replace those employees with another who can and willing to work at nightshifts. Furthermore, the organization will save vast amounts of retirement pension funds which will remove a heavy burden from the companys shoulders. The reduction of the labour cost will provide a major competitive advantage for the organization which will lead the competitors to adopt the same strategy. New Strategy, new blood, new technical and IT know how, along with talented educated dynamism from both sexes and innovations that they will add to the organization will be considered as major opportunities for any given organization, especially when theyll have an weaponless army of employees not registered in any form of labour unions etc. since they are not the conventional (standard) form of employees. Threats The non-standard form of employment will spread quickly due to the competition among the rivals; this will result to certain instability in the economy and therefore economical fluctuations. These facts will lead to inevitable inflation to the economic system resulting raise in wages (working hours honorary), therefore rise in rents and expenses so the sequence of the vicious circle will be inevitable, backfiring on the organization in itself. Laws and regulations plus the labour unions who will lobby against the non-standard form of unemployment will be considered a major threat for an organization where in most countries especially in the GCC countries the employment should be on the standard basis, since any employee will be registered under the name of a specific kafeel (Guarantor: could be the organization or the name of the business owner) and where very strict universal and local laws are imposed on the employers especially what concerns the human rights or juveniles related issues. The most threatening fact will be the employee high turnover rates within the organization which will result mainly of knowledge loss i.e. losing knowledge out of companies, moreover; increased turnover triggers diminished effectiveness in corporations. High turnovers will cost companies large amounts of money to recruit new ones (Advertising, mediating agencies, the time for hundreds CVs screenings, selecting, interviewing etc.) while retaining employees through incentives and trainings will cost much less. Such means can be used to cut attrition and increase retention numbers. Working hard at keeping employees through learning and development, retention and persistency rates, an organization not only will cut attrition, but also theyll build a priceless vault of knowledge and loyalty towards the organization. Synopsis: Opportunities Threats New workforce market Cheap labour Competitive advantage More effective production New blood, new know how Diversity Technology and IT Experience / Know how Strategic Imperative (must) High / selected competencies Flexible working hours No Labour unions / home restrictions Gender balance (if applicable) Production and incentives No retirement / pension problems No aging workforce Inflation Raise of wages Rents and inflation Social issues Political issues War Economic crisis Laws and regulation Shared knowledge and experience Less loyal employees Money based relationship Labour unions Human rights / juvenile Reputation Very high labour turnover rate The analysis of macro environment as for the individual The fact of the rise of non-standard forms of employment is considered to be at the macro environmental level of the individual where the uncontrollable several external forces are affecting the plans and life of any person. As discussed previously, the macro environmental elements which mainly consist of Political, Economic, and Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal (PESTEL) aspects and forces might affect the individual either positively or negatively. The positive effects will be considered as opportunities and the negative ones as threats. Opportunities: The non-standard forms of employment will open new horizons as for the individual where he or she might find a chance of being hired to a certain job or position that wasnt handy before, the odds are bigger since the constant change in the workforce at any given organization will increase the probability of job vacancies. Mostly in the underdeveloped countries and due to high levels of unemployment, chances of being hired are scarce and where nepotism and interventions are the only recruiting factors, individuals find fairness and equal chances for being hired through non-standard forms of employment. Usually when hired by non-standard forms of employment higher (per hour compensation) than fixed wages are expected even if the paid amount is considered cheap labour (effective) as for the hiring organization. The real challenge will be extending as much as possible the hours of being hired. Flexible hours will create the chance and the opportunity for the employee to be able to pursue another interest during or after the traditional 9 to 5 working hours. An employee could continue his / her education at the university, or pursue even higher education if possible. Time flexibility will allow the employees to spend more hours with their families or look after a hobby they like. Technology is considered an opportunity for many employees where the job could be accomplished without or by minimum physical presence at the office. Thanks to the technology virtual offices can easily be setup among employees hundreds of kilometers apart. Even traveling to host/home countries for short period of time is possible due to active, dynamic and low cost communication means. Any task could be accomplished within two days for example and the employee could return to his office and continue the job after a while. This would have never accomplished if there wasnt this technological breakthrough. One of the most annoying aspects for the new recruits especially for the fresh graduates is obtaining experience, mainly where there are high unemployment rates and starting a career is a hard task to be achieved. With non-standard forms of employment, chances will be granted for the fresh graduates to acquire working experience even for short period of time. This will allow them to look for the next vacancy empowered with a certain experience theyve acquired, levering their chanced to be reemployed. It is obvious that being involved and living with active job demands will increase the standard of living for any individual and his/her family. The higher the income generated will be resulted in higher spending due the high potential of the disposable income. Furthermore with the help of non-standard form of employment the employee might have the chance of being promoted and he/she might be invited on the same basis to operate on the other outlets due to the expending strategies that their organization might adopt, or be invited to help a franchisee to inaugurate certain tasks. Non-standard form of employment offers variety of experiences to the employees due to the fact that they will experience several types of carriers during their productive life span. The versatility acquired by the employees will increase the chances of being rehired since the adaptive attitude that theyll foster will be considered added value to the new recruiting organization. Threats The most dominant threat as for the non-standard form of employment will be the retirement where the dynamism of youth will diminish gradually and the chances of being employed will decease. This will add immense pressure on the individual therefore the society will be effected and eventually the state. The constant fear of the absence of safe and steady income will push the employee to a certain austerity measures on his/her spending, therefore consumers spending index will decrease resulting a standstill or slowing