Friday, May 31, 2019
Is Odysseus a Hero? Essay -- Homer, Odyssey Essays
Throughout the epic, Odysseus is portrayed by his friends and peers as a magnificent man, a godlike figure. But, finishedout the journeys of The Odyssey, Odysseus true character shows. Heroes are no exception to human nature all people tend to act differently in human race than in private. A commonly accepted definition of a hero is, a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave whole shebang and noble qualities. Odysseus has not shown the noble characteristics of a hero by acting cowardly, barbaric, selfish and greedy in certain situations such qualities do not deserve such a title. To be a hero, you must have a noble and courageous purpose. As The Odyssey moves along, Odysseus is revealed not to be a hero through his ignoble acts. Homer uses the character of Odysseus to depict false morality which undermines the concept of his heroism. A main reason why Odysseus is not a hero is because he manipulated the truth and achieved his victories through lies. Achille s, the hero from the Iliad explains his thoughts on the matter, I hate that man like the very Gates of Death / who says one thing but hides other in his heart (Knox, 37). Bernard Knox who wrote the introduction to the Odyssey explains how Odysseus prides himself on his ability to cover and manipulate the truth. Bernard also says, He will gladly employ deceit to win supremacy (Knox, 38). A hero is a man of honor with a noble purpose and heart, but Odysseus has neither. The main characteristics of a hero are that they can do heroic things, but retain their nobility. If we sacrifice the truth for progress then we are no better than the monsters that we fight. Lying and cheating to get things done is violate and usually has bad consequences. Another reaso... ...did not fight with morals. As Odysseus is killing the suitors he explained how he hated the fact that they had drained his estate and courted his wife. You dogs You never imagined Id return from Troy - so cocksure that you bl ed my house to death, ravished my serving-woman - wooed my wife behind my back while I was still alive (Homer, 22.36-39). What is very kindle about this line is that the first thing that he accused the suitors of was using up his estate. This line is also very important because the last crime he charged against them was the wooing of his wife. This line proves that Odysseus cares more about his wealth than even his family. No hero should care that much about personal possessions. Based on the facts that Odysseus cares more about himself and that he has no moral code I strongly believe that he should not be given the title of hero.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Great Depression Essay -- Economics Economy American History
The long DepressionMany times throughout history, the United States has undergone economic depression. The most recognized period of economic depression is called the corking Depression. The Great Depression is well known because of the seriousness of the stock market crash. The results of the crash were more serious than any other crash throughout American History. The Great Depression caused a change in the nature of the American family, an increase in poverty, and President Herbert Hoovers proposal for immediate proceedion by the government, balanced his spirit in rugged individualism with the economic necessities. While most Americans are familiar with the Great Depression as a time of economic disaster, it besides had an impact on the American Family life. There were obvious differences in the classes because of the Great Depression. The glare and the middle classes changed considerably, but the upper class lifestyle did not qualify a great deal. The fathers role as head of the household became more challenging because there were fewer jobs. The expectation was for fathers to work and support their families. The reality of the lower class was that few men brought home paychecks. Some fathers suffered anxiety and a feeling of worthlessness for failing to provide for their families. Many resorted to stealing food and capital just to survive. Women were offered greater opportunities in the work force, however they tended to take the position of stay-at-home mothers. Men resented employed women for they felt that they were occupying jobs that could be given to unemployed men. Children in the lower class were expected to get an education so that they could improve their situation. In addition, they were needed at home to divine service with household chores. Unfortunately, many scurvy children dropped out of school because of their obligations at home. Children in the middle class were better than those in the lower class. They had the opportunity to stay in school and were treated to more luxuries. The children of the upper class families received an excellent education and were as well as treated to many luxuries. Along with a change in the American family life, there was also an increase in poverty. The Great Depression was an intense time of poverty. The downfall of American ... ...s and prevent foreclosures. Hoover also wanted the reform of bankruptcy laws to help in the reconstruction of businesses. He supported a loan of $300 million to states for direct relief, expansion of public works, and cutbacks in the federal government. By proposing this act President Hoover was not giving up his belief in rugged individualism. He was not supporting the Democrats calls for increased welfare. Instead, he was providing better inlet to loans and financing so that Americans could help themselves. Although his actions did stop increased destruction from occurring, he did not get the credit he deserved. The Great Depression had an e normous sum on American life. It effected family life by altering the status of the family members. Poverty increased as seen through the number of collapsed American businesses, closed banks, and let down employment rates. President Hoover balanced the economic needs of the country with his personal belief in rugged individualism. He proposed a series of acts to train these economic needs including the Reconstruction Act, The Steal gal Act, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Act.
The Complex Relationship Between Multiculturalism and Feminism Essay
The Complex Relationship Between Multiculturalism and Feminism These days, it seems that multiculturalism is generally an assumed good. Increased acknowledgement of mixture and cultural sensitivity seem to be steps toward leveling the playing field for all human beings. And that is the goal of much scholarship and activism, right--to secure and hold in human rights across the board? That is one of global feminisms aims, so it would seem that multiculturalism would help, non hinder, feminist work to better the situation of women. That is not necessarily the case. It may be helpful to first clarify what is meant by both feminism and multiculturalism. Though it is difficult to definitively state what is meant by these complex terms, Susan Moller Okin is satisfactory to sum up the essence of feminism and single out a facet of multiculturalism that is particularly relevant. In her essay, Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?, Okin explores the relationship between feminism and mul ticulturalism, especially pertaining to the granting of group rights. Okin writes By feminism, I mean the belief that women should not be disadvantaged by their sex, that they should be recognized as having human dignity comprise to that of men, and that they should have the opportunity to live as fulfilling and as freely chosen lives as men can. She goes on, writing that Multiculturalism is harder to pin down, but the particular aspect that concerns me here is the claim, made in the context of basically liberal democracies, that minority farmings or ways of life are not sufficiently protected by the class period of ensuring the individual rights of their members, and as a consequence these should also be protected through special group rights of priv... ...a hard time representing our entire countrys population in a few sentences, or even a few pages. The American cultural system of today is far different than the culture of the 1940s, and my experience as a Southerner is quite different than that of someone from New England. Multiculturalism seeks to protect cultures from extinction, it is very dangerous to over-simplify a complex cultural system and chance on it by its most extreme practices. Feminism and multiculturalism do have some of the same goals chiefly, equality of rights for all human beings. It is true that some efforts of multiculturalism counter feminisms goals to empower women, but I do not think that this moldiness always be the case. Cultural sensitivity is not enough we must consider cultural practices, the workings of the cultural system that supports them, and how that system itself came about.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Physics of Hydraulics :: physics hydraulics
Missing Figures/EquationsHistoryThe type of physics that I will be presenting is a branch of smooth-spoken Mechanics. Fluid mechanics studies the physics of gases and liquids.Hydraulics is defined asa branch of science that deals with practical applications of liquid in motion. Merriam-Websters Medical Dictionary, via www.dictionary.comThe science started over thousands of historic period ago with Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and Archimedes (287-212 B.C.). Many European scientists also contributed to hydraulics, including da Vinci, Mariotte and Boyle.The scientist who discovered the main principle I will be talking about is Pascal.A french scientist who studied math and physics. His work included studying atmospheric pressure level, conic sections and the principles of hydrostatics.After Pascal there is Bernoilli, Franklin and Froud, who all also contributed to the science of hydraulics. How it works (the physics part)The basic rule of using hydraulic power is Pascals Principle.P ascals Principlepressure exerted on a fluid is distributed equally throughout the fluid.Hydraulics uses incompresible liquids so the utilize pressure from one end (small arrow) is equal to the desired pressure on the other end (big arrow).The big arrow is pointing toward a piston that is free to move, and is some generation connected to a rod. When the force is applied, the piston moves up or down.The equations ar equationsOf course, as Prof. Newman says, there is no free lunch, In order to move the large bea, the smaller area has to move a lot in order to move the larger area a little.The larger area is nine times greater than the smaller area. In order to move the larger piston one inch, the smaller piston has to move nine inches. The Uses of HydraulicsHydraulics are used in many ways. Most of them are used everyday and not even thought about.Here are some examples of how hydraulics are used. They are all machines (Im a mechanical engineer)Car BrakesCar brakes work when you p ush the brake pedal, it pushes the small piston. The piston applies pressure on the brake fluid, which press the brake pads on the large pistons. The brake pads come into contact with the brake drum and slows the car down, eventually stopping the car.AirplanesAirplanes and cat valium planes use hydraulics in many places. * Adjusting wings * Putting out/bringing in landing gear * opening/closing doorsReal livelihood HydraulicsUnfortunately applying hydraulics in real life isnt so simple.There are a few things to consider if you are planning on designing and building hydraulic equipment.
Ernesto Che Guevara Essay -- Biography Ernesto Che Guevara Essays
Ernesto Che GuevaraErnesto Che Guevara has undeniably been one of the most fountainful icons of the past fourty years. The Argentine revolutionary has had his picture widely printed on shirts and posters and has become a symbolic representation for the (often young) anarchist. Yet, how many of us really understand or know what Che stood for? Do we know what his philosophy was about? Very few of us have interpreted the clipping to understand the goals and principles of Guevara and what he fought for - to death. Dr. Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna (May 14, 1928 ? October 9, 1967), commonly known as Che Guevara, was an Argentine-born revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla leader. Guevara was a member of Fidel Castros 26th of July Movement, which seized power in Cuba in 1959. After serving various important posts in the new presidential term, Guevara left Cuba in 1966 with the hope of fomenting revolutions in other countries, first in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and later in Bo livia, where he was captured in a CIA-organized military operation. The CIA wanted to keep him alive for interrogation, but he was put to death by the Bolivian army. After his death, Guevara became a hero of Third World socialist revolutionary movements, as a theorist and tactician of asymmetric warfare.Its in 1952, during a journey Ernesto made with his motorbike around South America, that he became harshly aware of the ravages of capitalism through the situation of the Native Americans. Influenced by the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, Pablo Neruda, Ciro Alegra and Karl Marx, Che Guevara devoted his life to fighting the capitalist octopuses to establish a socialist system that would be fairer to the people.As a young medical student Che act out on a motorcycle to travel around South America. The poverty and oppression and the impact of imperialism aroused his political awareness. In 1954 the Guatemalan government of Jacobo Arbenz attempted to nationalise the vast landholdings of the massive US multinational the United Fruit Company. The US government (which included two executive directors of United Fruit) arrange an armed coup to overthrow Arbenz.Guevara who was in Guatemala at the time was appalled. He believed that well organised armed resistance could have defeated the coup and save the Arbenz government. Escaping to Mexico he met a group of Cuban revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro, ... ...onary, humanist and extremely charismatic, Ernesto Che Guevara surely appeared as dangerous to many political leaders of the time, and soundless today, no one knows for sure who was behind his execution, in 1967. Two sides have particularly been designated as possible culprits the CIA and Fidel Castro, who could have both felt threatened by the growing influence and determination of the revolutionary. Authentic to the extreme, Guevara dedicated his life, his existence to the cause he believed in, even if it implied sacrifices Our sacrifice is a conscious one it is in remuneration for the freedom we are building. Today, Che has become a popular symbol while his image is too often dissociated from the philosophy that built it. Che Guevara remains, to many, a modern time hero, whose struggle and devotion made him one of the greatest revolutionary figures of all times. Maybe this incredible popularity is due to the humanist, sincere personality of a man who never stepped back, never sold out and fought passionately, to death (Patria o muerte). Maybe it is also due to the fact that, in todays world, many people feel that his fight is excuse necessary. Hasta siempre, Comandante
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
El Nino and La Nina :: essays research papers
What are El Nino and La Nina? El Nino and La Nina are unusual weather patterns that form in the accomplishment of 10 months. El Nino and La Nina both impact climates all around the world, each different in countries and regions. Normal weather patterns are when low atmospherical force per unit area is over northern Australia and Indonesia, and when high atmospheric pressure is over the Pacific Ocean. Winds move east to west over the Pacific. The east flows of the trade winds carries the lovesome surface waters to the west, and bring rainstorms to Indonesia and northern Australia. To the coast of Ecuador and Peru, warm surface water is pulled west, and the cold water beneath pulls up to replace it. This is called an upwelling. An El Nino happens in intervals of 3-7 years. The formation of this is related to the Pacific Southern Oscillation which is also the cycling of the Pacific Ocean circulation. The Pacific Southern Oscillation (the change of atmospheric pressures) happens when the eastern trade winds collapse, weaken, or even reverse. As this happens, the upwelling stops. The slight weakening of the winds cause a small change in sea surface temperatures, and the wind and pressure changes increase. The warm water of the western Pacific Ocean flow eastward and sea surface temperatures increase on the western coast of South America. When this occurs, the strong weather conditions (originally in the western Pacific) move east, and dry conditions (normally in the east) appear in the west. During El Nio?s in the Pacific Northwest, the touchstone of precipitation greatly decreases, the winter temperatures get milder, and winter has below-average precipitation. Some economical and environmental impacts are that erosion is increasing due to severe storm surges, concerns that holding built on low-lying areas or on top of unstable bluffs possibly be flooded or threatened by landslides due to regional climate changes, and various salmon species potentially endang ered. In California, during El Nino?s they get extreme precipitation and snowfalls. Economical and environmental impacts are heavy precipitation, impairment from debris flows or mudslides, and floods from the rain. El Nino seasons in Peru bring so much rainfall that there is now a lake made from the rain, compared to the desert it once was. some(prenominal) economical and environmental impacts from El Nino include massive floods or mudslides, and since Peru lives in a cold-water zone, it carries many fish that are caught and sold commercially, but during El Nino, a layer of warm water covers the nutrient-rich east coast waters, abruptly stopping the upwelling and the nutrients fail to come up.
El Nino and La Nina :: essays research papers
What atomic number 18 El Nino and La Nina? El Nino and La Nina are odd weather patterns that form in the period of 10 months. El Nino and La Nina both impact climates all around the world, each different in countries and regions. natural weather patterns are when low atmospheric pressure is over northern Australia and Indonesia, and when high atmospheric pressure is over the Pacific Ocean. Winds move east to westernmost over the Pacific. The east flows of the trade winds carries the warm surface waters to the west, and bring rainstorms to Indonesia and northern Australia. To the coast of Ecuador and Peru, warm surface water is pulled west, and the cold water beneath pulls up to replace it. This is called an upwelling. An El Nino happens in intervals of 3-7 years. The formation of this is related to the Pacific Confederate Oscillation which is also the cycling of the Pacific Ocean circulation. The Pacific Southern Oscillation (the change of atmospheric pressures) happens when th e easterly trade winds collapse, weaken, or even reverse. As this happens, the upwelling stops. The slight weakening of the winds cause a small change in sea surface temperatures, and the wind and pressure changes increase. The warm water of the western Pacific Ocean flow eastward and sea surface temperatures increase on the western coast of South America. When this occurs, the wet weather conditions (originally in the western Pacific) move east, and dry conditions (normally in the east) appear in the west. During El Nio?s in the Pacific Northwest, the amount of precipitation greatly decreases, the winter temperatures get milder, and winter has below-average precipitation. Some economical and environmental impacts are that erosion is change magnitude due to severe storm surges, concerns that property built on low-lying areas or on top of unstable bluffs possibly be flooded or threatened by landslides due to regional climate changes, and various salmon species potentially endangered . In California, during El Nino?s they get extreme precipitation and snowfalls. frugal and environmental impacts are heavy precipitation, damage from debris flows or mudslides, and floods from the rain. El Nino seasons in Peru bring so much rainfall that there is now a lake made from the rain, compared to the desert it once was. Several economical and environmental impacts from El Nino include massive floods or mudslides, and since Peru lives in a cold-water zone, it carries many fish that are caught and sold commercially, but during El Nino, a layer of warm water covers the nutrient-rich east coast waters, abruptly stopping the upwelling and the nutrients fail to come up.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Socio-Cultural Influences on Sexuality
gender is an definitive part of our lives(King, 2012, p.1), and a reoccurring theme throughout our development. The role that knowledgeableity plays in each of our lives is so important that we see its influence through multiple sources in life, including media and social last. No matter where you look in society some sort of arouseuality is bounty whether walking in the mall, observing the family life, or watching teens socialize. What is it though that makes a intimately relationship healthy? Is it attraction, intimacy, love, or interactions with each other? Through this cover we will discuss all the aspects of socio-cultural influences on internality, as well as the healthy relationship.It was Rathus (1993) who told us human sexuality is the way in which we experience and present ourselves as sexual beings. It only makes sense that through our environment we learn what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior, even when talking about sex. History is flourished with studi es on the adjoins of sexual experiences, and cultural influences. It was Freud who taught us that we begin our exploration of sex at an early age through psuedosexual stages (Rana, 1977).His second essay on Infantile hinge onuality discussed the early childhood stages and perversions that affect all.(Rana, 1977) During this controversial time it is the p atomic number 18nts who show young children how to act. Therefore, in a family that hugs and touches each other lovingly we should expect to see the children to do so as well. Children are known for mimicking or parroting behavior in which they attempt to learn the societal norms. With this as the basis of a childs development as a sexual being they should be off to a good start.Media Motivators and Sexual EducationUnfortunately, parents are not the only influence on a childs development in sexuality. From magazine articles to movies we are surrounded by relationships, some are healthy and some are not. Sexit sells Or so the medi a likes to manifest us. They post beautiful women half naked on every magazine add, television show, or movie exclusively it is not just the men who are targeted by such adds. Young girls want to be these women, because they are popular and what society tells us is beautiful.The headlines associated with these beautiful photos read How to Make Him Want More Sex, How to Make Him Orgasm, and lets not forget A Newer, Sexier You for the New Year. Is this really how we want our children to learn about sex? Unfortunately, within American culture we see girls younger and younger having children, indicating sexual behavior before marriage. From these indications it is clear that media has the primary winding influence of sexual culture.Schools offer sexual education often at the young age of middle school in array to assist parents with this large task to right medias wrongs. Although schools focus their education on abstinence sort of the safe sex and sexual diseases, some education i s better then none or so they tell us. Smith et al.