the markets normal cycle, which in itself will create a hassle in the marketplace resulting in more job cuts. Furthermore countries economical system is balanced upon the spending power of the population backed by the banking system through micro or medium loans. These loans are hypothecary i.e. based on certain guarantee to the bank, which in most of the cases are, the fixed salaries presented to the banks through certain documents which are approved by their organization. Technology and new machinery are spreading like the fire in the woods; this will affect the job market resulting raise in the unemployment figures, especially for low competency based positions. Uncertainty, lack of income and unconventional working hours will surly affects the lifestyle of any individual especially on those who have a family. On the long run such occurrences will have its devastating consequences on the social structure of that country, which in itself will backfire of the whole economy. Any kind of riots or wars will result a total standstill of the income in case of non-standard form of employment due to the fact that is based on the hours spent in job. The greed of employers could lead to exploitation of the employees by several means. One of the most famous among them is the so called trial period, where the employee agrees to be testes on job for an unpaid certain period of time. The result could be the extension of this period or the employer keeps testing employers for two moths then another employee for another two months and so on. This whole non-standard system will definitely alter the unemployment rates where lots of people will be considered as employed, which in fact they are not. The frequent change of the employees due to the fact that they can be easily substituted will result in total change in organizations values and personnel attitudes where the factor of loyalty will be considered an obsolete theory. Synopsis: Opportunities Threats New Job opportunities Equal and fairness Higher per hour / wages More flexibility / freedom Technology/ Communication means Transport and low cost airlines Learning curve and experience Constant demand of new recruits Career path in various organizations Raise the standard of living Franchising, expansion Versatile employee Retirement and pension No more safe and continues Income Technology new machinery Cultural identity Family issues War and riots Exploitation / misuse Unemployment real figures Values and attitudes Easily substituted Conclusion The global turbulent economy affected widely by the globalization factors and theories, sharpened the competition reducing the profit margins. Moreover, because of the greater employment risk and/or the short periods of employment involved, when they lose their jobs. The differences between agency workers and those in standard employment are particularly striking, with the exception of those on marginal wages. After getting job-less approximately one agency worker in two receives the lower Type 2 unemployment benefit, whereas the figure is only one in seven in the reference group. The main reason for this drastic difference is the fact that the previous period of employment subject to compulsory social insurance was not of sufficient duration. In addition, any claim to Type 2 unemployment benefit presupposes that savings above a certain threshold are first used for the purpose of subsistence. In these circumstances the greater degree of individual responsibility for old age provisions demanded of employees becomes unfeasible. What is relevant in the long term in both individual and collective terms is the insufficient integration of such individuals into the pension insurance system. The low levels of contributions made as a result of long periods of part-time work or an entire working career spent on mini-jobs but also unemployment after the expiration of fixed-term jobs results in individuals only having a claim to pension benefits that are inadequate for subsistence purposes. The changes that have occurred in types of employment increase the risk of poverty in old age for the individuals concerned. For years, this issue was regarded as having been solved in Germany, but it could re-emerge in the future unless appropriate measures are taken. And from a collective point of view, the necessary top-up transfer payments represent a considerable drain on public budgets and bring with them the risk of gradual erosion of the basis for contributions.

Critical Social Work Theoretical Frameworks Social Work Essay

Critical Social Work Theoretical Frameworks Social Work Essay Introduction The essay shall explore and analyse the theoretical underpinnings and key elements of critical social work. The account shall then describe assessment in social work practice contexts and consider how critical social work theories like Marxism, Feminism, Radical Social work and Post Modernism have shaped practice. A range of values ranging from personal, professional, institutional, organisational or agency, political, religious and cultural inevitably feature and must be dealt with in practice. Over and above this lies the social justice, emancipatory agenda vehicle by anti-oppressive approaches. Empathy is required and the social worker must be in the clients shoes (Egan, 1998). Theoretical bases and approaches enable practitioners to cross social divides and be with the client in a supportive way in an accountable and ethical manner. Vast energy must be invested to dispel and challenge both the personal and the structural dominant forces of oppressive practices. The author shall a ttempt to demonstrate how theories have shaped the response approaches to service delivery and contributed to professional practice. Critical Social Work Theoretical Frameworks The emergence of Socialism, Marxism, Liberalism and Conservativism shaped the emerging social professions at the turn of the twentieth century totally and reshaped the manner in which life was understood. How the social, political, economic shaped that reality became core in conceptualising reality and the way humans reacted to the world around them. In most cases socially constructed realities could be explained through the material realities if one was to look at the world through a Marxist perspective. The 1960-70s interpretation of social problems, described as the rediscovery of poverty. Marxist principles understood the world as socially divided by class, rendering some classes more susceptible to poverty than others as economically determined by having no control of the means of production. Marxist theory locates class struggle as a means of redressing this kind of socio-economic imbalance and the inequality The core elements in this phase were modes of production and power, t he equality that came with the package and the desire for change, social change could only be achieved through class struggle. The human position could thus be understood as driven and controlled by the external, in this case the poor as the oppressed group desired change. Social works role involves working with peoples lives, social problems centred on poverty and disadvantage and the core business involves establishing balance, social stability and social justice. Intervention without challenging social exclusion, inequality and poverty has proved to be insufficient yet traditional social work pathologised the individual. At the early phases social work was more about maintaining public order and suppressing civil unrest and class struggle rather than getting down to the core issues of poverty alleviation and challenging the sources and reasons for the differences that affected the people. Norms of behaviour and lifestyle for the people were determined by the eligibility criteria as the beneficiary elements of philanthropic