(2003, para 4) results showed that childrens knowledge of sexual risks was starting time, especially in areas of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. A sexual risk that controversially has received no trouble is the psychological risk that sex can have on one. Without a healthy relationship a person often is left with guilty feelings, regret, and low self worth. This is definitely not the message portrayed through magazine articles.According to Okazaki (Feb. 2002, para 1), the Asian American population is not influenced highly by media motivators. Through her study of this ethnic group she found that because the Asian American population is characterized primarily through their cultural characteristics based on family, collective goals of individual wishes, emphasis on propriety and social codes sex is reserved for marriage. Through their influences based on modesty there is an exceptional differen ce in premarital sex. However, her results also show that the to a greater extent the Asian American culture comes acclimated to our society the more sexual behavior they exhibit.Sexual Gender Theories and Gender RolesMany of the sexual influenced are biased toward gender roles, a set of culturally specific norms concerning expected behaviors and attitudes based on sexual identity of male or pistillate (King, 2012, p. 198). As Okazaki pointed out, in Asian American culture it is still viewed as acceptable for those of the male gender to experiment sexually before marriage, but females are considered delicate flowers not leaveed to completely bloomed until matched in a marital pair (2002, para 2). Within the American culture our roles have relaxed some to allow females to experiment, but not until they are a ripe legal age. We allow our men to experiment early through touch (masturbation) and view it as acceptable, yet when little(a) girls play with their bodies it nearly devastat es us. Through our harsh reactions we teach the young to feel guilty and wrong about sexual explorations.Many gender roles of our time allow women to work and seek education before or during their motherhood years changes from our earlier history of the American women. Although a woman may take on these extracurricular activities they are still expected to carry on the traditional chores of housework and child rearing. Men have less responsibility to be the primary breadwinner, yet this is traditionally still their main societal focus. Smith et al. (2003, para 4) research transcripts also put light to the different sexual roles for males and females. It showed females should be more culturally restrained, and males as less abstinent. Both sexes adolescents had strong views towards family importance in the influence of sexual behavior, something congruent across cultural barriers.Part of these gender roles associated with sex pertains to the two gender theories. The first gender theo ry is that of the sociocultural theory in which the differences are based on the culture in which they are raised something that we discussed throughout the previous paragraphs. The evolutionary role puts the behavioral difference based on the pressures each sex deals with daily. For women it is that sex is for reproduction, so they seek out the optimum mate in which to love and settle down with.For men it is the attraction, risk taking, and competitiveness that draw them towards multiple mates. In this theory we see more of a discussion on the relationship view of sex, in which we discuss love, attraction, and intimacy. Young women are given pretty pictures of love associated with sex and happy ever by and by however, as adults through experience we learn this is not the truth. Healthy relationships are those in which we can say at the end of the day that all experiences including sexual ones are positive (King, 2012, p. 298), this should be the thought we teach our adolescents.S exual Dysfunction and Commercialized SexWilhelm Reich (Demeo, 1998, para 2) believed and proved that emotions and sexuality were directly related, and that there was sinew in the libido. His work proved not only that the energy existed but also that sexual dysfunction was a product of emotional detachment payable to traumatic event in ones life. Essentially Reich was able to correlate how emotions could play into ones sexual disorder and relate that to sexual crimes. He brought the study of sexual kindliness to light, and sought to assist in curing those with sexual ailments.These were important advancements in the study of socio-cultural influences on sexuality as they began to show how our upbringing could negatively affect our sexual views and society. Over time our society has set to life rules and laws against sexually lude behavior, in which we could negatively influence the young. Some of these laws involved diminishing prostitution, limiting irritate to pornographic mat erials, and eliminate sex trafficking.From what we do, so shall our children do (author unknown). It is evident that adolescents seek to mimic the actions they see as popular. Movies, television, and magazines teach us to go forth into sexual exploration, and not to worry. The truth is a different story, and so our society must realize the need for change. We must foster education, modesty, and healthy sexual relationships in order to teach younger generations the impact of sexual interactions. We have the option as a society full of culture to choose whether we want generations of sexual dysfunction and violence, or love and sex.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
An audience’s responce to Hedda gabler Essay
Hedda Gabler is a dramatic, exciting, confusing and at prison terms unpleasant character, who is frustrated by a lack a freedom where she flush toiletnot be the wild and unstable free spirit that she wishes and this shines through throughout the play. From this frustration comes immense boredom which is in her content very deadly. She embodies some of the typical Aristotelian qualities of a tragic protagonist but Ibsen has put a strange twist on it. For example she is a woman of fortune. It has been made clear in the book that she was born into this high class lifestyle and has this fortune by no endeavour of her own.Therefore, by organism placed at the top of the hierarchy, she has further to fall and there is more(prenominal) at risk than the average person. However, she is not really someone that people can identify or can have sympathy for, as neither generous nor courageous. Also, as is common her fatal flaw is her snobbery or pride. However, Aristotles notion of hamarita st ates that it is a matter of action not the character themselves. I dont believe this applies her and agree with the 20th century interpretation. This is not brought nearly by the unfortunate circumstances more than the character themselves.This applies very much to Hedda as her conflicted individual moral psychology which brings about the opposite of what the character intends. The Norse playwright, Henrik Ibsen was very specific about the beat when he set Hedda Gabler. The late 19th century was a time where woman were secluded and deluded into an oppressive and stifle lifestyle. Ibsen puts Hedda in this male dominated were she challenges the conventional middle class bourgeois housewife by acting in a dictating and manly way captivate were to shock the 19th century audience at this truly outrageous and outspoken character.The audience can therefore not identify with Hedda because in more ways than one she brings about her own demise. The local newspapers and media were disgra ced such as the daily telegraph which said What a horrible story What a hideous play The play is simply a bad escape of moral sewage-gas Describing Heddas feelings as the foulest passions in humanity. This shows that the most tragic thing to me is that there are people her in this world.The play is started off with the stage layout, witch Ibsen perceptibly and carefully layout, giving a very bourgeois seam each object has a lot of meaning to show the tragic nature of the play and Hedda. For example there are a lot of sorry and dull colours hinting to things such as saying autumn colours. Ibsen is using pathetic fallacy to show Heddas state of mind. Autumn is a time were everything around us is dying, dead leaves on the floor and animals hibernating. A time were there seems to be a deafening silence in the air following the summer which is usually buzzing with life.This could mean that maybe Hedda has passed the summer time in her life. A time when she was herself bloom perhaps and a time when she was also buzzing with colourful life. It is mentioned that Hedda used to go to parties and be a socialite. Then we see her state of mind at the present which is autumn. This already sets the paroxysm of this play as pessimistic and cold. This is unusual for Ibsens targeted audience as they were used to cheerful and uplifting entertainment. Something to bewitch them into thinking their lifestyle was perfect as it was, which Hedda Gabler does not do in the slightest.Another thing that might have stunned the audience is Heddas awkwardness towards throw away Tesman and Mrs Elvsted. At a time were woman only socialized with woman it is interesting to see how she treats her fellow females in such a horrible manner. This is shown towards the beginning of Act1 were she calls Miss Tesmans hat to be servants hat. As Miss Tesman is Mr Tesmans mother figure she should also traditionally be Heddas too, so by disrespecting wish that would cause the audience to empathise wit h Miss Tesman and detest Hedda and her behaviour.Hedda also has a very unusual characteristics she presented by Ibsen in a very masculine way. By doing this she is emasculating George Tesman. To begin with he does this himself with Mrs Tesman, the keyword for the first is claustrophobic for Hedda witch, with me, causes some sympathy for Hedda. With a combination of the childish nicknames (like Georgie and aunty juju) and the dreaded flowers make it as much grovel worthy to the audience as it was to Hedda, which is shown when they leave when The most prominent way that this is done is through the pistols, General Gablers pistols.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Grendel & Existentialism Essay
I understood that the world was nothing a robotic chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears. I understood that, fin onlyy and absolutely, I alone exist. All the rest, I saw, is merely what pushes me, or what I push against, blindly-as blindly as all that is not myself pushes back. Existentialism is a philosophy that I, personally, was unfamiliar with until we talked about it in class. The relationship between Grendel and existentialism was profound to me not only in the way that it drew lines of symmetry, but in the way that it helped me to interpret the concepts behind the philosophy.This quote spoke to me because it demonstrates how Grendel is pressured into living an existentialist lifestyle by the very forces that he says push upon him. Grendel delves into the psyche of a man-beast whose only choice is to react to the world as an existentialist the world (specifically mankind) exemplifies all of existentialisms concepts, proving Grendels nic he to be that of an existentialist. Dark chasms I scream from the cliff-edge, seize me Seize me to your foul black bowels and crush my bones I am terrified at the sound of my own huge voice in the darkness At the same time, I am secretly unfooled. The brouhaha is only my own shriek, and chasms are, like all things vast, inanimate. They exit not snatch me in a thousand years, unless, in a lunatic fit of religion, I jump. Grendel, pg. 10 Grendel knows that he is alone, despite his attempts to fool himself. This is ratified by his mothers inability to speak to him, the fear animals have of him, and the rejection he receives from mankind. He has no history for anything in existence due to his inability to communicate with anyone, until the dragon comes along. My knowledge of the future does not cause the future.It merely sees it, exactly as creatures at your emit level recall things past. And even if, say, I interfere even then I do not change the future, I merely do what I sa w from the beginning. Thats obvious, surely. Lets say its settled then. So much for free will and intercession Grendel, pg. 63 Lack of free will is another concept of existentialism. Grendels previously mentioned lack of communication makes him eager to soak up any idea that the dragon shares with him, and eventually he takes this to besotted that his war on the mead hall was not done of his own free will, but because it was his future as the dragon foresaw it.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Personality Theory: Albert Bandura & Carl Rogers Essay
Personality is an intriguing comp cardinalnt in psychology vital for the perception of human beings. Understanding and defining reputation has proven to be a difficult task. It is so complex, in fact, that no single theory can adequately define it. If one was to ask an ordinary person to do so, to a greater extent or less of the most common answers might be a persons characteristics or the impression (s) one makes on others. Personality Theorists on the other die view person-to-personity as the essence of the person, the individuals true inner nature (Rathus, 2004). harmonize to Carver and Scheier (2000), Personality is a dynamic organization, interior the person, of psychophysical systems that create a persons characteristic patterns of deportment, thoughts, and feelings (p.5). For this assignment the assumptions of the Social-Cognitive and Humanistic theoretical paradigms of personality will be applied to evaluate the personality of the showcase study, Myesha.It will also d iscuss personality tests- methods/instruments, used to quantify whether people are sad, glad or bad and how people with certain personality traits react to lifes demand. Before one can begin to understand and assess this individuals personality, it is important to briefly review the Social-Cognitive and Humanistic theories of personality with their respective theorists much(prenominal) as Albert Bandura and for the Humanistic approach, Carl Rogers. correspond to Passer & Smith (2007), social cognitive theory is a perspective that was developed by Albert Bandura. It combines the behavioural and cognitive perspectives into an approach to personality that stresses the interaction of a thinking human with a social environment that grants learning experiences (p.467). It is proposed that an individuals thoughts and actions originate in the social world and there is the capacity for egotism regulation and to engage in active cognitive processes (Bandura, 1999).The humanistic or ph enomenological theories of personality view globe as innately good. Emphasis is placed on individual experiences, relationships and ways of understanding the world. Human nature includes a natural drive towards personal growth. We as humans have the ability to choose what we do regardless of environment and humans are pretty much conscious beings. We are not controlled by unconscious mind needs and conflicts (Engler, 2008). According to Rogers (1951) individuals possess the innate ability to know what is important to them, what is essential for a more fulfilling life. This is known as an Organismic Valuing Process. Myesha present this as she wanted to study Literatures in English, while her mother wanted her to follow in her stepfathers footsteps and study Law instead. Rogers would have stated at this point that Myesha went against her Organismic Valuing Process and conformed to her mothers wishes by studying Law.When significant others in an individuals world, ( in Myeshas case her parents), provide positive regard that is conditional, rather than unconditional, the individual introjects the desired values, making them ones own, thus they acquire conditions of worth (Engler, 2008). As a result, the self-importance concept becomes based on these standards of value, rather than on the organismic evaluation. According to Bandura (1978), while assessing an individuals look, there are three interactional processes to consider the person, the individuals behaviour and the environmental setting. These factors all operate as interlocking determinants of each other and it is largely through their actions that people produce the environmental conditions that require their behavior in a reciprocal fashion (Funder & Ozer, 2001, p.461) (see Appendix 1). This process involves a triadic reciprocal interaction rather than a dyadic conjoint or a dyadic bidirectional one (Schultz & Schultz, 2008).For congresswoman Myesha quickly realized that Law was not for her. She con sidered falling out of the University as she had gotten involved with a verbalize word gathering around this time. As a result, her stepfather threatened to stop supporting her if she dropped out and this placed a strain on family relationships. These are all factors of cause and effect, which are influencing each other. Bandura views Myesha as an agentic operator in her life. He would believe that she has the capability to intentionally make things happen by her actions and that she is not an onlooking host of internal mechanisms orchestrate by environmental events (Bandura, 2001, p.2). Individuals are sentient agents of experiences rather than simply undergoers of experience. The sensory motor and cerebral systems are tools people use to accomplish the tasks and goals that give content and direction in their lives (Harr & Gillet 1994).Carl Rogers also agrees to some degree with Bandura, in the popular opinion that the environment also affects us and the people in our environm ent determine what our behavior will be like (Pervin, Cervone & John, 2005). He also believes that her experience in the intercommunicate word group can have an impact on her personal growth and individual experiences. The belief is that Myeshas experiences are unique, and that her perception of the world is critical to understanding and achieving a particular behavior that would be identical to her congruous a self-actualized individual (Gladding, 2004 Engler, 2008). Social cognitive theory maintains that most human behaviour is self-regulated. Through cumulative direct and vicarious experience, people develop capital punishment standards that they use to evaluate their own behaviour. Almost constantly the person compares what he or she does in a situation with some performance standard (Schultz & Schultz, 2008).According to Bandura (1974), these standards are prescribed by socialization agents and parents who define the conduct worthy of reward. Responses from these individuals are either nix or positive based on the treasured levels. For example, if performance is achieved or exceeds the standards, an individuals parents whitethorn react in a positive manner towards the child. This child will experience intrinsic reinforcement. On the other hand if performance falls short of a standard, the person experiences intrinsic punishment, as a result of the negative reaction exhibited by ones parents, social agents or ones self (Hergenhan & Olson, 1999). Although Myesha seemed to be able to manage her performance in the Law programme, her decision not to attend her class initiation may be viewed as a form of intrinsic punishment.Bandura and Kupers (1964) for example, found that children, subject to models who set high performance standards, reinforced themselves only for superior performance, whereas children, exposed to models accepting minimal performance standards, reinforced themselves for minimal performance. It would be expected then that relevant peop le in a childs life, for instance parents, siblings and peers, would have a profound influence on the development of a childs performance standards. We see that Myeshas success as a straight A student throughout primary school transitioned to a declining performance upon entering secondary school. Additionally, we need to consider her family relationship as a contributing factor. At this time, her brother was considered the favourite by her mother and stepfather.Additionally, performance standards must be realistic. In other words, if they are too lenient, they will be too easily met, and little, if any, self-reinforcement will result from performing in conformance with them (Bandura 1974). If they are too stringent, one will experience frustration or worse. In Myeshas case, her stepfather threatened to withdraw financial support if she dropped out of the Law programme and this further caused their relationship to become strained. Her brothers attitude was negative and her mother b ecame depressed. Bandura (1986) says, In its more extreme forms, harsh standards for self-evaluation give rise to depressive reactions, chronic discouragement, feelings of worthlessness, and lack of purposefulness. According to Hergenhan and Olson (1999), Bandura observed among the mechanisms of personal agency, none is more central or pervasive than peoples beliefs about their capabilities to exercise control over events that affect their lives.Self-efficacy refers to what a person is actually capable of doing, that is, belief in ones capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations (Bandura, 1994). This is known as perceived self efficacy (Bandura, in press, p. 2). According to Pajares (1996), these beliefs of personal competence effect behaviour in several ways as they influence the choices individuals make and the courses of action they pursue (544). Individuals engage in tasks in which they feel competent and confident and avo id those in which they do not. This was exhibited by Myesha with her spoken word group becoming very popular on the local scene. At this point, according to Bandura, Myesha has a high self esteem and a high self efficacy, as she enjoys performing with her group (Pervin et al., 2005).In contrast, she considers dropping out of the Law programme, as it is something that she does not enjoy, but is still capable of doing. She knew the material for her presentation, but Myesha still skipped it. In doing so, she exhibited a high self esteem, because she knew the roleplay and yet at the same time, she possessed a low sense of self efficacy, as she was unable to achieve a high grade on the presentation as she found it difficult to think about it. Rogers (as cited in Barone, Hersen, Vincent & Hasselt, 2004) stated, an organism functions to maintain consistency among self perceptions and congruence between perceptions of the self and experiences.According to Lecky (as cited in Swann, Griffin, Predmore & Gaines, 1987), self conceptions are important for survival because they enable individuals to predict and control the nature of social reality. Thus individuals are therefore motivated to celebrate their self views which they do by thinking and behaving in ways that perpetuate their conceptions of self which was demonstrated by Myesha when she skipped the presentation (Swann, Griffin, Predmore & Gaines, 1987 ,p.881).Rogers states however that if Myesha continues to participate in the spoken word group she is more likely to achieve her ideal self in agreement with the result shown from Banduras High self efficacy (Friedman & Schustack, 2008). The humanistic or phenomenological, theories of personality suggest that she should have a positive and optimistic view of her behaviour and she should take life into her own hands and stop doing legal philosophy which is making her unhappy. She should continue being involved with her spoken word group which she is successful at. T hen being able to finance herself in the degree she wants to do as she is old enough to do so (Schultz & Schultz, 2008). According to Pervin et al. (2005), Bandura believes that social and economic conditions influence individuals beliefs about their ability to influence events (p.419).In the case study Myeshas emotional ties to her family along with her step father threatening to withdraw his financial support led her to continue with the Law programme. In contrast Rogers (as cited in Kahn & Rachman, 2000), views Myeshas decision to continue with the Law programme as a need for positive regard, which is acceptance, peace and financial support from her family. Myeshas decision is also an indication that the conditions of worth still exists. However based on Rogers conditional positive regard, she is bending herself out of shape to delight her family (Schultz & Schultz, 2008). Experiences in accordance with these conditions are perceived and symbolized accurately in awareness, while those that are not are denied and distorted into awareness, which may lead to incongruence between the self as perceived and the actual experience of the individual, also resulting in possible tension, confusion and maladaptive behaviour (Pervin, Cervone & John, 2005).These said experiences can be perceived as threatening by an organism without conscious awareness, utilizing a process known as subception, which is a form of discrimination without awareness that can result in anxiety. This was displayed