interventions more than rights driven determinants. Radical social work emerged to instil that it was in fact a political activity. Social work should be about supporting those in need, challenging inequality and social change, not social control dealing with material realities. With radical social work emerged the community element in social work, conscious raising approach, gradual incremental change in the process and oppositional activism. As the profession developed critical social work begins to understand oppressive forces and work to reconstruct power imbalances (Thompson, 2007; Dominelli, 1988; Braye and Preston-Shoot Radical social work had been too minimalistic and was criticised for over focussing on class and paying no attention to other forms of inequalities. Bhatti- Sinclair (2011) argues that social workers remain committed to human rights, ethics and values and continuously seek a sharper understanding of how to apply theoretical concepts found in universal humanitarian principles, professional ethics and national law, policy and procedure. (xii) Inclusivity and citizenship are the main targets in critical social work practice as opposed to viewing people as collective groups (Glaister, 2008). Anti-oppressive practice thereby pursues social justice and challenges practice discrimination and oppression bluntly. Engagement with social reality must involve critiquing of social systems and structures, and set platforms for social change and difference. The approach has an ethical commitment to social justice by exposing inequalities and challenging unequal power dynamics in society. The manner in which society functions has structures that can either oppress or liberate some social groups. As the practitioner works, there is undoubtedly the challenge of professionally compliant. Social Work Practice Approaches Critical social work practice at all times engages with how other people on the other social, cultural, religious divide are understood by us. Understanding diversity and how personal views and values are located must be a constant reflective professional commitment. Personal or societal perceptions are shaped over time or driven by historical and socio-political realities/environments must be understood. Where stereotypes have been shaped over time in individuals; a professional operational base must be adopted. Braye, S Preston-Shoot, M (2003) challenge hypocritical professionalism by arguing that personal values and attitudes will always be there, the issue is that they should not affect effective service delivery. This is the heart of critical social work practice; being able to transcend the personal and being a professional. Social work can challenge or maintain status quo and that social workers are invested with power to care and control. In the context of what shall be discussed later about assessments, Braye Preston-Shoot (2003) state that, Preparation for and review of practice requires workers to understand themselves, their relationship with and impact on others, and their strengths and weaknesses in relation to maintaining a professional role (2003:135). Respect is necessary both when working with service users and fellow colleagues. As explored in Thompsons model PCS, Social work must explore the personal, cultural and structural dimensions of discrimination, and how these come together, and can be challenged in different ways (Dominelli, 2009). Social work must not reinforce oppression, discrimination or any inequality. Social work can reinforce patriarchal and other oppressive systems and power relations. There are social realities that social work either challenges reinforce, statistically ethnic minority groups generally experience higher rates of unemployment, live in poorer housing, have poorer health, lower levels of academic achievement, higher rates of exclusions from schools and are over-represented in prison statistics. Families who are from black and ethnic minority groups are more likely to be referred to childrens social work services, receive support services later, and children are more likely to go into the care system. There are other forms of prejudice, inequality and discrimination which can intersect, and these can affect people in many different ways. In light of these objective realities, what could be the drivers of such realities? What ideas are generated about the social group and how could this impact on a practitioners judgement when dealing with an individual from BME groups. The same applies when working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children, awareness of professional responsibility and a social justice approach when conducting an age assessment must be the practice base. The Human rights and child rights must be appropriately accorded without discrimination. Another example is that of mother blaming in a child protection cases. Feminist theory has challenged this gendered approach to problem solving where the female is mostly at the centre of the problem yet ignores the men from the social causal matrix. As a result of critical social work a shift has developed where the whole domestic environment and people must be part of the issue at hand. If all are not challenged this practice reinforces the interests of some groups over others and oppresses women. Assessment Process Middleton (1997) describes assessment as part of the planning agenda involving gathering and interpreting information in order to understand a person and their circumstances. It involves making judgements based on information. (Middleton, 1997:5). The process here involves respect for the individuals values, their core identity and judgements are made without being judgemental. Selective and stereotypical considerations must be avoided, labelling and categorising people and overlooking their individuality and can allow elements of discrimination to permeate the process which must otherwise not be affected by individual values and perspectives. As argued by Clifford (1998) it is important that social workers check their individual biases and ensure that these do not affect the manner in which they undertake assessments. In direct link with critical social work, assessments must be informed by critical theory to enhance a balanced, just and anti-oppressive assessment process. Personal views held by the social worker must not occupy any space in the assessment process for the sake of justice, fair access to services anti-discriminatory practice. Parker and Bradley (2005) argue that a balanced approach of an assessment involves wisdom, skills, appreciation of diversity and systematically applied knowledge in direct practice. Service users must feel that they benefit from the assessment process for it to be effective (Addock, 2001) and the social worker and family members must collectively contribute to the process. This involvement enriches the process and eliminates subjective approaches to the assessment. Social work practice and critical approaches intersect; the worker must be conscious of their personal beliefs and values and strike a responsible, ethical and professional balance in the manner the assessment and intervention is conducted and be honest and explicit with service users. (Parker Bradley, 2005: 7). Extensive knowledge of the service users environmental and living systems and the wider systems that impinge on them must be key determinants in assessments (Parker Bradley 2005:13) .Service user involvement is empowering and demonstrates citizenship and self driven responsibility as human worth. Understanding power dynamics in assessments Power relations inherent in the social work process must be carefully managed and ensure a balanced contributory approach whereby an exchange model would can adopted to acknowledge that the service users are experts of