when Myesha thrashed in bed, sweating and her heart pounding the night before she was to do the presentation (Barone et al., 2004). Carl Roger proposed that Myesha is living in the here and now as she is involved with the spoken word group which she enjoys. This is what he calls existential living, which is on the basis that the present is the only reality that one has.Social cognitive theory disagrees with this notion in that a primary determinant in an individuals actions and emoti ons is in ones expectations about the future (Pervin et al., 2005, p. 425). Organisms possess expectancies regarding topics such as behaviour of others, the rewards or punishments that may follow a certain type of behaviour, or an indviduals ability to handle stress and challenges. It is this system of thoughts about the future that constitutes the persons expectations. In the case of Myesha, she felt an immediate sense of relief when she played truant and did not take part in the presentation, she also felt guilty and in a bad way(p) over the consequences of her failure (Pervin et al., 2005).Recommended Instruments to assess Myeshas personality When one speaks of personality assignment in psychology, activities include the diagnosis of mental illness, prediction of behaviour, footstepment of unconscious processes and quantification of interpersonal styles and tendencies. Although all of these descriptions may be true for different clinicians working with various client groups, th is listing may not accurately capture the to the full range of modern personality sagaciousness. Personality perspicacity therefore is a complex clinical enterprise where the tools of assessment are used in project with data from referring providers, such as, clients, families, schools, courts and other influential sources ().In order to assess Myeshas personality, we should briefly look at her perceived self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is defined as a persons beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. Self-efficacy beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave. Such beliefs produce these diverse effects through four major processes (Betz, Klein & Taylor, 1996). They include cognitive, motivational, affective and selection processes. We see that Myeshas struggle to choose a career, has affect on her self-efficacy. Therefore, it is suggested that we measure her p ersonality using the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE). The CDMSE is a hygienic-developed construct. Hackett and Betz (1981), were the first to apply Banduras (1977) propositions about self-efficacy to career behaviour in a germinal study of womens career development.They demonstrated that career decisions, achievements and adjustment behaviours were subject to the influence of self-efficacy beliefs in both men and women. Taylor and Betz (1983) developed the Career Decision-making Self-efficacy (CDMSE) scale to measure these self-efficacy expectations, in terms of goal selection, occupational information, problem solving, planning, and self-appraisal. In the process, Taylor and Betz demonstrated that participants with lower levels of efficacy for decision-making were also more undecided. Another instrument that will be used to assess Myeshas personality is the Q-Sort. The Q-Sort is a technique used by humanistic theorists such as Carl Rogers, to measure the self concept of an individual (Hergenhan and Olson, 1999). The Q-Sort assessment was developed by Stephenson (1953).This assessment was used to jock individuals to differentiate between the ideal self and the concepts of the self, since human beings struggle with the concepts of who they really are as Myesha exhibited in the case study (Barone, Hersen,Vincent & Hasselt, 2004). The Q-Sort consists of a deck of 100 cards, each containing fairly specific characteristic statements within an individuals personality such as detail oriented or high self-esteem(see Appendix 2). Since the individual chooses the cards this enables the psychologists conducting the assessment to have some control in the results of the assessment and to find the origin of Myeshas behaviour, also defining what they want to know. The goal of this assessment is to determine where a person is at, relative to these qualities, at the beginning of preaching and then to re-assess at various intervals and at the end to determine prog ress (Engler, 2008).As the name indicates, Myesha will have to sort the cards in accordance to what she believes are her characteristics and place them in categories. This will enable Myesha and the tester to be able to see the differences and discrepancies between the real and ideal self as well as examine and highlight the level of self esteem. Meyshas real self will reflect immediate circumstances, experiences and self characterization, while her ideal self should enable her to relate to the future by setting goals to which she would aspire, rather than goals that others want her to obtain.This technique is often best used on students. Myesha is a student and this assessment will indicate how empathy, conditional positive regard and genuineness have played a role in her personal growth. This will enable the psychologists to help her to come to some realization of who she is and how to work towards who she needs to be. These two instruments will allow Myesha to have an understandi ng of who she is and this should also enable her to successfully cope with, or eliminate, her anxiety as she strives towards her future goals.ReferencesBandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy, Encyclopedia of human behavior. Academic Press, 4,77-81Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action A social cognitive theory. New Jersey Prentice-Hall.Bandura, A., & Kupers, C. J. (1964). contagious disease of patterns of self-reinforcement through modelling. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69, 1-9 Bandura, A (1999). A social cognitive theory of personality. Retrieved on 12th Feb 2010 http//, A. (2001) Social Cognitive Theory An Agentic Perspective. yearly Review of Psychology. 52, 1-26.Bandura, A. (in press). Self-efficacy The exercise of control. New York Freeman. Bandura, A. (1974). The case of the Mistaken Dependent Variable. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 83 (3), 301-303.Bandura, A. (1978). The Self System in Reciprocal Determinism. Americanpsychological Association, 33 (4), 344 358. Barone,F. D., Hersen,V., B, V., & Hasselt, V.( 2004). Advanced Personality (1st Ed). Springer. Betz, N., & Hackett, G. (1981). The relationship of career-related self-efficacy expectations to perceived career options in college women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28, 399-410. Betz, N. E., Klein, K., Taylor, K. M. (1996). Evaluation of a short form of the Career Decision- devising Self-Efficacy scale. Journal of Career Assessment, 4, 47-57. Carver,C.S and Scheier,M.F. (2000).Perspectives on personality (4th Ed.)Allyn and Bacon. Engler, B. (2008). Personality Theories (8th Ed). Wadsworth Publishing. Friedman, S. H., & Schustack, W. M. (2008). Personality Classic Theories and Modern Research (4th Ed). Allyn & Bacon.Funder , C. D., & Ozer, J. D. (2001). Pieces of The Personality Puzzle (2nd Ed). Norton andCompany Inc.Gladding, T. S, (2000). Counseling A omnibus(prenominal) profession (4th Ed). Prentice Hal l, Inc. Harr, R., & Gillet, G. (1994). The discursive mind. Thousand Oaks, Calif. Sage. Hergenhan, B.R., Olson, M. H. (1999). An introduction to theories of personality. 5th ed. New Jersey Prentice Hall.Pajares, F. (1996). Self efficacy beliefs in academic settings. Review of educational Research, 66 (4), 543-578.Passer, W. M., & Smith, E. R. (2007). Psychology The Science of Mind and Behavior (3rd Ed). McGraw Hill.Pervin, A. L., Cervone, D., & john, P.O. (2005). Personality Theory and Research (Eds). John Wiley.Rathus, A.S. (2004). Psychology Concepts and Connections. New York Thomson Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client-centered therapy Its current practice, implications,and theory.Boston Houghton MifflinSchultz, P. D., & Schultz, E. S. (2008). Theories of Persoanlity (9th Ed). Wadworth Publishing. Swann, B. W.,Griffin, J. J., Predmore, C. C., & Gaines, B. (1987). The cognitive affect crossfire When self-consistency confronts self-enhancement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Taylor, K., & Betz, N. (1983). Applications of self efficacy theory to understanding the treatment of career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 22, 63-81.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The word grotesque is an oxymoron in itself. It means beautiful ugly. How a individual can have both of these adjectives is the theme of Winesburg, Ohio written by Sherwood Anderson. His characters become grotesque by holding onto one fair play that make them distorted hardly unknowingly make them beautiful simultaneously. Anderson uses the motif of closing off on Seth Richmond, the Stranger and Tandy to develop their grotesqueness by making the characters isolation be the actor why they hold onto one righteousness causing their grotesqueness.On the other hand, the author ses biblical allusion to help clarify the fairness Jesse Bentley lives by that causes his grotesqueness. Anderson uses the motif of isolation in order to enhance the grotesqueness of Seth Richmond, as the characters self-imposed isolation causes his grotesqueness. Seth Richmond grows up with his mother, Virginia Richmond who does not know how to discipline him and a deceased father. Seth sole(prenominal) star es at his mother apathetically when she scolds him that causes his mother to withdraw from her displeasure.Seth also scarcely shows indifference in things other boys engage in and finds him different rom others, since he does not feel the same emotions people would usually feel. Hence, he holds onto the rectitude that he does not belong in the townspeople and he wishes that he himself be stir by something (133). Seths self-imposed isolation is what causes his grotesqueness. He thinks Just because he doesnt have the same interest as the others and is not stirred by something makes him an outcast and unlike. When in incident, the people of Winesburg admire him because he comes off as a passionate and mature man.Nevertheless, Seth does not acknowledge the peoples houghts because he lives by his truth that he does not fit in Winesburg because he is indifferent almost things the people our engaged in. For this reason, he is distorted and grotesque for conceive one truth and not acc epting the others truths. Later, Seth fancies a girl named Helen but with him imposing that he does not belong in the town and wants to leave, he soon drives away Helen and begins to think that the reason of her departure is because of his truth that he is an outcast.When in reality, Helen departs to avoid further sentiment because Seth tells her that it was their last ime theyll see distributively other. Nonetheless, He continues to say, when it comes to loving someone, it wont never be him. Itll be someone who talks a lot someone like that George Willard (142). Seth continues to hold onto his truth and imposes that he needs be isolated further more from the town and needs to leave Winesburg. This eventually drives Helen away, but Seth believes it is because of his social skills.Hence, he becomes greedy of George Willard and wants to be like him because he thinks that if he were George, Helen would not have left him. However, George Willard is not that social either, Seth assume s he is a social butterfly because he is a reporter but as a matter of fact he only listens well. Seth is grotesque because he believes in a truth that is not absolute. He believes that Helen left him because he is not as social as George Willard, when it is not the case. He is grotesque tor believing a truth about George Willard that is not true.The author also uses the motif of isolation to develop the grotesqueness of the Stranger and Tandy, as the characters isolation causes them to hold onto one truth aking them grotesque. Tandy Hard lives only with her father, Tom Hard because her mother is dead. Tom Hard spends most of his time being an atheist, wrecking the ideas and belief that matinee idol exists causing his daughter to be neglected. not having eachone to stir her and guide her, she becomes lost and continues to live without an identity, as implied by the author when he does not mention her real name until she the grotesque names her Tandy.The stranger comes to Winesbu rg, Ohio in order to cure his alcohol addiction and addiction to an image of a lover. He claims that his over is named Tandy who has the quality of being strong to be loved, and the only reason he is not with her is because she did not come in his time (145). As a result of the stranger being lone and isolated for not having a lover, he holds onto the truth that his lover is named Tandy and she was not born in his time for the stranger does not find her yet.His reasoning makes him distorted because he continues to believe the truth that on that point is a Tandy that was not born at his time and not acknowledge the truth that there might not be any Tandy at all. In addition, his isolation also makes im grotesque because it makes him live by the truth that his lover is someone like Tandy and does not acknowledge the truth that there are other women out there that can be his potential lovers without necessarily having the same quality as Tandy.Nonetheless, the stranger imposes on the daughter that she should be Tandy and she should be strong and brave in order to beloved. Consequently, the daughter not having an identity starts to incline on the idea of Tandy. When her father calls her, she retaliates and says, she wants to be called Tandy Tandy Hard (146). after he daughters statement demanding she wants to be called Tandy, it is implied that she will continue to live as Tandy. For that reason, the daughter is grotesque for not accepting that she can have her own truth to live by and not Just the truth of the stranger.However, the only reason she holds onto the strangers truth is because she does not acquire her own identity from the isolation and lack of nurture she procures from her father. Therefore, her isolation because of the lack of guidance from her father causes her to live by another persons truth distorting her and making her rotesque. Anderson uses biblical allusion to help clear up the truth Jesse Bentley lives by creating his grotesqueness. Jess e Bentley inherits a colossal amount of land from his dead father and brothers.Before inheriting the land Jesse Bentley canvass to be a minister, so returning home he is filled with religious thoughts. Hence, he begins to think that his farm is an empire of God and thinks that his lands need to be protected from the hands of the Philistines (73). As a man who studied to be a minister, it is understandable to return with the words of God. However, Jesse Bentley ssociating his breeding to the Bible and calling his neighbors Philistines is Just absurd and twisted.He lives by the truth that his life is parallel with Jesses life from the Bible, and even goes to the extent of calling his neighbors Philistines implying that they are enemies. For this reason, Jesse Bentley is grotesque because he lives by the truth that his neighbors are Philistines like in the Bible, causing his distortion and grotesqueness because his truth is not really true. As I said before, Jesse Bentley commences t o equate his life to the Jesse of the Old Testament. The Jesse from the Old Testament is known as Christs key ancestor.As a result, Bentley prays to God that his wife conceives a son that can be named David in order for the lineage to start. However, his wife conceives a girl, Louise that gives birth to a son named David. Jesse Bentley then starts to get obsessive about contacting God by his grandson David. He thinks that through David they will see the beauty and glory of God (100), so he brings a sheep to give up and uses David as a host in the forest. Jesse Bentley holds onto the truth that he can be a significant person like the Jesse from the Old Testament through his grandson.He strongly believes that his life is parallel to the life of the Bibles Jesse when it is not the case. In addition, the fact that he still tries to equate his life into the bible when theres a generation jailbreak and the story that he is reenacting is Abraham and Isaac and not Jesse and David shows t hat he is so desperate to communicate with God and feel significant that it makes him distorted and grotesque. Furthermore, because Jesse Bentley is blinded by his want to be significant and the truth that he can communicate with God, he does not accept the ruth that God may not exist making him grotesque.In conclusion, the characters isolation leads them to live by one truth that enhances their grotesqueness. Additionally, the author uses biblical allusion to explain and clarify the truths the characters hold onto that makes them grotesque. In some way, the characters or in general peoples grotesqueness can be seen as beautiful. Peoples faith in a certain truth can be considered beautiful and no matter how distorted it makes them seem, its the fact that people stand on their ground and fght for what they believe in, makes them admirable.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Computer Ethic and Privacy
Computers and the world of information technology are advancing quickly in this generation. Moor in his 1985 article What is Computer Ethics? stated that, Computers hand over us with new capabilities and these in turn give us new choices for action. Hence, arguments about privacy and morals in data processor technology arise. With the bear on computers there was concern right away that computers would be used inappropriately to the detriment of society(Herold, 2006). I believe that the uncorrupted is outweighing the bad when it comes to computers.I overly believe there is a degree of user Alana Northrop states in her paper that, Computerized search systems fetch been one of the most widely deployed management science technologies in the fight against crime(1993). Police officers use computers in their cars now. The computers gives them access to information on citizens and also has the ability to give them directions to where they want to go. Everybody benefits from the use o f GPS. At well-nigh point everyone has used Google Maps and perhaps even Google Street View to find an address.But is Street View seen as an invasion of privacy? Or is it just other stride in computer and information advancement? I believe the way people use computers and information play a big component in the social benefits. People and corporations alike use computers and information as a tool for more information or for leverage. What users do not a great deal understand is that they also have a responsibility to consider the ramifications of their actions and to behave accordingly(Herold, 2006).Software piracy and plagiarism are examples of what happens when computer users decide to ignore ethics and use the computer and information for their own mortalal gains and/or pleasure. Hackers believe that its acceptable to do anything with a computer as long as the purpose is to learn. This utilitarian way of thinking, that anything is ok as long as it is for the greater good (B eauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2009), contributes to harming the social good. Hacking, piracy, plagiarism these are the things happen because of how a person decided to use information.The information in and of itself is not harming the social good. That being said the benefits of computers and the information they gather and store will always outweigh the harming of the social good. If you look at how far mankind has come with the help of computers and information technology, you will find evidence of this. Hospital records and now easier to access and store. Credit reports no longer takes weeks to obtain. We could go on and on with examples of how computers benefit society. Im not sure that there is a way to effectively embrace computers sequence preventing the harm of the social good.With good things come the bad. We just need to accept that. Laws and regulations are in place to help minimize damage to the social good but even those have their limits. It really leans heavily on the mo ral character of the people that live in todays world. Yes, without computers we wouldnt have these issues. But we do have them and they mostly make our lives easier and simpler and I would say the trade-off is fair. References Beauchamp, T. L. , Bowie, N. , & Arnold, D. (2009). Ethical Theory and Business, (8th ed. ).Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson/Prentice Hall. Herold, R. (2006). Introduction to computer ethics. Retrieved from http//www. infosectoday. com/Articles/Intro_Computer_Ethics. htm Moor, J. (1985). What is computer ethics?. Metaphilosophy, 16(4), 266. Northrup, A. (1993). Police use of computers. Informally published manuscript, Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations, University of California- Irvine, Irvine, California. , Available from Escholarship. org. (qt71x0h7hb)Retrieved from http//escholarship. org/uc/item/71x0h7hb
Monday, May 20, 2019
A Study Of Nanofiber Technology Environmental Sciences Essay
The common acknowledgment to nanotechnology is engineering to bring forth something with the characteristic by commanding the ingredient and molecule in the graduated table from 1nm to 100nm to alter the construction and agreement of the affectionateness. and so, Nano character references atomic number 18 define as fibre with diameter more than 100nm. Nanofibers atomic number 18 produced by Electro rotate and interfacial polymerisation. The most back up stuff with nanofiber morphology are Ti dioxideA ( TiO2 ) , A Si dioxideA ( SiO2 ) , Zr dioxide ( ZrO2 ) , A aluminium oxideA ( Al2O3 ) , A Li titanate ( Li4Ti5O12 ) , A Ti nitrideA ( TiN ) orA platinumA ( Pt ) . Electrospinning is a office uses an electrical charge to institutionalise really all right fibres from a liquid. Electrospinning portions the feature of both electrospraying and conventional solution dry spinning of fibres. The advantages is that Electrospinning procedure does nt necessitate the usage of curdling chem ical science or gritty temperature to bring forth. thitherfore the procedure is suited for harvestingion of fibres utilizing big and complex molecules. Nanofiber stopnister be used in some Fieldss such as filtration, such as HVAC governing body dawns, HEPA, ULPA High efficient filters, Air, oil, enkindle filters for automotive, Filters for drink, pharmaceutics and medical exam applications. Furthermore, nanofiber can utilize in making fabric for fabric. For illustration, athletics dresss, athletics places, outerwear and numerous more.hypertext channelize protocol // in game efficacy filtration applicationNanofibers presents had been introduced into a new degree of domain foundation that is is the billet filtration. Due to the feature of nanofiber holding the thickness equal to merely several nanofiber diameters and was laid on a hempen subst set out that to boot serves as a safety filter. The tenuity of the nan ofiber bed mate with fiber denseness considerable increase the fractional efficiency of the filter media with no important ostracize impact on permeableness to wrinkle flow. These grapheme of constellation met the demand to bring forth high efficiency filtration.Common advantages of nanofibers in air filtrationThere are two primary map for polymeric nanofiber webs usage in filtration application. The advantage of nanofiber in air filtration is that it heighten the efficiency of the base stuff, making a composite media with good handling belongingss and good efficiency for many in dissipaterial and engine-related application. Furthermore, nanofiber is more thin in comparing with other method that is done the application of charged meltdown fibre.The 2nd advantage is that, polymeric nanofibre webs improve the surface lading behaviour of typical filtration stuff. When the filtration is utilizing other method, when trim down base on balls, the crotchety affair become profoundly e mbedded in the hempen construction, finally it will forestall the air flow. But when polymeric nanofiber web is applied to the upstream side of the filter medium, the particulate affair is caught at the surface of the nanofiber web. The grounds why nanofiber web is better is because that the surface lading behavior allows the filter to be cleanable by standard mechanism like back forcing or agitating.Solidity and nanofibers in air filtrationIn nanometer scope of nanofiber, the consequence of faux pas flow at the fibre surface has to be happen uponn into accouint. Due to the faux pas at the fibre surface, the draw disembowel on a fiber is smaller than in the instance of