their situations. Service users and social workers exchange ideas, information and ways forward to make a difference and find alternative ways of approaching as collective partners (Parker Bradley, 2005:14). In terms of skills this involves actively listening to service users being available for them, a professional and non-judgemental or non directive approach, straight and honest talk and social justice pursuit. (Parker Bradley, 2005). Child centred assessments must be informed by child development theories, ecological approaches, ensuring equality of opportunity, involvement of families and an interagency approach ensures collective creative interventions. When working with unaccompanied asylum seeking children for example, Culturegrams help in analysing the impact of culture in the lives of those individuals and families being assessed (Parker Bradley, 2005:50-53). This can be very useful when working with BME groups as well as refugees and asylum seekers in a broader context. Values of the families and individuals are explored and these help shape the nature of the intervention where the individual shapes the course of the intervention as opposed to it being driven by the powerful professionals. Multiculturalism and social work Multiculturalism is a 21st Century challenge as citizenship recognition and integration a modern society characteristic. Critical multiculturalism suggests that social workers need to intellectually engage with the issues of difference and citizenship, in a manner that detaches practice from monoculturalist norms (Powell, 2001:146). Social workers are practically challenged to interrogate the value assumptions of their approach and assess principles and values they use in practice. If social workers are to avoid narrative repression, they need to be capable of challenging discursive hierarchies of meaning in their practice. (Powell, 2001:146). This becomes the reflexive component in the intervention. This involves challenging the very systems that they use and lobby for the change in structural elements that could be oppressing the very people they would be working with. Feminist social work engages in redressing gender inequalities, this could be the mother blaming attitude that it challenges. Critical social work engages a need for awareness by practitioners, a transformation of cultural attitudes around race relations, gay rights and the relationship between sexuality, culture and power and of the need for anti-discriminatory practice (Powell, 2001:149). In order to meet the professional demands of the profession, social workers must seek guidance and close the gap between personal values and professional practice. This must make constant reference to human rights, equality, discrimination and racism (Bhatti- Sinclair, 2011). Fook (2000) argues that expert critical social workers are able to create critical knowledge which challenges and resists all forms of domination. Anti-racist practice Dominelli (2008) points out that anti-racist practice beyond that presented in Thompsons (2007) PCS model by emphasising on its interactional nature. For Dominelli (2008) racism is a multidimensional form of oppression over and above discrimination Institutional and Cultural racism are structurally associated and viewed as less evil than the personal racism which society frowns upon, yet the is no better racism. If practitioners hand over responsibility of BME issues to BME staff this may be problematic as it may result in a lack of obligation by white social workers to anti-racist practice and reinforce difference. Institutional practices must be professionally compliant (Bhatti- Sinclair, 2011:128) at their own level. Treatment of black families/children hits them every day and there are challenges that the social workers have to deal with in the face of these ingrained stereotypical views of the good white family and the bad black family. Dominelli (2008) argues that challenging how white people perceive black families is only possible within positive trusting relationships. Nomadic settlers fall into the same category where as the minority ethnic groups where stereotypical assumptions exist that can influence the social work process. To work with individuals on the autistic spectrum requires knowledge and understanding of autism. Knowledge of the conditions characteristics, the basic understanding of the triad of impairments is necessary for use in the social work process. The individuals must not be viewed as unwilling to engage due their limited social interaction skills but must be understood and appropriate communication systems used. For example, instead of talking through an assessment; picture boards, games of their interest, familiar environments and using their preferred mode of communication would help to involve them, engage them and remove a possible stereotypical view that they cannot make decisions. If this process does not involve them, the likelihood is that anti-oppressive practice would have been failed. Good practice recognises individuality and this permeates through the social work process. Assessment process in practice The authors work experience with a forty year old autistic man in Coventry stands as a unique example of the complexity of service user involvement and creativity aimed at raising the level of positive outcomes in reviewing a care plan. The only established access point for his contributions was when he was away from home, on the bus. During any travel by bus, he livened up and opened up, expressed his views about the service he was receiving and it was the best time to evaluate the support care plan, conversationally in a bus. Working around the individuals world helped the social care provider to reach out to the very important needs that an office based assessment could not achieve. The bus environment had no powerful/powerless unequal binary dynamic in it. It was his comfort zone. Failure to recognise individual likes, obsessions and sensory issues in autistic individuals can hinders the social work process. Effective assessments can only be achievable when the service user is lo cated at the centre of the process by use of approaches that promote social change and justice. Challenging discrimination in practice Children are often described as vulnerable, innocent, in need of protection and lacking experience. If not carefully approached the child may be sidelined from the assessment process and overshadowed by adult ideas. If it is around abuse in the home, it is the childs experience and not the adults experience that must take precedence with the child as the expert. The Lamming Report emphasised the need to see the world through the eyes of the child. The role of the social worker in practice is to challenge discrimination, exclusion of socially excluded groups like children. Children have been looked at as subjects and the critical approach locates them as able to shape and voice. Failure to recognise children and the social workers relatively powerful position practitioners reinforce oppression. The critical practitioner engages service users to facilitate the telling of their stories in the assessment process. Law is used to counter oppressive practice and sets out operational parameters for professionals to deal with racism and be aware that discrimination is unlawful (Race relations Act 1976 Equality Act 2006, Bhatti- Sinclair, 2011).To overcome the practice challenge, social workers have looked up to anti-racist advocates for guidance on methods and models which respond ethically, effectively and efficiently to daily challenges and dilemmas (Bhatti- Sinclair, 2011). Training and existing regulatory bodies like the HCPC enable practice to be justice based by requiring professionalism by the workforce through compliance and guidance. The Professional capabilities Framework requires the worker to Recognise and manage the impact on people of the power invested in your role (PCF 33) and standards of proficiency calls on the need to recognise the power dynamics in relationships with service users and carers and be able to manage those dynamics appropriately (SoPS 2.8). Formalised assessments aid in injecting consistency Crisp et al (2005) argues that the absence of a formalised assessment framework results in subjective assessments. Professionally trained and skilled workers enhance a fair assessment. Assessments must not just look at behaviour, but also the cause of the behaviour in a holistic way in order to make correct judgements and this is achieved through service user participation in the process. Milner Byrne, (2002) postulate that the assess ment there is need for mapping before planning the assessment journey. This involves knowing the child, engaging them and drawing their strengths in order to shape appropriate support (Dominelli Payne, 2002). Involvement Effective anti-racist, anti-oppressive practice must be drawn from practice intelligence, applied research and service users involvement. Empowering practice has an involvement and integration component as opposed to exclusion practice approaches by lack of appropriate language and culture awareness (Bhatti- Sinclair, 2011).Structurally, well planned and coordinated assessments and interventions involve the service user and must respond sensitively to their needs. Awareness of our own prejudices and past experiences and ideas must be non-threatening to clients (Lindsay, 2010) .Interactive polarisation between the social worker and client can undermine social work effectiveness whereupon families and individuals are pathologised either as unreachable or resistant. Positive communication enhances the relationship building (Kaprowska 2010:5) which is the key to an accurate assessment. Individuals with disabilities often argue that social workers assessments of them emphasise more on impairment and less on being seen as human, instead assessments must explore their individual abilities. In addition when working with individuals who use minority languages it can become a barrier for an accurate assessment hence the need to plan assessments for these individuals with full awareness of this key communication element in order to ensure the service users involvement. This could be necessitated by translators or minority language speaking social workers. Similarly, when working with the elderly, assessments must detect abilities and not reinforce ageist stereotypes, shared power and agreed direction principle. Conclusion The concept of critical practice locates the social worker as an active participant in a process of interpreting and understanding relationships and communication that must cut across difference. Over and above assumptions, prejudices, personal beliefs, structural frameworks; the critical practitioner must be reflexive and engaged in an empowering way whilst being aware of personal and socio-cultural origins and belief systems and challenging all forms of oppression. Appropriate skills and knowledge must be incorporated for the social work process to be effective.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Experiences as a Medical Social Worker Essay -- career, medical soc

Within the past week, I was able to meet a patient that had been through a very difficult life. He was admitted into the hospital almost one month ago because he had a stroke. He was a carnival worker and was only planning to be in Lexington for a temporary amount of time until the carnival left. When he was admitted into Saint Joseph Hospital, there were no indications that he had family and/or friends that should be contacted. At first, he was unable to talk, and his mobility was extremely limited. Last week, I was shadowing a social worker that had been asked to help fill out an application for this patient to qualify for Social Security because he now had a disability and would be unable to work. This patient didn’t have insurance, and we were determined to help him in any way possible. We went into his room to ask him very simple questions that were on the application, and he was helpful about remembering his past work history over the past 15 years. Unfortunately, he did not have a bank account, had no assets, and had been working as either a company driver and carn...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Killer Angels Essays -- essays research papers

The novel The Killer Angles, by Michael Shaara, gives a story like depiction of the American Civil War at the Battle of Gettysburg. In this novel we see the views of both Confederate and Union armies. The officers for both sides in this novel used to go to war with each other but are now on different sides according to their political views. In the end both armies realized the war had accomplished nothing but all the deaths of soldiers. During the novel, the armies are going to war against their opponents and not necessarily their enemies.Despite the fact that the Confederate and Union armies were entirely concerned with defeating their opponent, many times they were fighting against relatives and friends. For instance, General Armistead says, "...will you tell General Hancock how ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

African American Musuem

Intro to Museum Studies Professor Kirsch September 19,2010 The African Museum in Philadelphia is notable as the first museum funded and built by a municipality to help preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. Opened during the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations, the AAMP is located in historic Philadelphia, a few blocks away from the Liberty Bell. Charles H. Wesley was a noted African American historian, educator, and author.He was the fourth African American to receive a Ph. D. from Harvard University. An ordained minister, Wesley’s distinguished career included 40 years of leadership with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1976, he served as Director of the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum in Philadelphia, now known as the African American Museum in Philadelphia. Programs The African American Museum that is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has some interesting education programs.These education programs focus on arts, culture, a nd heritage education. They place a major emphasis on the interests of the students, educators, artists, historians, scholars, and community organizations. These programs offer diversity with scheduling. The programs explore various African forms of cultural expressions. In these programs there are literary performances, hands on demonstrations, workshops, and storytelling performances as well.The African American Museum in Philadelphia feels its programs can be a vital link between the permanent and visiting collections for the many communities they serve. Exhibitions The exhibitions in the African American Museum in Philadelphia can some to be pleasing to the eye and stimulating to the mind. According to the African American Museum of Philadelphia these exhibitions invoke a deep collection of emotion ranging from pride and passion to excitement and enthusiasm.When visitors enter the museum they will come to Gallery 1, which includes a interactive timeline, images draw from histori cal record, that spans 100 years of history. In Gallery 2 there are full size video projections in which visitors can in engage in them. Once they are activated, a monologue about life in Philadelphia will begin. Some other aspects of the exhibit include an experience where you can walk the streets of Philadelphia through a large scale map, which is located between galleries 1 and 2 .