non-slip flow which turn into lower force per building block expanse bead. In the other manus, the faux pas flow makes the part of the air fluxing near the fibre surface larger than that in the instance of non-slip flow, which translates into more atoms going near the fibre. This cause in higher diffusion interc eption and inertial encroachment efficenceies.The function of solidness is complicate, as it affects both force per unit area bead and efficiency in the same way.When solidness addition, drag per unit length of fibre besides addition. Diffusion and interception is taken into score for high efficiency as they are the dominant mechanisms near the most acute atom size. We can state that, withing the locality of the most acute atom size, the figure of MERIT below show that decreased with increased of solidnessThe figure of MERIT show that different solidnesss for nanofibre media at 10.5fpmDust Collector ApplicationsRecently, stud aggregator had been introduce to the nanofiber engineering to pin down more dust on the surface of the filter than the conventional trade good types of filter media such as depth-loading mobile phoneulose, polyester or cellulose/polyester blendThe procedure of the dust aggregator can be describe on the figure belowThe dust aggregator mag filter play the o f import function of the filtration.There are may type of cartridge available. There are Ultra-Web merchandise from the Donaldson where it supply alone filtration efficiency. The advanced surface filtration engineering ensures longest life and lowest operation force per unit area bead in scope of cartridges. It is a high public presentation option to commodity-type pleated cellulose or cellulose/ synthetic substance blended media that captures submicron dust atoms on the surface of the media.Nanofiber is a cellulose/synthetic composite media that forms a web-like cyberspace of really all right fibres 0.2 to 0.3 micrometers in diameter. Cellulose and intermix media have fibres at least 10 micrometer in diameter and big pores in the midst of fibres ( up to 60 micrometer ) that allow dust to perforate deep into the media, rapidly stop uping and cut downing filter life. terminationAlthough there are differing sentiments among the experts on the topic sing the planetary supply of oil, even the most pollyannaish of them predict that the planetary doing of conventional oil is likely to top out sometime between 2010 and 2020 10 . If we are to be prepared for this inevitableness we must speed up our acceptance of tack on enkindles so we are at least prepared to run into the challenge when it arises. With its ubiquitousness in the existence and on our planet and its assertable as one of the cleanest and most efficient fuel beginnings available to us, H is the obvious pick as our following basic beginning of energy, and the fuel cell is the obvious substitution for the internal burning engine.In order to show in this new epoch of energy, many obstructions must be overcome and many new technological progresss must be developed into feasible solutions. unity such application that has been present to hold immense potency in this way is that of C nanofibers as a H fund medium for fuel cells, peculiarly in the transit sector. There is until now a long vogue to travel and much work to be done, but in this generator s sentiment it is clip to get down the belowtaking of turning the positive consequences born of look into the feasible solutions born of technology.Beside that, nanofiber engineering besides contribute in the air filtration. The importance of this is because filtration can do the air cleaner prevent the air from polluted. The nanofiber with the characteristic with the diameter that are less than 1000nm successfully break the particulate affair on the surface of the nanofiber web.It believes that, with the farther researching on nanofiber, many advantages and use will be discovered in the hereafter.Hydrogen Storage Medium for Fuel Cell with Carbon Nanofibers in transportation constitution SectorIntroduction to the H as fuel cellNowadays, as the planetary issues has become a serious fact to human being, as high outlook to a renewable, environment-friendly and carbon-zero emanation energy beginnings, H have became the best f uture new energy beginning.The benefit of utilizing the HIllimitable measures as body of water screen more than 70 % of the EarthThe burning of H merely produces H2O and heat as byproductTherefore H is really suited to be used for vehicle power beginning. Although H can be generated on-board a vehicle by reforming methyl alcohol or other type of hydro-carbons, but a better manner, that is store pure H on-board the vehicle without any reformation procedure required.The challenge of utilizing H fuel cell in automotive applicationThe H memory system should be safeThe H storage system should be light and do non act upon the efficiency of the system by its weight.There are several methods to stash away away the HCompressed H gasLiquid HGas-on-solid physical surface assimilationWe can phrase the efficiency by wt % , which mean the ratio of stored H weight to the entire storage system weight of a vehicle.The press H methodDisadvantage in safetydue to the involved of force per unit area to compact the H.Suffer to the permeableness and embrittlement ( doing it brickle ) of the metal armored flake vehicle due to high force per unit area.These method merely can accomplish 2wt % with conventional storage armored competitiveness vehicle and 5wt % utilizing expensive C fiber-wrapped polymer armored combat vehicles.Liquid HSafer to compact storage system due to low force per unit area demandDisadvantagesin possible loss through vaporizationRequire energy and insularity to maintain the H in liquid province simply achieve 3wt % .Gas-on-solid surface assimilationInvestigated with C nanostructures ( C nanofibers )A procedure which a gaseous substance condenses on the free surfaces of a solidThe procedure merely affect weak molecular force ( Eg Van der Waals force ) , the input energy is minimized.Gas-on-solid surface assimilation can accomplish upwards of 15wt % and more.How the Fuels Cells involvement?The cell consists of an anode and cathode, and electrolyte in between to let positive ions to go through through.The H fuel is provide to anode and the atmospheric O is fed to the cathode. When activated by accelerator ( Pt on the cathode ) , the H atom separate into negatron and protons.The negatrons take a way through an electrical circuit and burden, while the protons take a way through the electrolyte. When the negatrons and protons run into once more at the cathode, they recombine along with the O atoms to bring forth H2O and heat.This procedure required changeless supply of H and hence, the H should hive away in a safe and efficiency manner.Carbon NanofibersCarbon nanofibers consist of spiral like fibres made up of really little graphite sheets thatare stacked in specific constellations and confused by distances of 0.335 0.342 nanometer. Hydrogen has a kinetic diameter of 0.289 nanometers, which is somewhat smaller than the 0.335 0.342 nm interlayer spacing in C nanofibers.To fix the C nanofibers for H surface assimilation, C nanofibers are placed in a vas and exposed to hydrogen under force per unit areas of 120-130 standard pressure at agency temperature, the H slips between the graphite sheets of the C nanofibers and adsorbs to surface of the C beds.During the procedure, drosss metal and chemisorbed gases are carefully removed.The plot above represent the H adsorbing between the graphite sheets of C nanofiber.A H lattice parametric meter of 0.35 nanometer has been observed following the broadening ofthe interlayer spacing of the C nanofibers and formation of subsequent beds ofH. Since this bar is smaller than the mensural majority hexagonal stopping pointjammed lattice parametric quantity of 0.376 nanometers for H, it has been proposed that the uniqueconstruction of the C nanofibers suppresses the mobility of the H and causes it to follow an remarkably extremely jammed province, which does much to explicate the high storage degrees that have been systematically measured.Upon controlled release of the force per u nit area, the H desorbs from the Cnanofibers and is released as molecular H gas. While the rate of surface assimilation iscomparatively slow, on the order of hours, adequately fast desorption rates of 57 mlA?/min have been reproducibly demonstrated. Analysis of the discharged gas indicates that H is so the lone constituent nowadays and therefore that there are no inauspicious reactions misadventure between the C nanofibers or any drosss and the H throughout the procedure.It should be noted that in finding the adsorptive capacity of the nanofibers it was discovered that non all of the adsorbed H is released in the desorption procedure at room temperature under atmospheric conditions. This fraction of strongly held H that is retained has been attributed to a comparatively little sum of chemisorption occurring, and has been confirmed through high temperature experiments on dismissed C nanofibers utilizing N and a thermic conduction sensor.The C Nanofiber Hydrogen Fuel TankThe princi ple application of a C nanofiber H storage medium is in a fuel armored combat vehicle for an incorporate on-board fuel cell system with a polymer electrolyte membrane ( PEM ) fuel cell stack at its nucleus and a H supply stored as adsorbed H in a pressurized armored combat vehicle incorporating C nanofibers. The PEM fuel cell is ideal for automotive applications because it operates at comparatively low temperatures and can change its end product to run into changing power demands.In this system, the H storage armored combat vehicle consists of a steel or composite armored combat vehicle orcase shot change with vapor adult C nanofibers with adsorbed H nowadays. Thefresh armored combat vehicle is kept pressurized at about 100-120 standard pressure to keep the adsorbed province of the H. The armored combat vehicle is connected to the fuel cell via a regulated force per unit area nose assembly controlled by the onboard deliberation machine that monitors the system. As the fuel cell de mands hydrogen through the normal operation of the vehicle, the force per unit area in the fuel armored combat vehicle is decreased and gaseous H is released through the nose assembly and directed to the fuel cell cathode for contact action and subsequent current coevals. The rate of release is variable harmonizing to energy demands and can change from zero to the maximal desorption rate available from the C nanofibers via incremental depressurize.Based on these computations ensuing in peculiarly light fuel armored combat vehicles full of H adsorbed on C nanofibers, and the fact that the surface assimilation procedure is much pokey than the desorption procedure, it is suggested that the construct of replenishing the vehicle at a service. In this mode, the long surface assimilation times are relegated to the provider of the fuel and non to the consumer. Additionally, any wear or dislocation of the C nanofibers that may happen can be monitored and those units that have deteriorated b eyond utility can be recycled.DecisionAlthough there are differing sentiments among the experts on the topic sing the planetary supply of oil, even the most optimistic of them predict that the planetary production of conventional oil is likely to top out sometime between 2010 and 2020 10 . If we are to be prepared for this inevitableness we must speed up our acceptance of alternate fuels so we are at least prepared to run into the challenge when it arises. With its ubiquitousness in the existence and on our planet and its possible as one of the cleanest and most efficient fuel beginnings available to us, H is the obvious pick as our following basic beginning of energy, and the fuel cell is the obvious replacing for the internal burning engine.In order to show in this new epoch of energy, many obstructions must be overcome and many new technological progresss must be developed into feasible solutions. One such application that has been demonstrated to hold immense potency in this w ay is that of C nanofibers as a H storage medium for fuel cells, peculiarly in the transit sector. There is still a long manner to travel and much work to be done, but in this writer s sentiment it is clip to get down the undertaking of turning the positive consequences born of research into the feasible solutions born of technology.