Business Organisational Behaviour Essay

Demonstrate the influence of environmental and behavioural factors on corporate size, organise and strategy. (b) visualize the processes of business planning and policy making and the reason for change over time. percent of marks awarded for moduleThis assignment is price 50% of the total marks for the module Assessment criteria Explanatory comments on the opinion criteria Maximum marks for each theatrical role Content, style, relevance, originality Clear demonstration of rigorous investigate from recognised authoritative sources. Audience focus. 50%Format, referencing, bibliography HarvardAssignment TaskAs a retail consultant you have been licenced by a high passageway outlet, of your own choice, to prepare a strategy that lead help them to compete for many an(prenominal) years to come in a rapidly changing environment. The strategy will include methods of recognising how external changes impact upon the strong and the various techniques that may be employ in the implem entation of change. Consideration mustiness also be given to the structure and size of the firm and how it presents itself to its stackholders.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Juvenile and Adult Courts Essay

One dilemma that is an get out in our society is annoyance among our youths. hatred is every(prenominal)where that is creatord by two growns and youth. casual we attend of murders, robberies, and rapes that digest been orderted by adolescents. The Juvenile judicature with magnanimous Court is different and similar in the flagitious exactlyice governance.A look at the insipid history in 1643 a sixteen year gray-headed son was put to death for sodomizing a cow. immediately numerous acress disagree in the deed of young-fangleds. In the present day the growth violence, some(prenominal) late and heavy(p) dust has deepend over the years (Simmons 2002).The upstart philosophical outline in fresh salutes was to offer the youth an individualized justice and handling alternatively of imparting justice and penalisation. The late judiciary of law is different because readablehanded motor lodge and from earlier periods of Ameri back tooth history was the theme of protecting the children.The counselling is treatment and the outmatch interest of the child in the disposition.Since the increase of serious violent offensives by teenages policymakers shoot argued for tougher penalties ar needed in deterring crime among juveniles. This caused an increase of juveniles in big(a) royal courts. It follow outms that tougher policies nonplus non decrease or deter juveniles for placeting serious crimes.There atomic number 18 louvre major ways juveniles get transferred to grownup courts.1. Discretionary legal wavier,2. Mandatory judicial wavier,3. Presumptive judicial wavier, when the burden of the induction is on the juvenile courts is more appropriate,4. Prosecutorial boil downsing to frisson in grownup court,5. statutory exclusion provision, which automatically exclude au thusticjuveniles due to their age (Simmons 2002).Similarities Juvenile and Adult.You tin ask yourself two questions? Do juveniles who argon in big(a) s court getting case-hardened harsh comp ard to theses in juveniles court? Do juveniles in prominents court not buy up offense that those in juvenile court? According to the Serious Violent Juveniles Offenders discipline group no real correction has been done on the two questions m some(prenominal) a(prenominal) of us ask ourselves.The juvenile/ magnanimous justice system refers to the police, the juvenile/adult courts, their intake and probation office subscribe toers, attorneys for the state and the juvenile/adult/p bents, juvenile/adults detention/jail faculties, juvenile/adult correctional faculties, social proletarian that place juveniles that be court ordered. to each one argona of the system has different discretions that keep the system in check. Juveniles/adults twain thrust the proficient to receive Miranda warning. Juveniles/adults are saved from prejudicial lineups producers (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).Equivalent guidelines protect juveniles an d adults from admitting guilt. Prosecutors and defensive measure attorney both hand a signifi natest responsibility in both juvenile and adult advocacy. Juveniles and adults have both the right to a counsel for the court transactions. Similarities of negotiation or plea barging inhabit in both juveniles and adults offenders. Juveniles and adults both have the right to a hearing and appeal. Juveniles and adults set up be both placed on probation. Both juveniles and adults endure be detaining for pretrial conference in jail. Juveniles and adults cease be kept in jails without adhesion, if they are a holy terror or dangerous. After the trail both juveniles and adults can be placed into a treatment program (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).Diferences Juveniles and Adult.The juvenile and adult systems are similar in many some different(prenominal) ways and yet are too different in many ways. In the juvenile system the standard of consequence of juvenile delinquency adj udications, in adult court trail it is the proofbeyond a reasonable doubt (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).The spanking purpose of the juvenile courts is to protect and treatment for the child. Whereas adults the focus is to punish the guilty. Age determines the jurisdiction for a juvenile in juvenile court. The nature of the offense determines jurisdiction in the adult system (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).Juveniles proceeding are not considered sad adult proceedings are. Juvenile court proceeding are usually informal and confidential. Whereas adult courts are held more formal and are open to the public and are not confidential. Courts can release the identity or any prepareing about a juvenile in a trail to the media, merely the courts must release any information regarding an adult to the media (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).Juveniles can be detained for acts that would not be considered iniquitous if they were adults, status offense. In the juvenile cour t parents/guardians are complicated in every step of the proceedings, and not in the adults