Determinants of Dividend Policy of Cement Industy of Pakistan
investigate PROPOSAL DETERMINANTS OF DIVIDEND POLICY OF CEMENT INDUSTY OF PAKISTAN Submitted To Dr. Ahmed Faisal Imtiaz Siddiqi Submitted By Muhammad Waqar Akram ID 12002096-010 Programme MS-Finance Batch-02 INTRODUCTION Dividend Policy refers to the explicit or unverbalised decision of the Board of Directors regarding the amount of residual earnings (past or present) that should be distri onlyed to the ploughsh arholders of the corporation This decision is considered a financing decision because the profits of the corporation are an important source of financing available to the soaked.Dividend constitution is a one of the most debated elucidateics and a core theory of corporate finance which still keeps its heavy(p) place. Many researchers presented various theories and uncountable empirical evidences, but the issue is still capable and open for further discussion. It is among top ten unresolved problems in the finance literature and we have not an adequate explanation fo r the observe dividend behavior of the firms There are several(prenominal) reasons whether firms should pay dividends or not. The dividend find why firms pay dividends and transport holders pay aid to dividends and still unresolved.Many hypotheses have been drawn to shed some light on this puzzle but the problem still exists. Normally a firm faces the problem of allocation of earnings, whether to diffuse among shareholders or retaining for re investing and promote the firm growth. Retained earnings are a main internal source of financing, but higher retained earning mean fewer dividends and vice versa. The cement arena is a prominent sector of Pakistan and works as an engine of economic growth in the economy. It provides employment to a large tote up of people (directly & indirectly). cement production capacity in Pakistan is 44 million tons annually while local anaesthetic demand is only 24 million tons, leaving a surplus of 20 million tons. Cement manufactured in Pakistan is being exported to Afghanistan and Central Asian States below personify. During FY-11 cement industry exported over 4 million tons to these markets and the industry is optimistic that exports to Afghanistan and Central Asian States shall increase further since these countries are inland and Pakistan is the only country which is able to supply cement at competitive rates.So, it is important to find the operators that recover and affecting the dividend payout policy of this sector. LITERTURE REVIEW Over the past 50 years a great attention was given to determine the factors influencing dividend payout policy. A vast literature is available in this regard, however, the puzzle is still unresolved and open for further discussion. wherefore do firms pay dividends? further he raises a second question, Why do investors pay attention to dividends? although, the answers may appear clear, (Black 1998)but Black concludes that they are not.As we try to explain the fact, the much it seem s like a puzzle, with pieces that just do not fit together. Various factors can be considered as the determinants of dividend payout policy and a number of logics for dividend payout policy have been declared in the literature, however, the researchers are not concur on a single point. In developed economies, the decision whether stipendiary dividends or keep as retained earnings has been taken very carefully by both investors and the management of the firm. (Adaoglu 2000) By remunerative a sufficient amount of dividend firms can prevent from the agency problem.The dividend payouts are helpful to keep firms in the market, where monitoring of managers is available at low cost. The managers make financial policy trade-offs to control agency cost in an effective way(Amidu and Abor 2006) A free cash flow is helpful for a firm to share it with stockholders as dividends and pay the debt in order to reduce the possibility of these funds being wasted on unprofitable projects(Pettit 1972) unwaveringlys coronation policies have a significant impact on its dividend payout policy the firms with less investment plans has greater amount to distribute as dividends.Due to the higher investment opportunities firms deprive from higher dividends to lower. So the investment opportunities has a negative blood to the dividend payouts(Farinha 2003) Another factor affecting the dividend policy is the ownership of firm country owned firms follow a smooth dividend pattern as equalize to family owned firms. The family owned firms are uneager to pay dividends, whereas the state owned firms are more reluctant to diminish the dividend amount.The insider ownership also play a significant role in dividend policy(Imran 1997 Okpara 2010) The dividend policy is quite different in emergent markets as compare to developed economies, and seems to be affected by a number of factors(Al-Kuwari 2009) Due to several reasons like taxes pay procedure, stock market volatility and certain asymmet ryinformation the dividend payout pattern is different in emerge markets as compare to developed nations.Another reason is that in emerging markets the firms focus on dividend payout ratios as compare to the level of dividends paid(Al-Kuwari 2009 Terra 2011) Higher the earnings of a firm, greater the size and firms with foreign ownership prefer to distribute a higher and constant amount in dividend payouts according to their earnings and size(Eriotis 2011) The liquifiedity of the firm leaves a negative impact on the firms dividend payout decision.The stock market liquidity and dividend are substitutes in the sight of investors, so the firms dividend policy is associated to the liquidity of its common stock. As a result firms with more liquid common stock, distribute less cash dividend(Amidu 2007) The more profitable firms are willing to distribute a higher amount of dividend payouts. The greater profitability not only positively affects the firms current dividend but dividend sta nd also. Whereas, the riskier firms distribute lower dividends and hence lower dividend yields.The firms which can easily fulfill their short term necessitate and want to improve their current payouts than last year are more willing to pay dividend(Fama and French 2002) OBJECTIVE Companies pays dividend smoothly on regular basis Dividend payout policy depend on size of firm Profitability(Net Profit) of company effect dividend policy Growing companies (Growth in sale) pays dividend on regular basis Investment opportunity (Retained earnings) effect the dividend policy Impact of liquidity (cash flows) on dividend policy Impact of leverage (Debt to Equity ratio) on dividend policyTHEORITICAL FRAM WORK DATA COLLECTION & PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Investigates the factors determine the dividend payout policy of Pakistani cement companies listed on KSE. The info employed is derived from Balance Sheet Analysis of KSE listed companies published by companies, covered the ten year stay 2001 to 2 010 of 26 companies. (companies depends upon availability of data) The nature of the data allows us the use regression analysis to build relationship between dividend payout policy and factors which influence dividend policy HYPOTHESISH1 Cement companies pays smooth or stable in paying dividend H2 Positive relationship of dividend payout and size(Total Assets) of company H3 Positive relationship between Profitability(Net Profit) of company & dividend payout H4 Positive relationship between growth(Growth in sale) and dividend payout H5 There is positive relationship between liquidity (Quick Ratio) & dividend payout. H6 There is negative relationship of leverage (Debt to Equity ratio) & dividend payments H7 There is negative relationship between Investment opportunity (retained earnings/total asset) and dividend payout point of accumulation Due to unavailability of all companies data listed on KSE to construct a balance panel and for selected metre period, the consume used data for twenty companies which represent more than 80 % of total cement industry. ?This study includes both types of firms (e. g. dividend paying and non paying firms). ?There are many determinants of dividend policy but only sestet determinates have been taken. References Adaoglu, C. (2000). Instability in the dividend policy of the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) corporations evidence from an emerging market. Emerging Markets brush up 1(3) 252-270. Al-Kuwari, D. (2009). Determinants of the dividend policy in emerging stock exchanges The case of GCC countries. Global Economy & Finance Journal 2(2) 38-63. Amidu, M. (2007). How does dividend policy affect performance of the firm on Ghana Tock exchange? Investment Management and Financial Innovations 4(2) 103-112. Amidu, M. and J. Abor (2006). Determinants of dividend payout ratios in Ghana. Journal of Risk Finance, The 7(2) 136-145. Black, F. (1998). The dividend puzzle. Streetwise the best of the Journal of portfolio management 10. Erio tis, N. (2011). The Effect Of Distributed Earnings And Size Of The Firm To Its Dividend Policy Some Greek Data. International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 4(1). Fama, E. F. and K. R. French (2002). interrogatory trade? off and pecking order predictions about dividends and debt. Review of financial studies 15(1) 1-33. Farinha, J. (2003). Dividend policy, corporate governance and the managerial intrenchment hypothesis an empirical analysis. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 30(9? 0) 1173-1209. Imran, K. (1997). Determinants of Dividend Payout Policy A Case of Pakistan engineer Sector. Romanian Economic Journal 14(41) 47-60. Okpara, G. C. (2010). Investigation of the critical sources of investment finance in Nigeria a factor analytical approach. Pettit, R. R. (1972). Dividend announcements, security performance, and capital market efficiency. The Journal of Finance 27(5) 993-1007. Terra, P. R. S. (2011). Determinants of corporate debt maturity in Latin A merica. European Business Review 23(1) 45-70.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Notes For Religion Exam
Theory essay and seltzer culture essay. Underline and circle key terms Islam, Post cool, psychoanalytical theory Chinese, Islam, indigenous, Hinduism, Janis, Buddhism 6 hire questions Chinese Religion Question 3 -? How would you characterize Confucianism treatment of women? Women had a critical, albeit indirect and informal fictional character to play in government. Stores told illustrate the influence that a woman could exercise through intelligence and wisdom.Their usage is important but lesser than the man. Bed ritual Islam Religion Question 3 What is the Curran? How is it understood in the Muslim tradition? The Curran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years. The angel Gabriel appe ared to him and gave him the verses that became the Curran. It is the word of matinee idol and is not translated, but always read in Arabic. Indigenous Religion Question 3 -? some(prenominal) indigenous religions rent understood religious power in gendered terms.How are these gender divisions reflected n the traditions you have read about in this chapter? Women are generally higher than men in indigenous religions. In Melanesia, men are very suspicious of women and perform odd rituals in order to have catamenial equality. Hinduism Religion Question 3 What role do sacred texts play in Hinduism? They play a significant role in the religion. The Veda is the most authoritative text. Many of the ideas in this book helped establish Hinduism. The Veda is not kept in homes and its ideas are handed down from enervation to generation.Janis Religion Question 3 -? What are the main reasons believed to be responsible for the Asseverate and Digamma splitting? Occurred after the death of Mayfair Discrepancy over stern practice, women, and nature of the Jinn Separation culture reform Buddhism Religion Question 3 What role if any do deities play in Buddhism? Do not play a major role Many deities in the religion that represent certain ideals, but Buddha preache d to let go of the idea of a God in order to achieve NirvanaCritical Race Theory Racialism (Belief in racial superiority), racism (Power relations that assume from segregation), Hegemony (white dominance of America), intra-racial racism (racism within black community, and Internalized racism.
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