process. The juvenile can be release to their parents/guardians supervision if the charge is not a felony or if thither is a need for protection. Adults if not a threat or dangerous are given a possibility for bail (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).Some major differences between juveniles and adults are the issue that juveniles have no right to a jury trail, adults have that right. Juveniles who are questioned by a police officer can just give their names and address they parents/guardians must be notified. Juveniles can be searched but must evoke rejection, but in a school sitting a search without equi equiprobable cause is valid. For adults they are detained and must solving any question they choose to come without an attorney, searches are done for officer safety, probable cause must be present. A juveniles record can be soused at the age of maturity, usually at the age of 18 ye ars old. For adults the records are permanent (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).Bene agrees and disadvantages of juvenile court from the position of a youth offender.The death penalisation is a conservational issue in the criminal justice system today. Capital punishment is allowed in 35 states. Over the ult years some of those that were ranged were 17 years old when they committed the crime of murder. The dogmatic Court ruled in the case of Thompson v. Oklahoma 1988 that it is unconstitutional to execute juveniles who commit a crime at the age of 15 years old (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003). Then a year later on the Supreme Court ruled a juvenile who commits a crime at the age of 16 can be executed. Even though Thompsons spiritedness was spared this still leaves a question whether juveniles murders are criminals who deserve to die or whether or not they can be restore to learn to live a racy life. The issue is more conservational for executing juveniles then adult s ( in allard, Young. 2002).Despite the rights secured by the case Gerald Gaullt, juveniles can still de deprived of some granting immunity for actions that would be considered criminal if an adult. Some of these offenses are truancy, running onward, and incorrigibility. Juveniles are minors and are immature, incapable and protection is waived if they commit an adult crime. The juvenile system is been criticized because children have many rights that caused the fine line to be slight define between childhood and adulthood (Kalinich, Klofas, & Stojkovic 2003).Thinking for a juvenile offender is the fresh lay outning of a new life after the age of 18 years of age, juvenile records are sealed. The appraisal that you can be treated and to encounter a life of crime only makes life harder when becoming an adult.Societal implications of abolishing juvenile court.The juvenile system is set up to protect the scoop up interest of the child. Since the change of crime and time juveniles are committing adult crimes. The system is so well establish. settle preside over juvenile court in allstates. The implication of doing away with the juvenile system pull up stakes just only cause confusing and cause the system to obstruct the entire criminal justice system.Recommendations for the future(a) of the Juvenile judge system.The juvenile court of the future will likely die hard in our society. The focus of the future juvenile court is to deputize on behalf of children and families in crisis. The courts jurisdiction in the future mayhap to focus less on tumble-down cases that involved juveniles who are older and have committed serious crime. The focus of the best interest of the child will remain the foundation of the system (Roleff 2000)The future of childrens rights lie in the custody of every state. The history of the juvenile justice system has brought its own political, economic, and social challenges, their will unendingly be conservational issues. The futu re of the system is that children at one time have the real opportunity to have a bun in the oven their voice and ideas on how they can purify their world.The future goal should focus on early intervention, the juvenile court force must work outside the system to find the best for the child. A continue characteristic of the system will ever so be age based jurisdiction (Roleff 2000).The future trend in the juvenile system will be the issues of juveniles begin transferred to adult court. The fine line of juvenile court borderlines between adult courts of those juveniles who commit a serious crime. Risk judgement is tools that are completed for every juvenile that enters the court system. The assessment should change with time, to fit the juvenile. These programs that are resulted from the assessment focus, on measure or rehabilitation. Prevention programs are to anticipate juveniles from becoming delinquents. Rehabilitation programs are to focus on reducing delinquency. And j ust perhaps with their voice and their parents and the help of each state will conventionality change future ideas.I work at the Pima County Adult Detention Center here in Tucson the jail holds juveniles who have committed adult crimes in the West Facility. The unit is considered a specialized unit the unit uses a point system to encourage supportive behaviors. The treatment programs is totally different then the adult inmates. They also get hold meals and snacks every day. The jail also has reading for the juveniles, which is required for them to attend. The unit also has another unit that hold new arrestees and those juveniles who are a threat to staff, or other inmates. I never really knew what happens to juveniles who commit serious crime until now.With time the juvenile justice system will of all time change as time goes by. The Supreme Court will always hear cases that will make changes in the system. abuse is a increasing among our youths and will always be a challenging appointment for us in the law enforcement community. All we can is to embrace change for the best and to understand the future lies in the hands of our children. As a Correction officeholder for Pima County Sheriff Department I would like to see what happen in the aspect of juveniles in adult detention centers.References1. Allard, Paterica and Young, Malcolm. (2002). The Sentencing Project Prosecuting Juveniles in Adult Court.2. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. celestial latitude (2003). Office of Juvenile Justice and immorality Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved August 30, 2005, from University of Phoenix sack up site https// http// http// .3. Kalinich, D., Klofas, J., & Stojkovic, S. (2003). lamentable Justice Organizations. Retrieved August 30, 2005, from University of Phoenix clear site https// ource.asp4. Roleff, Tamara. (2000). offense and Criminal. Greenhaven Press, Inc.5. Simmons, Adele. (2002). A century of juvenile justice. The University of lucre Press.6. White, Carter. (2002). Reclaiming incarcerated youths through education. Corrections Today vanadium 64, Issue 2, Apr 2002. Record Number 123325831.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Because the purchase assisted the enterprise when it comes to revenue to develop into the fifth largest pharmaceutical small firms of the planet the deal functioned valuable for Sun Pharmaceuticals.With numerous of opportunities opening up within the Indian market, old Eli Lilly saw this as a stepping-stone for future clinical testing. Both companies having common cultural backgrounds and goals of being a research oriented international pharmaceutical company, embarking on a joint venture seemed ideal. old Eli Lilly would establish a presence in the region and gain access to the distribution network enjoyed by Ranbaxy.Furthermore, this JV would result in lower costs in production as well as basic research, which are considerable factors in their broad strategy.Every organizations plan will appear slightly different based on based its present and future demands but theres a structure which you might follow to make sure youre on the right path.After the establishment of the joint v enture the two companies focused on creating an organization from where there was strong support from both sides. Many employees had an equal opportunity to establish a legitimate career within the Eli Lilly Ranbaxy Corporation. Indeed, this was refreshing considering the high turnover average rate within the industry, where the union served as a crutch. Within a year after building the infrastructure from the ground up, the JV was able to launch different products and had more than 200 employees.

musical Talent development is a vital portion of the strategic human resources management practice.Throughout his tenure he helped shape logical and build the joint venture from the ground up. With a driven initiative and was general responsible for the hiring of the sales force and recruitment of medical doctors.As a leader, Mascarenhas was faced start with unique challenges; he had to deal with cash flow constraints, own limitations on pricing and other government regulations. Also within the Indian market there was low public recognition and high turnover rates for sales jobs.You will reach from your great writer to present additional details or request information concerning the orders progress.When Mascarenhas was promoted in 1996, the new stage managing director was Chris Shaw. Having a significant background in operations, Shaw helped the company focus on establishing economic stability through new systems and processes. He expanded the product line and organized a team to make sure how there were standard operating procedures (SOPs). These procedures would help the joint venture maintain a productive flow.

Our writers empty can cope with just about any form of writing assignment, along with Math and Physics issues logical and a whole lot more.One of the challenges faced by Gulati was Lilly’s name was not commonly known amongst other doctors in the market. Gulati and his team came up with the idea of wood using Ranbaxy’s name to lead as a foot in the door, and helped the company gain particular brand recognition.Also Gulati faced the challenge of trying to distribute a product that was already being sold amongst manufacturers. Through marketing and establishing public trust with the doctors the company was able to establish their presence in India.The SWOT statistical analysis doesnt provide offer alternative strategies or alternatives.Overall the performance of the IJV was a success. Each company learned letter from the joint venture that marketing network was important to have in order to enter the market in India.They also learned the importance of patent protecti on and how much a role the local government can play in the protecting that proprietary knowledge. A patent is needed in order to price their products, and to protect their innovation for a certain time.

Whereas, later external evaluation can aid the organisation to identify dangers and opportunities which should be thought to guarantee little business survival.Overall Eli Lilly Ranbaxy gained vital cooperation and communication amongst each other. Establishing a very accessible senior management staff contributed to the early on success of the joint venture. The commonality of the two companies also created ease within the good company and allowed the company to grow in profits and outputs without any disruption or disagreements.Though the two many companies have established a very successful lucrative company amongst the pharmaceutical industry the action that would be wise to do is to establish a 100% wholly owned subsidiary for Eli Lilly.The business isnt a pay master in that business.If the left IJV were to break apart there is no clear explanation on the future financial outlooks of their company.Furthermore, it best can create an unforeseen competition. However, it would allow each company to focus on their own agendas and it would also inject much needed cash flow for Ranbaxy and allow them to concentrate on the generic market. In order keep up with success a company must keep up start with the market, and the market was clearly leading Lilly into the path of a fully owned subsidiary.

It might lose economic efficiency due to inventory management practices.Employees are valuable and they handled with respect.Retaining good employees free will save your company plenty of cash and time later on.Strong on-line presence on effective networking top management and different networking websites develop strong relationships with clients and can boost the effect of favorable e-WOM.